YTSEJAM digest 2991

Date: Sun Sep 21 1997 - 19:00:49 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 2990"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 2991

    Today's Topics:

      1) titles
     by "The Artist Formerly Known As woot" <>
      2) Observation
     by Lobsterback <>
      3) Re: YTSEJAM digest 2990
     by "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo@CS.WM.EDU>
      4) Re: Gong question...
     by (Charoenkwan Luesumphan)
      5) New Metal Edge
     by "Richard A. Rivera" <>
      6) FII BASHERS UNITE!! (and jump off a cliff)
     by Rocky Dean <>
      7) fii to awake?
     by "Partha S. Mukhopadhyay" <>
      8) Time to adjust
     by Pasi Sundqvist <>
      9) lack of classics
     by Eric Desobe <>
     10) Awake in lyrics, FNM DT experience
     by Brian <>
     11) Re: Bands reviews...
     by Seroussi <>
     12) My opinions on FII
     by "Andrea Fabris" <>
     13) Re:DT titles in songs
     by Jan Melander <>
     14) Compare (was re:Lame lame)
     by Pat Sullivan <>
     15) So are you
     by CLARK ABEL <>
     16) bonus tracks
     by CLARK ABEL <>
     17) Fates Warning with the Theater???
     by Brandon Elhai <>


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 13:00:30 -0600
    From: "The Artist Formerly Known As woot" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: titles
    Message-ID: <>

    >I forget who was mentioning it, but DT uses "When dream and day
    >unite" in Only A Matter of Time. I dunno of any other album that
    >has the title in a song.

    except for Images & Words in WFS and Awake in TSM and IF right?

    It rolls down stairs
    It comes not in pairs
    Runs over your neighbor's foot.
    It's great for a snack
    And fits on your back
    It's woot! woot! woot!

    woot™ from Blammo!®


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:06:51 -0400
    From: Lobsterback <>
    Subject: Observation
    Message-ID: <>

    The word "grunge" is used as much on the 'Jam to describe something as bad
    as the words "hair-metal" are used elsewhere for the same purpose.

    Just a thought...

    Does anyone know of a site featuring the publication dates of bootlegs,
    specifically DT. Mike Bahr makes it easy for the anal retentive CD
    organizers among us (me!) by putting the date of the boot, to the month, on
    the spine. Others are not quite so kind. Any suggestions (beyond therapy)?

    Brian Henderson

    "So, we meet again, Jesus." -- Santa Claus


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:13:54 -0400
    From: "Christopher R. Merlo" <cmerlo@CS.WM.EDU>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 2990
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: =DCber Cabe <>
    > Subject: THE FII review [car SPOILERS are also called wings] ;)
    > =

    > > I think the highlight of the evening was when the opening band Limp
    > > Biscuit (a Korn wannabe) played a George Michael tune.
    > =

    > "You gotta have...FAAAIIITHTHTHTHTHTH" :-)

    Limp Bizkit kicks ass. I got into these guys while still at UVM. If you=
    're =

    ever in the mood for music that's really heavy, without all that intellec=
    tual =

    mucking about that Dream Theater requires, try some Bizkit.

    And it amazes me that someone would think that LB are KoRn wannabes, just=

    because KoRn got discovered first. That's like saying that FW are DT wan=


    > From: Shai Yallin <> > Subject: Re: DT titles in songs > =

    > Mark Jeffrey McEuen wrote: > > =

    > > "Images and words" is used in Wait for Sleep. I don't know about > "= Awake", > > but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it's used somewhere. > =

    > "When there is reason, tonight he's AWAKE...."

    Just for the sake of completeness...

    Innocence Faded: "The faithful live Awake, the rest remain misled"

    And as far as I remember, the words "A Change of Seasons" don't appear =

    anywhere on the EP _A Change of Seasons_. Also, if memory serves, the wo= rds =

    "Live At The Marquee" don't appear anywhere on that album, either.


    > From: (Andrew Forcier) > Subject: Hello all... > =

    > Hey there, > Yeah, I'm finally back here as if any of you really cared. Hello =

    > to all those who might have missed me.

    Ass wee pay! Good to have ya back. :)


    > From: Andrea Burdi <> > Subject: del > =

    > Del Andrea Burdi Ytsejam

    Hmm... are they anything like Del Amitri?

