YTSEJAM digest 2971

Date: Tue Sep 16 1997 - 00:35:41 EDT

  • Next message: : "DT on Baltimore radio -- 98rock..."

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2971

    Today's Topics:

      1) Fates single for sale/trade
     by Kevin Madden <>
      2) UNCLASSIFIED:-Whitesnake Trade
      3) A New Revolution?
     by Jon Dery <>
      4) Jason Becker
     by Phil Carter <>
      5) Dan Senko/Raleigh/IBM is out of the office.
     by D04NMS21/04/M/IBM <>
      6) BMS(no spoilers), and Levin to tour?
     by Übercabe <>
      7) Jaxx
     by Lobsterback <>
      8) 'tage
     by "The Artist Formerly Known As woot" <>
      9) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2970
     by Eric Desobe <>
     10) Emerson, Lake & Palmer Concert in Visalia, CA
     by "Braun, Randall (CAP ITS US)" <>
     11) Re: James LaBrie unpolished attitudes
     by Isaac Sabetai <>
     12) Love It or Stuff It
     by Lobsterback <>
     13) Re: Where Are You Now
     by Michael Burstin <>
     14) JLB, ANM,
     by (Ernesto Schnack)
     15) BMS on WJJO!
     by "sykes" <>
     16) Re: A New Revolution?
     by Eckie <>
     17) Re: BMS on WJJO!
     by (Ernesto Schnack)
     18) Yes and Enchant
     by Juan Francisco Quintero <>
     19) YES please
     by MrQ <>
     20) Seven Wonders (or why I'm proud to be a DT fan)
     by "Mike Patrick" <>
     21) Re: Yes and Enchant
     by Rick Audet <>


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 18:33:17 -0400
    From: Kevin Madden <>
    Subject: Fates single for sale/trade
    Message-ID: <>

    I have an extra sealed copy of the Fates Warning "part two" single
    with the remix and "part 7" demo. This is a cd. I would really rather
    trade this as opposed to selling it, so make your offer via private
    e-mail. (

    Cd of the Day: Fates Warning - No Exit

    Green Bay Packers - The Quest to Repeat
    This Week: vs. Minnesota



    Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 08:47:11 +1000
    Subject: UNCLASSIFIED:-Whitesnake Trade
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi all, I have a Japanese copy of Whitesnake's 'Restless Heart' ( 3 bonus
    tracks) in mint condition that I'd like to trade for the new Genesis CD,



    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 18:40:35 -0400
    From: Jon Dery <>
    Subject: A New Revolution?
    Message-ID: <>

    Jon Parmet wrote:


    I couldn't agree with Jon more.

    I do not feel that Burning My Soul is an ideal first single, but A New
    Millennium... I think fans of different styles of music would think
    this song was killer. I actually picture this song to be the "Smells
    Like Teen Spirit" of the late 90's in that it is very different than
    anything else out there (like Teen Spitit was at the time) but at the
    same time rocks hard (like Teen Spirit did compared to a lot of the
    watered-down poseur bands of the time). I think that some kind of
    musical change is over the horizon. I personaly hope that more
    experimenal songs like A New Millennium will be embraced by more than
    just one audience someday.

    I also feel that Just Let Me Breathe would be a great single. Music is
    EXTREMELY stagnant right now and I think this song could really wake up
    the radio audience that yearns for something new but doesn't even
    realize it. The song is a huge middle finger to the industry- very
    rebellious- and rebellion has always been in style :)!

    I truly believe that as soon as something very different, while at the
    same time catchy, comes along, another musical revolution will occur.
    It's only a matter of time...


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 18:51:20 -0400
    From: Phil Carter <>
    Subject: Jason Becker
    Message-ID: <>

    Greetings ye 'jamanoids...

    I went to Jason Becker's website today. Well, his former website. Instead I
    get this message:

    This page/domain originally belonged to Jason Becker.
    It is unknown at this time what his condition is, but will post updates as
    they are available.
    If you have questions regarding this page or domain, please contact

    Okay, what the hell's up here? I don't want to play stormcrow here (I
    remember the fuss several months back when we all thought Jason was dead
    but nobody had bothered to find out the details first) but I am curious.
    Has Jason worsened recently? I can't contact the people who ran the site
    for Jason, because apparently they aren't handling it anymore. And
    apparently the person who put up this linking page has nothing to do with
    Jason, otherwise he'd know what was going on with him.

    Anybody out there know? Or do I just need a new Perspective on things?


