YTSEJAM digest 3098

Date: Sun Oct 12 1997 - 00:19:04 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3097"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3098

    Today's Topics:

      1) DT no.2 in Italian charts!
     by Fabio Cavani <>
      2) FII Jap demo songs
     by Über Cabe <>
      3) Want some cheese with that whine?
     by Jeremy Kube <>
      4) K-Rock
     by Brian <>
      5) WDADU - difference between original and re-release
     by The Phoenix <>
      6) Miscellaneous fun
     by Kevin Madden <>
      7) Re: Musical Tastes and Schtuff
     by The Phoenix <>
      8) FII thoughts, introductions, and the YNM sample
     by "Ken McWatters" <>
      9) Re: Music Appreciation 101
     by CLARK ABEL <>
     10) Re: Abel and ready...
     by "Dale R. Newberry" <Dale.R.Newberry@MO.NET>
     11) Re: Music Appreciation 101
     by Cappy <mgjones@Mcs.Net>
     12) Falling into maturity
     by "Pedro Ordonez" <>
     13) **Would like to hear
     by VAIMAN <>
     14) question on "mature songs" on FII
     by Brandon Elhai <>
     15) Clark, Hippies, Abel to Rock, Cast
     by (Ernesto Schnack)
     16) Re: question on "mature songs" on FII
     by (Ernesto Schnack)
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3092
     by "Parker" <>


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 18:14:48 +0200
    From: Fabio Cavani <>
    Subject: DT no.2 in Italian charts!
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello everybody!

    Yesterday I was reading the music page on an Italian magazine, and my
    eyes fell on the "Foreign artists" chart. Well, guess what...
    FII was at number 2! I really couldn't believe it!
    I don't know in which way that chart is made, I just can tell you that
    the magazine is a very famous one.
    The notes under the name sound like "Pop-rock melancholy and virtuosisms
    in the unmistakable style of the band".
    The only bad thing: it was spelled DrAm TheatRE!!!
    A friend of mine told me they were at No. 5 in a radio chart.
    Moreover, "Hollow years" is having some radio airplay even in commercial
    I've read that they will do a video for that song. It would be a good
    idea, because now they have nothing that can be shown on TV, and that
    makes SO strange the fact they're SO high in the charts...
    I didn't know Italian people had so good taste in music! :)



    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 11:40:19 -0700
    From: Über Cabe <>
    Subject: FII Jap demo songs
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to say that Speak To Me sounds a lot like U2. I mean
    everything especially JLBs voice. I don't know if is trying to do it,
    but to me it sounds like the whole song was written to be a "less is
    more" type of song. JM plays the mostly root notes, MP doesn't do
    anything flashy, JP guitar tone sounds similar to The Edge's. It's not
    your typical DT song, but it sounds pretty good. Oh yeah, I'm calling
    this song! In about a year's time you might get the complete bass tab of
    this song by me. :)

    The demo version of TAMP is going to have to grow on me because
    afterall...afterall...afterall...afterall...afterall... Doesn't that
    part annoy the hell out of ya? :)

    Über Cabe


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:20:01 -0400
    From: Jeremy Kube <>
    Subject: Want some cheese with that whine?
    Message-ID: <>

    What an aweful weekend so far... first, my girlfriend and I break up,
    nobody is around on friday night to hang out. Last night was the first
    night that I was stuck by myself in like 6 months. Thinking about the ex
    and being home alone can really seem to make you depressed. ahhhk.
       Now the good\bad news. My closest friends are home this weekend, all
    ytsejamers except for one, and I don't know what to do about him. He likes
    hippy stuff like rusted root and really doesn't dig Dream Theater, does
    anyone have any ideas as to what I can listen to that would be happy
    medium? This kind of bothers me because all of us are "set" in our music
    listening. Talk with you later, J


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:25:24 -0700
    From: Brian <>
    Subject: K-Rock
    Message-ID: <>

    If anyone knows the phone number of 92.3 K-Rock in New York, please let
    me know. They usually play alternative, but I turned the radio on 3
    times this week and spewn among the garbage I've heard Danzig's Mother,
    GNR's Don't Cry, and the new Ozzy twice. I think they're trying an
    experiment to see if people request this stuff when they play it. Hey,
    who knows? Now might be a good time to start requesting some DT! With
    the new album out and all, they might even have a copy of YNM or BMS in
    the studio!