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------= - The Digital Man \|/ ____ \|/ "640 K ought to be enoug= h = "@'/ ,. \`@" memory for everyone." -Gate= s /_| \__/ |_\ "He won't need a be= d \__U_/ He's a digital man" -Pear= t -----------------------------------------------------------------------= - Maintainer of the Official Dream Theater Frequently Asked Questions Lis= t


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 12:38:02 -0700 From: (Charoenkwan Luesumphan) To: Subject: Re: Gong question... Message-ID: <v01520d04b04b25b2cba5@[]>

    Shane Liebling <> wrote:

    >Hey y'all I was reading yesterday and I came about >someone talking about techno remixes of Gong. The album is called Gong - >You're Remixed, but after searching a number of record stores I could not >find it. I looked under Gong, and some techno compilations but couldn't >find it anywhere. Any ideas? Anyone have it out there in Ytseland?

    You can order it from Pangea Music International.

    or e-mail address:

    Pangea Music International 230 Euclid Ave. Suite A Long Beach, CA 90803

    This record company also has;

    Mother Gong - Best of Daevid Allen - Dreaming A Dream Brand X - Manifest Destiny and more........

    Hope this helps, AE


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:47:34 -0400 (EDT) From: "Richard A. Rivera" <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: New Metal Edge Message-ID: <>

    Okay, stop what you're doing and go get the new Metal Edge. Why? Because the very first thing you will see when you open it up is a HUGE feature on Dream Theater. It's an in-the-studio interview with the guys and everybody throws their two cents in the interviews (even JM). It really gives you a feeling of not only Kevin Shirley's involvement but the time constraints the band was under to get FII out. There are some really cool pics too, which would look great on anybody's web page, both in and out of the studio. Plus there is a full page ad for FII right next to the feature. It doesn't hit stands until the 23rd (I believe) but being a subscriber hs its advantages. When you look for it, it's the one with Megadeth on the cover (there's a story on their Las Vegas gig). There are also stories on Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Warant, Reef, Sevendust, Cry of Love, and Night Ranger. Definitely check it out. It's well worth it.



    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 15:58:17 -0400 From: Rocky Dean <> To: Subject: FII BASHERS UNITE!! (and jump off a cliff) Message-ID: <>

    what do you people expect from dream theater? do you expect them to NOT be progressive and keep their songs and styles the same from album to album? the old schoolers, what did you think when I&W came out? were you expecting another WDADU? did you get another one? no, far from it.. what about Awake, were you expecting another I&W? did you get another I&W? Hell no, very far from it. so are you going to be lame once again and expect dt to sound the same as the last album, and be some non-progressive 80s throw back band? I sure as hell don't, and personally i hope dream theater does make it big, despite theyre backstabbing fans, because they will always be progressive no matter what the music world throws at them, and they will always take theyre music to the extreme, never holding back their musical talents. so please, FII bashers unite, and go jump off a cliff or some other very tall natural or manmade structure. oh, and have a nice day! =]

    Rocky Dean

    b.t.w. everyone go sign my Quote Page, it's something i made to start learning perl.


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 16:16:36 -0400 (EDT) From: "Partha S. Mukhopadhyay" <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: fii to awake? Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.970921161151.26448A-100000@moose>

    to all who're 'bout to jump on Pasi....wait a coupla days, when he'll have company..........

    but i did want to make one comment on his remarks.....and find out if i'm the only one to feel this way.........

    > Compare FII to Awake.

    maybe it's the production, maybe it's listening to the album knowing Kevin Moore was miserable, about to jump ship throughout's its creation, but I listen to Awake, and I find it sorta depressing......

    FII, on the other hand, again perhaps due to production, or maybe the absence of such internal squabbles, despite some heavy lyrics about child abuse, et al, I find it to be almost uplifting, when compred to Awake.......

    does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    It's not that I don't like awake, I just have a hard time listening to it without going into a funky mood.....

    partha sarathi mukhopadhyay


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 23:00:35 +0200 (GMT) From: Pasi Sundqvist <> To: Subject: Time to adjust Message-ID: <>

    >Compare Awake to I&W..... Compare I&W to WDADU... > >All of those albums are very different from each other. You can't judge >a DT album after listening to it for one week. It took me a YEAR to get >used to Awake.... two months for I&W.... and I only got used to all of >the songs in WDADU two months ago... That's four months after I got it. > >So, let's wait with reviews like that for like after X-mas (or Hanuka in >my case...) > >Bye for now, > Shai Yallin - Kurush on #YTSEJAM

