YTSEJAM digest 3699

Date: Thu Apr 02 1998 - 07:23:35 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3698"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3699

    Today's Topics:

      1) Clarifications (or, that was really my evil twin posting....)
     by Neal Brown <>
      2) Re: a question or 2, and a story
     by Matt Johnston <>
      3) Ridin the Trane, etc.
     by Neal Brown <>
      4) Re: GC
     by "Dale R. Newberry" <>
      5) Girls with guitars
     by Seth Hatlelid <>
      6) Erica's lament
     by Big Swifty <>
      7) Shreddi Mind Tricks
      8) Re: YTSEJAM digest 3698
     by Gzlamoco <>
      9) BFF-Brick
     by "Trevor W. Hoit" <>
     10) chick..suck....guitar...
     by "Matt Halloran" <>
     11) Mike's favorite toy
     by Choon-Kang Walther <>
     12) Re: DT posters
     by Graham Borland <>
     13) Re: Ben Folds Five
     by (Paul Dyer)
     14) Zuerich, concert review, (April 1st - no joke!!!) :)
     by Choon-Kang Walther <>
     15) Zuerich, how could I forget...
     by Choon-Kang Walther <>


    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 01:25:28 -0600
    From: Neal Brown <>
    Subject: Clarifications (or, that was really my evil twin posting....)
    Message-ID: <>

    NOTE: Hotmail and the Jam just ain't getting along again, so a lot of
    this stuff is going to be about eighty bazillion jams out of date. Soooo
    I'm going to use my geoshit account and cross my fingers.

    >And Robert Fripp would probably cringe at the fact that you are
    >labeling KC. He has gone out of his way to make sure that he isn't
    >lumped into a group. He is very experimental. You are correct that
    >KC has nothing to do with blues or jazz. (or with anything else for
    >that matter.) DT is a little different animal, though. The roots
    >leading back to blues are there. Sure, the direct roots aren't >there,
    but there is influence.

    Yeah, I know...heh heh. What I meant was that Crimson is "progressive,"
    in the sense of experimental and foward-looking, rather than Prog, as in
    70s art rock a la ELP and Yes, etc.

    > Never heard Shawn Lane's version or Hedges' version, have you?
    Nope....fill me in =) Hedges is the guitarist who does the psycho finger
    tapping, isn't that right? Where he plays like two or three parts at

    >The sax player in DMB is NOT carrying on Coltrane's
    >ANYTHING. You're doing the equivalent of saying (if Petrucci died)
    >Stone Gossard is carrying on Petrucci's torch. It's bad, man. Real
    >bad. :)

    Yeah, good point. I kinda got carried away with the ol' rhetoric

    >>>death metal band Cynic probably has more jazz influences than DMB.
    >>I Doubt it.
    >Doubt all you want, but casting judgement before listening only
    >makes you ignorant.

    Another good's still hard to imagine, but now I'm

    It's a good thing Portnoy posted when he did....I was getting a wee bit
    toasty *lol*


    Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 23:23:40 -0800 (PST)
    From: Matt Johnston <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: a question or 2, and a story
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Deedlit wrote:

    > A random query: there's a pause in "cut" 13 towards the end like the band
    >stopped, but then decided to go on...anyone know whether this was
    >deliberate, a studio fuckup, or the guys just almost ended but then went

    It's in the liner notes -- that's the dropout where the multitrack ends
    and Mike's DAT begins. I dunno why the cut was so obvious -- maybe
    because they didn't have much time, or didn't want to augment the piece
    (Mike did say, "as is"). But that's what that is.

    > Erica


    They Might Be Giants: REM with a sense of humor.