    "Are you gonna bark all day, little -----
            doggie, or are you gonna ---- ------------- ----
            bite?"-Micheal Madsen, ---- - ----
            Reservoir Dogs -- - - - - - - - --
    "Years of pain I will take and hone - - - - - - -
            Manifest with your broken bones - - -- - -- - -
            My heart bleeds for none but my -- - - - - - - - --
            own"-Machine Head ---- - - - ----
                         "None But My Own" ---- ------------- ----
                            Brian -----


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 12:56:14 -0500 (CDT)
    From: The Phoenix <>
    Subject: WDADU - difference between original and re-release
    Message-ID: <>

    > Do you know the difference between the original release and the
    > one way record one?

    I have both and I can't tell any difference sound-wise, but the original
    has liners with the lyrics, and the One Way Records re-release does not.
    There is one subtle difference I noticed in where the index in between
    Status Seeker and the Ytse Jam are a little different. One the original
    the few drum notes and pause before the beginning of the Ytse Jam where all
    the guys comes in is tacked to the end of Status Seeker. On the
    re-release it is at the beginning of the Ytse Jam. You wouldn't know
    the difference unless you skip to the Ytse Jam, or if you are staring at
    the time display on your CD player (which I am sure we've all been known
    to do).

    | Robert Taylor Bring you your |
    | daily dose of |
    | The Phoenix Ytse Trivia |


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 14:13:51 -0400
    From: Kevin Madden <>
    Subject: Miscellaneous fun
    Message-ID: <>

    Somebody said:
    > Megvettuk a papanak a CD-t: Barenboim (vagy valami ilyesmi) con-
    >ductolja a Rheingoldot, es Bayreuth-i felvetel, ugyhogy nagyon rossz
    >nem lehet. Harmincharom dollar volt, ugyhogy tizeneggyel kellene be-

    haha. I bet I am the only person who is not Hungarian who understood this.

    /me feels special for knowing foreign languages

    Cd of the Day: Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind

    Green Bay Packers - The Quest to Repeat - Detroit Red Wings
    4-2 4-0
    at Chicago vs. Calgary



    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:26:31 -0500 (CDT)
    From: The Phoenix <>
    Subject: Re: Musical Tastes and Schtuff
    Message-ID: <>

       Ernesto said:
    > I'd like to add a little to what Rogerio said. yes there are ppl who don't
    > really appreciate music very much...but that's just because they have other
    > interests. For example, i have very little interest for the visual arts. If
    > it looks nice, I'm happy with it. And yet music is pretty much my life.
    > So i amagine there are ppl that are the complete opposite...and others with
    > completely different tastes...and the 'hollow' ones that Rogerio mentioned.
    > So don't expect everybody to fall over for DT...they probably feel like
    > that with something else...maybe somebody else's music, or something
    > totally unassociated woth music.

    This is a very interesting point. It seems that most people have a
    passion in their life. Something that they love to do and wouldn't give
    up for just about anything. It also seems that music is the passion of
    a large percentage of DT listeners (whether it is to play music or simply
    listen attentively). However, the world is a diverse place and a lot of
    people have a passion other than music (which is perfectly all right).
    So I am willing to bet that there are also a lot of people who just gloss
    over what they listen to. If it sounds good to them (even just as
    background noise), it has fulfilled their purpose. And there's not too
    much we can do to change their minds even if we wanted to. People
    won't want to listen to DT if we try to force it upon them, much in
    the same way most of us don't listen to Alternative because it is being
    crammed down our throats (if not for various other reasons, also).