    Phil Carter --
    "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
                            -- Berthold Auerbach
    "Music brings peace to the restless, and comforts the sorrowful. They who
    no longer know where to turn find new ways. And those who have despaired,
    gain new confidence and love." -- Pablo Casals


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 19:23:05 -0400
    From: D04NMS21/04/M/IBM <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Dan Senko/Raleigh/IBM is out of the office.
    Message-ID: <5040200005202318000002L082*@MHS>

    I am out of the office from 09-15-97, returning 09-18-97. You will receive
    only this notification of my absence prior to my return, at which time I will


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 18:44:46 -0700
    From: Übercabe <>
    Subject: BMS(no spoilers), and Levin to tour?
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi everyone,

    No matter what I do, crap always happens to me. While listening to the
    radio I heard BMS. This is good and bad. Bad because I wanted to listen
    to the album, before making a judgement. And good because is was musical
    goodness that only DT could produce. Anyone who thinks that FII sucks a
    big elephant, can go suck a big /fat/ elephant. jammers acts
    like a seven year old, let alone me. And no I'm going to repeat that two
    more times!

    Also, I wanted to know how will JP, and MP record with Tony Levin, if
    they're on tour? Hmm...Maybe Mr. Levin will appear on certain dates? Na,
    like I said earlier crap always happens to me. Well, if anyone knows
    anything about any Levins touring post it, any-damnit!

    Über Cabe
    "They all have plenty before them, and nobody shows restraint
     or consideration when it comes to being generous with other
     people's possessions." My idol, Antinous


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 19:38:57 -0400
    From: Lobsterback <>
    Subject: Jaxx
    Message-ID: <>

    Just for clarification purposes -- are *all* shows at Jaxx 21+?

    And I just wanted to let out a little "woohoo" at having snagged Yes
    tickets. Nothing spectacular seatwise, but it's *Yes*...

    Brian Henderson

    "There's guys out in the hall throwing pretzels - hard!" -- G. Aiken


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 17:37:05 -0600
    From: "The Artist Formerly Known As woot" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: 'tage
    Message-ID: <>

    Wow! Thanks Andreas for the WoM review. I love the madrigal harmony round
    things more than anything and am very excited to hear they continued the
    trend. I do have to disagree with you about "Taunting Cobras" though. I
    personally think that is one of the worst songs they've ever done,
    musically, and especially lyrically. Think of the Icarus passage in "Alone
    You Breathe, and then compare it to "you're just out there taunting
    cobras." pretty weak. That song and "nothing going on" just ruin the flow
    of the album. All in IMHO of course :)

    It rolls down stairs
    It comes not in pairs
    Runs over your neighbor's foot.
    It's great for a snack
    And fits on your back
    It's woot! woot! woot!

    woot™ from Blammo!®


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 19:50:19 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Eric Desobe <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2970
    Message-ID: <>

    Someone mentioned a title for a college radio show so here is my
    suggestion of course I ended up using the first one because on my opening
    show I was playing UaGM when about four mintues into the song the phone
    rings and cut the song off because some idiot left switches in the wrong
    place so I made my radio debut a little sooner then expected.

    The Progressive Movement
    Waking up the World (is that legal)
    Progressing past the mainstream
    etc. anything w/ progressive in it is cool

    At any rate, any other college DJ's at there? I have my shows on Thursday
    at Emory University which despite the absurb amount of money requried for
    tution (I will never recover) there is no fm or am station. The damn show
    is broadcast through the t.v. but WMRE will be on the internet by OCT., so
    any jammers bored some Thursday between 12:00 and 2:00 pm find the site.
    Take the time.



    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 19:08:32 -0500
    From: "Braun, Randall (CAP ITS US)" <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: Emerson, Lake & Palmer Concert in Visalia, CA
    Message-ID: <>

    On the improbable chance that any Y'Jammers out there are interested in
    going to the ELP concert scheduled Sept 28, '97 in Visalia, CA, please
    send me an email. Thanks!!

          Randall Braun - Configuration Services
              GE Capital ITS, West. Region. Dist. Ctr., Tulare, CA
    **"Falling Into Infinity, and Maybe Beyond: Black Holes and Time Travel.
    (Is There a Past in Your Future? If not yesterday, then perhaps


    Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 20:53:31 -0400
    From: Isaac Sabetai <>
    Subject: Re: James LaBrie unpolished attitudes
    Message-ID: <>

    You people who are ripping JL are not giving him a fair chance. You are
    judging him and his personality during a brief five second encounter in
    a crowded area backstage.