    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 01:35:50 -0600
    From: Neal Brown <>
    Subject: Ridin the Trane, etc.
    Message-ID: <>

    >OK, what exactly is so godly about this Coltrane? I've never heard him
    >play. I'm just curious as to why everyone revers him so much - is he just
    >like a really good sax player, or is there some other external factor that
    >makes what he does even more special? Sorry for being so uncultured. :)

    Yeah. He's incredible. He was an innovator. And he had a helluva band
    backing him up. I haven't studied him in depth yet, although I'm getting
    around to it. (I have My Favorite Things, Crescent, and Stellar Regions,
    for those who care. The last is absolutely earsplitting, btw. Love it to
    death. =) ) Seriously, if you don't understand what the fuss is about,
    just understand that the man is one of THE key figures in jazz. Go out
    and grab something with him on it. Right now. Anything.

    >Oh yeah, how about everyone NOT replying to Portnoy's posts?
    >If everyone makes a big deal out of every time he posts, and
    >just says the same things over and over, it's gonna get old
    >really quickly. A legitimate reply is cool, but this "I agree"
    >shit blows.

    I agree with you completely Kevin.

    Heh heh. ;)

    Seriously though....yeah, it's cool to see him on the list...but begging
    him to come to your damn city? Get real.

    While almost on the subject....on the King Crimson list, every once in
    awhile, Fripp will post something. For those of you familiar with
    Fripp's rather...shall we say, unique style, it's kind of intimidating.
    RF has a razor sharp wit; he's really hilarious, and extremely logical.
    It can be sidesplitting to read him dissecting some poor guy's post. Our
    Favorite Drummer, on the other hand, has a much more informal style,
    safe to say. MP is a *bit* more approachable and outgoing than Fripp
    Not that it's important or anything, but I thought maybe somebody'd give
    half a shit. =)

    >BTW on the "Derek likes Marilyn Manson" issue, I just accept it as one of his
    >personal quirks. If I can accept Chick Corea being a Scientologist, I'm sure
    >I have no problem with Derek liking MM, even if myself I can't stand the band.

    Sorta like MP liking the Beastie Boys...."you gotta fight! for your
    right! to paaaaaaarty!"


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 01:45:43 +0000
    From: "Dale R. Newberry" <>
    Subject: Re: GC
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey, I just read that Galactic Cowboys are scheduled to play the
    Cornerstone Festival on the last night, starting at midnight :).
    Wow, Saviour Machine and GC at the same fest (not to mention
    Tourniquet and Living Sacrifice :).
    I also saw that Satriani is scheduled to play Pop's Annex in St.
    Louis, of all places, sometime next month.

    Dale R. Newberry

    "As miserable as life is, I hold it pretty
    precious." -Henry Rollins


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 02:10:44 -0600
    From: Seth Hatlelid <>
    Subject: Girls with guitars
    Message-ID: <l03130300b148f4afdf13@[]>

    > I also wanted to relate a depressing story to you musicians, and even
    >non-musicians, out there. IT SUCKS TO BE A GIRL WHO PLAYS THE

    I'm not too sure about that, I'm male and I've jammed with tons of people
    and had similar expereinces to yours. I think that it really dependsk on
    the chemistry of the players. For example, I hate playing covers. It
    bothers me and so I like to write my own stuff in my free time. Now that
    I've used up my free time writing music, I don't have any time to learn the
    latest "in" song. I get a cal to jam with a couple of guys at college and
    I'm all excited...until I get there and discover that the "band" is a trio
    of burnouts who only want to play Metallica covers! Blech! We jammed for
    about 2 minutes on Master of Puppets which I remember from when I first got
    into bass and I thought Metallica were the Gods of all things electric and
    stringed. Then I tried to get them to jam on a relatively easy bass
    progression, total disaster...extreme suckage. Luckily the Heavens parted
    and a divine being told us to "shut the fuck up before my ears start
    bleeding!" We parted ways and never acknowledged one another's existence

    There are other cases where I get together with some guys and we'll crank
    out three songs in an hour. It all depends on the mood and chemistry.

    nd the bassist leaves
    >for a while to help his girlfriend fix her car.

    @#$%^&* bass players!