    Comments regarding this post are welcome.

    | Robert Taylor The world may seem flown away |
    | Almost as if it cannot be saved |
    | The Phoenix Will we be able to rise |
    | From these ashes we've sown |


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 14:21:29 PDT
    From: "Ken McWatters" <>
    Subject: FII thoughts, introductions, and the YNM sample
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi gang,

      No, this isn't a full FII review (yet). Just my impressions after
    having it for a couple of weeks: it's a very good album, and a welcome
    new chapter in DT's history. FII has some great moments, as well as its
    moments of, well, different sounding stuff, approaching pop/
    alternative. It doesn't bother me really, since it's still good music.
    Right now, this album is still below the masterpieces that are I&W and
    Awake, but not too far behind in my personal rankings. The only real
    downside to FII, I think, is that Kevin Moore's departure
    really gives them a different identity. It's DT, but not quite the
    same. It's different, but it's still great, so I guess I can live with
    that. It's certainly easier to overcome shadows of their past when they
    put out fine albums such as this.

      On the introductions thread, anyone first hear of DT on the Rush NMS
    list? This was in early '93 I believe, and soon afterwards I heard PMU
    on the radio. I knew that this band would be the next Rush. I eagerly
    watched the PMU video for the first time on MTV to catch a glimpse of
    their drummer (I'm a drummer), but all I could make out was his crazy
    hair. :) Back in those days as I&W took off, I heard Another Day on my
    local AOR station, and Z-Rock played requests of anything from the album
    (I heard them play UAGM, Metropolis and TTT also). As for the ytsejam,
    I joined in the early days, the summer of '94, and was here to receive
    the news that Kev was leaving.. maybe that's why Awake has had by far
    the most emotional impact on me of any album ever; it was an emotional

    I have a dream. In this dream, Hollow Years becomes a big hit on VH1
    and adult contemporary radio, and DT get popular enough to appear on
    Saturday Night Live. On that show of course, a group gets to play 2
    songs. They play HY for the first song, predictably, then they come
    out and blast through Just Let Me Breathe for the second song. Sound
    good to anyone else? :)

    Finally, I'll give you all my findings on the sample in You Not Me. If
    you listen carefully to the last 30 seconds or so of YNM you'll hear a
    sample, almost inaudible compared to the loud music in both speakers.
    It consists of one person talking during the instrumental outro of the
    song. During this time, there's also a separate electronically modified
    voice saying something a bit louder but unintelligible every 10 seconds
    or so. The first sample sounds like
    someone talking on the phone. As someone mentioned a while back, it's
    reminiscent of the end of track 9 (Where Are You Now?) on Galactic
    Cowboys' Space In Your Face. Anyway, in YNM, the sample is mostly heard
    in the right speaker(s). By turning my balance to all right side on my
    stereo system, turning the treble up and the bass down, I could make it
    out a little better. Mostly, I hear this guy talking and saying
    something like "... Antichrist... entire, uh, not only are they embodied
    as a devil dog, or an Antichrist, and we decided this planet is history!
    .. I need to see the video of the guy... Antichrist..." That's all I
    could make out. The part starting with
    what sounds like "entire" is at 4:25, and the part starting with "I
    need" starts at about 4:48 in the song. I wish I knew of a computer
    sound mixing program that could isolate the higher frequency of this
    guy's voice, although it may not help much. Anyone want to give this a
    try? I guess there's also a chance this sample could be better heard in
    concert... the samples from Awake were like this during the Awake tour,
    where I was standing anyway. Anyhow, thought you
    all would be interested in knowing what the sample was, even if it
    doesn't make much sense.

             Ken McWatters

    Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:41:26 -0400 (EDT)
    From: CLARK ABEL <>
    Subject: Re: Music Appreciation 101
    Message-ID: <>

    > I just think it's kind of elitist to think less of people
    >simply because music isn't as important to them as it is to me. Everyone has
    >loves in their life.