    I remember seeing 10 seconds of DT in a top 20-programm, buying Awake and after about a minute of the 6:00 I knew this is the thing. Talk about converting a Rush fan into a DT fan. It took about a minute. Images and Words is great, Awake is great, WDADU is great, Live at the Marquee is great, a Change of Seasons is great. Mike Portnoy is god, John Petrucci is a genius and James is an angel. Still, what do you expect when you buy a new long awaited release from Dream Theater? It's not a completely miss, there are some nice moments and actually it begins to sound better every time you listen to it. It's just that you have to adjust yourself. This is not very complicated progressive rock that it used to be, the boys have made it a little bit easier, what a heck. Metallica did it and everyone (else) thought it was good. I still miss the great complicated things they used to do. Sure, there's a little bit of odd times too and few solos are good, but not to extent that it used to be. Maybe some day I think FII is good. Maybe I can adjust myself. There was a time I thought they could do nothing wrong, but it seems I was wrong.

    Maybe after X-mas I get over my disappointment. Maybe after X-mas...



    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 16:11:19 -0400 (EDT) From: Eric Desobe <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: lack of classics Message-ID: <>

    As far as people saying the new album is not as good as the previous here is my take. For the first time, there are songs I do not like on a DT album. I do not like Anna Lee and I do not like You Not Me. I have heard them many a time, neither has yet to grow me. Also, the album isn't as theatrical, as classic as Images and Words or Awake. Although Lines in the Sand and Trial of Tears are great works, they just don't seem to possess the epic qualities like Learning to Live or Scarred. Anyway, time will obviously influence a lot of these feelings for many of us. Take the time.



    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 16:23:14 -0700 From: Brian <> To: Subject: Awake in lyrics, FNM DT experience Message-ID: <>

    Well, they also say "the faithful lay awake" in Innocense faded.

    Anyway, I went to the FNM show at Roseland on friday. FNM is my favorite band at the moment, and this was one of the most anticipated shows I've been to. But I'll spare the review, as I've already posted it to Faith No More's Website of the year ( and to the FNM mailing list. I wanted to share this experience with everyone.

    I get to the show early and get to the second row of the pit, right where Roddy and Bill would later stand. Kick ass. Every once in a while I would turn around to see how the place was filling up. I noticed a guy with the long sleeve fix shirt. I kept wondering if I should go talk to him. I figured I would just forget about it, this is NYC and you never know what kind of asshold you're gonna run into. So as I'm walking out of the club after the show, I see the guy standing right there in front of me, next to the K-Rock van. K-Rock usually gives stuff away at Roseland shows, so I decide to stop at the van to see what kind of goodies are up for grabs. I didn't see anyone from the station, so I decided to compliment the guy on the shirt. I asked what show he got it at and he said Birch Hill. I said I went to the Poughkeepsie show. He asked if I had the first album and I said yeah. I almost said that I got my e-mail address from the title of the first album. We talked about FII for a minute and then we parted ways

    So I get home and read the jam and what do I find out? That I talked to Brandon "Taco Belhai" Elhai! This is too weird. Has anyone else ever unexpectedly run into a jammer at a totally non-DT related event? Other prog concerts don't count. I've been in that situation too. I ran into one of the Andy Millers at a Rush concert last year, but it didn't surprise me that much. ========================================================================

    "Are you gonna bark all day, little ----- doggie, or are you gonna ---- ------------- ---- bite?"-Micheal Madsen, ---- - ---- Reservoir Dogs -- - - - - - - - -- "Years of pain I will take and hone - - - - - - - Manifest with your broken bones - - -- - -- - - My heart bleeds for none but my -- - - - - - - - -- own"-Machine Head ---- - - - ---- "None But My Own" ---- ------------- ---- Brian ----- ========================================================================


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 22:27:23 +0200 From: Seroussi <> To: Subject: Re: Bands reviews... Message-ID: <>

    > From: Über Cabe <> > Subject: THE FII review [car SPOILERS are also called wings] ;) > > > From: Seroussi <> > > Subject: Re: Bands reviews... > > If you want to agrue if someone can ask the question of what a band > sounds like on the jam you're in for one hell of a flame. I'll usually > hear of a prog bands on other prog metal groups on the internet, but > I'll usually wait for someone here to check them out and give a review. > That's also about when I have money to buy the disc, too. :) Anyway, > just to make this clear...General questions about music ARE allowed, as > long as the answers don't take up too much space in here.