    How would you feel if your character was judged after you just finished
    doing your job and a mob of crazed fans immediately swarmed you?

    > I think that he just don't have to make any comments who sells more. He is
    > starting to have jealousy of Andre Matos that sings better than him
    > specialy on Live, and is a better composer too.
      So now you can give me psychological profile of a man you talked to
    for a minute around a horde of people ... I'm also willing to bet that
    DT sells more records then Angra.



    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:47:50 -0400
    From: Lobsterback <>
    Subject: Love It or Stuff It
    Message-ID: <>

    >_Vinnie_ (speaking like a hoser now :)

    Doogie Hoser, M.D.

    I too have not heard any DT on the radio. Are any stations in the
    Baltimore/D.C. area playin' 'em?

    Another DT convert! I did a tape trade with a guy for a couple of Bela
    Fleck and the Flecktones shows, and included some DT filler from "Mind
    Control". He loved it! So, my sage-like advice to any would-be converters
    -- play "Mind Control" for fans of 'jam-bands'. You know, Phish, Dead,
    moe, Blues Traveler... Hell, anything my roommate listens to.

    Right now, I'm introducing ELP to the guy next door. It works like a Swiss
    clock, this system.

    Oh, and sign up for the Tape Swap - there's still time left!

    Brian Henderson

    "...Cream, Skim Milk, Sugar, LSD, Water, Cherries..." -- ingredient list
    for B&J 'Cherry Garcia'


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:53:50 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Michael Burstin <>
    Subject: Re: Where Are You Now
    Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 01:46:59 -0400 (EDT)
    > From: "Richard A. Rivera" <>
    > Subject: Where Are You Now!!!!

    > ARRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I just downloaded an .ra of "Where Are You
    > Now" from Burstin's site and all I can say is ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!

    Just a quick note, this isn't on my site, its on Mosh's page... don't
    want to take the credit for his work...

    | It's all about you not me  | Dream Theater: Falling Into Infinity   |
    | It's all about the things that you're expecting me to be +----------+
    | There's not enough time to live           +--------------+ In Stores|
    | With all that you're expecting me to give |           Sept. 23, 1997|
    		Michael Burstin:
    Join Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email:


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 20:55:17 -0400 From: (Ernesto Schnack) To: <> Subject: JLB, ANM, Message-ID: <>

    > I never had the oputunity to see them alive. I just see the video Live In > Tokio and I don't like his presence on stage he isn't very nice with the > rest of the band. >

    Yeah man, you should always say 'excuse me' when you run behind ppl on stage. And did you see when he touched Myungs shoulder? That is so RUDE!


    >Well, I don't think radio will ever play anything over 5 min. unless the >band is supercedingly popular (i.e., popular=it's played on MTV). But as >for MTV, hell, I flipped on that channel and some guy named Puffy had his

    Eckie, do this: go get your I&W CD. Notice the time on PMU? Uh-huh:)

    I think whats so special about ANM is that it can be cut, without losing any effect. I mean the edits on PMU and TTT were atrocious, ANM could be cut down to 4 min pretty easily.

    >Has Jason worsened recently? I can't contact the people who ran the site >for Jason, because apparently they aren't handling it anymore. And >apparently the person who put up this linking page has nothing to do with >Jason, otherwise he'd know what was going on with him.

    uh, that 'person' is Eddie Van Halen:) 5150 is his domain.



    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:34:02 -0500 From: "sykes" <> To: "The Ytse Jam" <> Subject: BMS on WJJO! Message-ID: <>

    WJJO in Madison WI just played BMS tonight. The cool part is that for their nightly feature where they play an entire album at 11:00, it's DT vs. Tool. So anyone in ack mode in the WJJO listening area, call them up at (608)281-0941 and request DT!!!!!! I called Sean "The man of steel" Michaels and he was real cool about it, almost sounded like he was a DT fan himself!

    laters, -doug

    | |


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 20:03:46 -0700 From: Eckie <> To: Subject: Re: A New Revolution? Message-ID: <>

    > I actually picture this song to be the "Smells > Like Teen Spirit" of the late 90's in that it is very different than > anything else out there (like Teen Spitit was at the time) but at the > same time rocks hard (like Teen Spirit did compared to a lot of the > watered-down poseur bands of the time).

    *cough cough* "Metallica?":) Otherwise, yeah, I see what yer sayin'.