            I agree completely. This is another thing I wanted to mention in my
    post, but it was just too long already. I can appreciate the fact that for
    many people, music is simply not important the way it is to me. By no means
    do I think it makes a person ignorant if they've never really thought much
    about music; it just means they have different priorities. I guess if anything
    bugs me, it's just people who THINK they're really into music, but they're
    really just into a scene. I know it shouldn't bug me, I'm not looking for an
    award or anything, but it does.
            That brings me to another point I wanted to mention before. I think
    that alot of pop music's main appeal really is just by association with a
    certain culture. It shouldn't be this way, but honestly, you can often tell
    alot about a person by what they listen to. To a certain extent, I think we
    all make associations when we listen to music that go beyond what is actually
    contained on the CD. I mean, even just KNOWING that that's a keyboard, or
    that part's a guitar, means that we are thinking about more than just the
    sound itself when we listen to music. I would be lying if I said that Steve
    Vai's music would be just as powerful for me if it sounded exactly the same,
    right down to the vibrato and everything, but if I knew that it was somehow
    all electronically created. The fact that that's just one guy speaking through
    his guitar is a big part of the appeal for me. But I think alot of pop music
    takes this to an extreme (I know, I'm generalizing again). It seems to me that
    alot of people who listen to punk or rap or country or techno or yes, even
    and maybe even especially metal, are primarily interested in the culture that
    that music is associated with, as apposed to the music itself. The music is
    just one way that these people associate themselves with this group. Not that
    they don't usually like the music to a certain extent, but I think that
    sometimes we underestimate just how much these non-musical factors affect our
    perception of the music. I would say that alot of prog fans are guilty of
    this too. And, like I said, we're all guilty of this to a point. It's not
    really a bad thing; I don't know if there's really such thing as a pure musical
    experience. The factors that influenced the creating of the music will always
    influence the listener to some extent, unless the listener knows nothing of
    those factors. But I think that when it comes to pop music, in many cases the
    "scene" that's associated with the music actually becomes more important than
    the music itself. Does this make any sense?


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 16:21:00 +0000
    From: "Dale R. Newberry" <Dale.R.Newberry@MO.NET>
    Subject: Re: Abel and ready...
    Message-ID: <199710112149.QAA09784@Walden.MO.NET>

    > BTW, I agree 100% w/ your last post, Clark Abel (Abel and ready to Rock and
    > Roll). (a nice pat in the back to those who know where i got that from:) )
    Hmm, this is a shot in the dark, but I'm gonna guess that it could've
    come from one of the more recent episodes of Red Dwarf.

    Dale R. Newberry
    "People think I'm insane because I am frowning all
    the time." - Ozzy Osbourne

    "Bein' crazy is the least of my worries."
          -Jack Kerouac


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:13:52 -0500
    From: Cappy <mgjones@Mcs.Net>
    Subject: Re: Music Appreciation 101
    Message-ID: <>

    On Sat, Oct 11, 1997 at 07:18:52AM -0700, Pat Sullivan wrote:
    > And just because the internal intricasies of the music are beyond their
    > comprehension, the music doesn't mean as much to them?

    I totally agree here. The feeling, enjoyment, and perceptions someone gets
    from a musical piece isn't tied to knowing how it was created.

    > I'm not disagreeing with your post. I'm one of those people who cannot
    > listen to music in the "background"; I pause the CD player when I leave the
    > room so I don't miss anything, even if it's a song I've heard a thousand
    > times before.

    This is why Dream Theater doesn't make for good "background music".
    Whenever I have it on, I want to listen to the music more than concentrate
    what I'm working on. When I don't want to think, I'll throw something more
    basic in.

    Being that I recently started to web design on the side with a friend of
    mine (he's the graphic artist, but I do a lot with the overall content
    design), I actually like to throw CD's in like Dream Theater, Rush, etc....
    while I'm working on the content, because they often get my mind going

    Mike Jones, __________ Cappy _________
    Progressive Genius ( ) Progressive Metal Web Ring


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 15:23:01 +0000 From: "Pedro Ordonez" <> To: Subject: Falling into maturity Message-ID: <>


    I just got ACoS (at last!!) and now I understand what JP meant by "inmature". Somehow, I did not get the same feeling as I got with FII. After 2 whole weeks of listening to nothing but FII, ACoS seems quite simple and the sound is not that "full". I guess tis is hard to understand to other jammers who have listened to ACoS before FII, because you heard it at its right time, and now the sound just grew on you. Of course I think ACoS is a great song, but it does not compare to the intricacy of, say NM.

    Well, just my thoughts on this. I did not actually buy the whoole of idea of I&W being "inmature" but now I know waht JP meant. And I understand that by NO MEANS this means the songs are bad, boring or uncool.

