DT on Baltimore radio -- 98rock...

Date: Tue Sep 16 1997 - 10:56:17 EDT

  • Next message: ytsejam@ax.com: "YTSEJAM digest 2972"

    >Just wondering if anyone has heard any of the new stuff on any of
    >the local stations. I haven't really been listening but I
    >guess there is a chance that 98 "Rock" might play it once
    >or twice. They'll probably put it on "Love it or Shove" and all
    >of the 15 year olds will call in and say "this sucks!". Actually,
    >the scarier thought is that they WILL love it. Doh!!


            I'm not sure if 98rock has played BMS yet. I thought I may
    have heard the tail end of a DT song yesterday, but the DJ never
    mentioned who it was. :(
            98rock (in Baltimore) used to play "Pull Me Under" fairly often
    and still plays it once in a while. If you're in the Baltimore area,
    let's try to get them to play BMS now! Here's the info:

     WIYY (410)889-0098 3800 Hooper Ave
     98Rock Baltimore, MD (800)767-1098 Baltimore, MD 21211
     http://98online.com FAX: (410)675-7946

            If you go to the web page (http://98online.com), you can get the DJ's
    email addresses under the 98 "jocks" section. I'm going to send a letter to
    each DJ. Or, you could use the input section (though it may require putting
    in a local address).
            Since they've played "Pull Me Under" in the past, I think there's
    a good chance we can get them to play "Burning My Soul" if we try.
            I'm looking forward to hearing DT on the radio!


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