    I never said they're not allowed, I was just saying that you COULD check these web pages before asking these questions, because the web pages may answer your questions...


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 23:15:02 +0200 From: "Andrea Fabris" <> To: "Dream Theater ml" <> Subject: My opinions on FII Message-ID: <>

    Someone told that FII is easier to listen to than other DT lps. It's true, but only 'cause the best part of FII is easier to listen to. I think, in fact, that the best songs ("New Millenium", "Peruvian Skies" (..but I've still to get into the first "acoustic" part), "Lines in The Sand" (even if it has a "soul" chorus) and "Trial of Tears") are better (and tracks 1 and 13 far better) than the best song in "Awake". "Falling Into Infinity" isn't a bad album, but I expected more from DT than "Hollow Years" (the worst song in FII), "Take Away my Pain" and "Anna Lee" (it reminds me of "Lady Jane" by Quensryche): it's OK to put a slow, but three (and this "I've yet listened to 'em" three)!!! Perhaps Bon Jovi docet..... or perhaps some pressure from the label took effect (Mike Portnoy said that their label pushed for a "commercial turn"). The rest of the album is strange: the perfect example is "Just Let Me Breath" with an easy start and a very prog guitar&keyboard solo. DT continues to release lps different from the previous ones, but maybe this one is half a flop... or maybe I've to listen to it again (as it was for APSoG by Fates). But why I got in I&W and in "A Change of Season" immediatly and FII doesn't "let me in"?


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 97 23:20:34 +0200 From: Jan Melander <> To: <> Subject: Re:DT titles in songs Message-ID: <>

    >> I forget who was mentioning it, but DT uses "When dream and day >> unite" in Only A Matter of Time. I dunno of any other album that >> has the title in a song. > >"Images and words" is used in Wait for Sleep. I don't know about "Awake", >but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it's used somewhere.

    Well, look at my sig...

    By the way... currently listening at FII... and I must say that it ROCKS, is more varied than the other albums, it got some "simpler" songs, some real heavy In-Your-Face songs and some more "prog" type of songs... You can't realy compare it to the other albums, is as different to the others as Awake was to I&W. . My god.. Just let breath just started... Myung has a killer sound on this album.


    --------------------------------------------------------------- Jan Melander WM-Data --------------------------------------------------------------- "Until the circle breaks and wisdom lies ahead, The faithful live Awake, the rest remain misled" Innocence Faded - Dream Theater


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:51:01 -0400 From: Pat Sullivan <> To: Subject: Compare (was re:Lame lame) Message-ID: <>

    >Compare FII to Awake.

    I just made a post to the Voices list about this very kind of post: People who complain that the new stuff isn't progressive enough, and try to prove their point by comparing it to the older material. No, it isn't like Awake or I&W. To do that would not be PROgressive, that would be REgressive. In reality, if you take an open mind and listen to all the albums in order, the music becomes less "whacked" (more "simple", if you will) on each one. The basic components that make the band uniquely "DT" are still there, they just get to the point easier. :)

    That's not to say poeple won't be disappointed with the new stuff. I haven't heard it it, so I can't really judge. But the band is what it is. And this list is what it is. And posting something like that to this list is probably the fastest way to get your ass flamed short of sitting on a blowtorch.

    ----- _____Pat Sullivan_____________________________________ E-Mail: WWW: IRC: DDictator ICQ: 2049374 ______________________________________________________ Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay.


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:13:07 -0400 (EDT) From: CLARK ABEL <> To: Subject: So are you Message-ID: <>

    >>>>>>If I >want to listen to this kind of straightforward songs, I'll buy Rolling >Stones or Nirvana, but I doubt. <<<< > >you are a sick fuck > >have a nice day =] > >Rocky Dean >

    And you are just as bad, since you offer even less justification for your opinion than the original poster did for his. Thanks for taking up more space in my mailbox with this insightful comment.


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:32:31 -0400 (EDT) From: CLARK ABEL <> To: Subject: bonus tracks Message-ID: <>

    What are the bonus tracks on the Japanese release of FII?


    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 18:45:26 -0400 (EDT) From: Brandon Elhai <> To: Dream Theater <> Subject: Fates Warning with the Theater??? Message-ID: <>


    I read on the FW newsgroup that FW would be touring with DT on their upcoming US your. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Thanks.



    End of YTSEJAM Digest 2991 **************************

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