    I just wish I could go to a DT concert...

    Take care jammers!! *************************************************** * Pedro Ordonez * * Guatemala * * email: * ***************************************************


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 19:30:16 -0400 From: VAIMAN <> To: Subject: **Would like to hear Message-ID: <>

    I would like to hear a Iron Maiden cover played by DT on this tour! I would like to hear the Deep Purple song from COS.

    yes yes yes...

    Once the DALLAS TX show is confirmed...I will be there!!!!

    see ya..

    todd s


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:07:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Brandon Elhai <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: question on "mature songs" on FII Message-ID: <>

    Hey folks--

    I'm temporarily on the jam for a couple of days and will then unsub myself when the school work starts to pick up.

    Anyways, I keep hearing JP and other members of DT say how the songs on FII are more mature than songs on previous albums. I don't understand this. Look at NM, LITS, and Trial of tears. I wouldn't call those mature songs. While these songs are my favorite on the album, I do think that the instrumental part of TOT ("deep in heaven") rambles and so do parts of LITS. Granted, TAMP, JLMB, and hollow years can be considered maturely written. But so were another day and LSOAD. What makes this album any different? I'm still seeing classic Dream Theater with theirshare of long songs and their share of short songs. If anyone can let me know what DT meant when they said this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.



    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 21:15:21 -0400 From: (Ernesto Schnack) To: "That Darn Mailing List Thingy" <> Subject: Clark, Hippies, Abel to Rock, Cast Message-ID: <>

    Damn, Clark, stop writing so much:) But seriously, once again I agree with you. Many ppl start being interested in a certain music genre depending on the ppl they hang out with. For example I knew this kid that used to love Gn'R. Then he got into surfing, and all of a sudden he started listening exclusively to punk.

    > Now the good\bad news. My closest friends are home this weekend, all >ytsejamers except for one, and I don't know what to do about him. He likes >hippy stuff like rusted root and really doesn't dig Dream Theater, does >anyone have any ideas as to what I can listen to that would be happy



    >> BTW, I agree 100% w/ your last post, Clark Abel (Abel and ready to Rock and >> Roll). (a nice pat in the back to those who know where i got that from:) ) >Hmm, this is a shot in the dark, but I'm gonna guess that it could've >come from one of the more recent episodes of Red Dwarf.

    Well, yes, that is a shot in the dark if i ever saw one:)

    It's actaully a song from 'Show of Hands' by Robert Fripp and the League of Crafty Guitarists.

    BTW, this Tuesday a prog band from Mexico called 'Cast' is playing here in Panama. Has anybody heard of them? According to their webpage they've played in the States before...and they're listed at too.

    laterz Ernesto


    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 21:26:58 -0400 From: (Ernesto Schnack) To: <> Subject: Re: question on "mature songs" on FII Message-ID: <>

    Maturity in music isn't something you can describe. I can't go on and tell you "See here he plays a maj7th chord...that's mature" Its simply that any musician, as time goes by, will look back on his work and consider most of it to be immature. I do it myself. I listen to my old stuff and just think "God that so horrible, I could have done it better now". Maturity has nothing to do with the length of a song.



    Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:00:30 From: "Parker" <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3092 Message-ID: <>

    > Problem is that the CD so far has not been released in the US. > That's because, as you might know, some of the 'Tage-Members > also have a side project called 'Trans Sibirian Orchestra', > which is about to release a new CD, too.

    So it was Savatage I heard last Christmas? I have to say TSO's version of Carol of the Bells (one of my favorite carols) beats the hell out of any other I've heard.


    > I found a copy of FII in my local store yesterday > My thoughts were after listening to > it full, that it had a very I&W feel to it, with a kick-ass > 8-minute opener, and a long, > lots-of-stuff-going-on-and-totally-cool closer, much like I&W, > with a good mix of ballads and heavier, more DT-like stuff > inbetween. I agree, they have progressed and it will be > interesting to see where they go next.

    Now this is what I've been waiting for: the album discussions. Anyone besides me notice some similarities to Ozric Tentacles on this one? "New Millenium" in particular has some eastern- flavored passages in it. All it's missing is the flute ;)


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    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3098 **************************

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