    ~Eckie juss HAD to post this, didn't he?


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:30:55 -0400 From: (Ernesto Schnack) To: <> Subject: Re: BMS on WJJO! Message-ID: <>

    > WJJO in Madison WI just played BMS tonight. The cool part is that for > their nightly feature where they play an entire album at 11:00, it's DT vs. > Tool. So anyone in ack mode in the WJJO listening area, call them up at

    ack! DT vs Tool. Maaaaaan, if iwere to vote for that, it'd be pretty difficult...I guess i'd lies since DT needs the help. But man, that's some tough competition:) It's a tie for me.

    ~Ernie just HAD to post this, didn't he?


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:40:50 -0600 From: Juan Francisco Quintero <> To: Subject: Yes and Enchant Message-ID: <>

    The best Yes=B4s albums that I would recommend to a DT fan are: Fragile Close to the Edge

    >A few weeks ago I picked up "Blueprint..." and I LOVE it! >I need more!! I've already found a place to get "Wounded" >but where can I find "Time Lost"? The guy at my normal >shop said he can't find a listing for it anywhere (and he >is the one that found the other two). I heard that it's >on a different label or something?

    Time Lost is only a Europe release. There is no information about when is going to be released as a domestic in the US (Magna Carta). There are some rumours that they left Magna carta and they are looking for a new label( How knows?). The only thing that I know is that they release their CD=B4s fisrt in Europe(inside out records?) and then in the US (Magna Carta), the same thing happened to Blueprint of the World and Wounded. Wounded took about six months to be on the US market and it was fisrt released in Europe.


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:57:28 -0500 From: MrQ <> To: Subject: YES please Message-ID: <>

    You can't go wrong with Fragile.


    THE VOID -


    Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 10:24:59 -0500 From: "Mike Patrick" <> To: "DT" <> Subject: Seven Wonders (or why I'm proud to be a DT fan) Message-ID: <>

    First, Ryan Whitaker's Seven Wonders cd is the best money I've ever spent. Period. And he's on the ball too. I live in Indiana, he lives in Texas. I mailed my check last Monday and got my disc the next Monday. One week, that's it.

    This is probably old news to everyone who has snatched up Mike Bahr's stuff in the past, but is there anything this band cannot do? I am continually stunned at how they are always messing with tunes, look at demos like 'Oliver's Twist', 'Ciaw', etc. etc. Nothing is sacred to this band, and that's what I love about them. 'Caught in Alice's Nine-Inch Tool Garden' - just how many bands in the world would a) have come up with that, and b) done that to one of their songs? I think of my other favorite bands like Rush - the closest they ever got to being spontaneous was tacking two more minutes on the end of 'Closer to the Heart'. That's not really fair, this past tour they were looser than I've ever seen them, but you get my drift.

    Ryan, you are THE MAN. Mike Bahr, you can take a bow too.

    Mike Patrick Indianapolis, IN


    Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 21:20:29 -0700 From: Rick Audet <> To: Subject: Re: Yes and Enchant Message-ID: <>

    People asking about Enchant's "Time Lost" CD...

    >>A few weeks ago I picked up "Blueprint..." and I LOVE it! >>I need more!! I've already found a place to get "Wounded" >>but where can I find "Time Lost"? The guy at my normal >>shop said he can't find a listing for it anywhere (and he >>is the one that found the other two). I heard that it's >>on a different label or something? > >Time Lost is only a Europe release. There is no information about when is >going to be released as a domestic in the US (Magna Carta). There are some >rumours that they left Magna carta and they are looking for a new label( >How knows?).

    Who knows? *I* know. :) In July I spoke with Paul Craddick (Enchant's drummah) and asked what the deal is with "Time Lost" not being available in the US. Paul told me that their contract with Magna Carta is finished, so they are now shopping for a new US label. However, their European contract with InsideOut Music is still valid, so "Time Lost" is only available over there.

    Then in August I spoke with Ted Leonard (Enchant's singah) about the label situation, and he told me they are still shopping for a label. So it will be a while before there is another release by them.

    I have seen "Time Lost" available on the internet through German Music Express at , which was posted to the Jam before, for those of you who don't pay attention. :P

    And if you live in the San Francisco Bay area and wish you owned "Time Lost", well, you had three chances to pick it up for the low price of $15 at one of their recent shows. Too bad fer yooo. ;)

    Now Playing: DJ Shadow, "Endtroducing..."

    Rick Audet


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2971 **************************

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