            I know a husband and wife that play music together as a hobby. He
    plays guitar and she plays bass. I think it works fairly well together. The
    only problem for me is I keep dating floutists and bass/flute duos sound
    like...that elepehant copulating with a train noise that Derek makes in
    ACOS ;-)

    > Life sucks, and mine is worse than average too often....

    well, if for some reason your life ever lands you in St. Louis, look me up
    and we'll jam. This offer is good for ANYONE who would like to jam in ST.
    Louie. I've got a great keyboardist but we just can't find a decent singer
    or a guitar player (go figure), and we can't find a drummer at all.

    Anyway Cheers to all,

    Seth Hatlelid

    Check out my web page at

                            "Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?"


    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 02:25:45 -0600
    From: Big Swifty <>
    Subject: Erica's lament
    Message-ID: <>

    > Granted, they were a lot better than I was, but they made NO
    > EFFORT WHATSOEVER to even play together

    Hmmm...seems to me that they're not that good after all.

    DT rules.


    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 01:41:25 -0700 (MST)
    Cc: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Shreddi Mind Tricks
    Message-ID: <>

    On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Deedlit socked it to us baby:

    > How come everyone's favorite LTE song is "Universal Mind?" I dunno, it
    > kinda bugs me, except the jam part in the middle, before the guys follow
    > their turnery return to the initial theme. It's very...80's...glam. I
    > dunno, maybe I'm not into glammy music, but, I find "Three Minute Warning"
    > and a lot of the other songs to be better. My friend said, upon hearing
    > the song, "it reminds me of Van Halen, and I'm not an expert on music."
    > (she liked TMW)

    Heh heh, 80's glam? I'll have to listen to that track and see if I can
    pull out any synchronized kicking goodness. I think it's the way that
    the song ends that really gets people's tails waggin'. Clowns rule.

    > A random query: there's a pause in "cut" 13 towards the end like the band

    They ran outta tape and had to switch to Mike's secret stash.

    > I guess I just suck or something.

    heh heh, hey gotta boyfriend? >;)

    *snip long rant about jamming*

    Well, ya have to look towards the positive aspects of jamming with
    others, regardless of gender. Okay, I haven't jammed out with any chick
    shredders yet, I'll admit (almost did though, too bad I lost her number
    :( ) but REGARDLESS, the point of jamming is to have a good time making
    loud fuckin' noise with other people who can play, even if they suck!

    Back in the dorms last year I think I constituted as the one and only
    hard core metalhead/proghead (proghead sounds so gay...we should use
    somethin' like "psychotic musician who LIKES theory classes") and about 3
    or 4 other ppl who lived in the complex who played (somewhat) regularly.
    The first dude I jammed with was a big Nirvana/grunge fan who didn't know
    didly quack about anything, he just happened to have a loud as hell
    Fender combo amp, a fender guitar and a Yamaha bass. So when I went in
    there playing Metallica/Satch/Vai/Johnson licks (very badly I must add),
    he was totally blown away.

    ]From that jam session, he learned a lot, like what an E minor chord
    is. What I got out of it was a little more confidence in my own playing
    ability and a chance to jam with something besides my CD player.

    Try not to look at artistic expression as a competition (unless of
    course, you're a critic writing for the local newspaper) because that's
    when it turns into a sport of who can play the most notes, scales, Vai
    covers, etc.. And we all know what that leads to: the Yngwie syndrome.

    I've heard your chops, and you could thrash the balls of most of the
    guitar slingers I've played with out here in the valley. Quit yer
    bitchin' and chop their heads off baby!

    Anyhoo, I need to stop being a guitarist and back to being a Drawing

    ~Eckiesan shreds up, down, up, down, not side to side


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 04:47:33 EST
    From: Gzlamoco <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3698
    Message-ID: <>

    this is a big hello to this whole idea...i am an old aquaintance to the
    nucleus of dream theater(formerly called case the "newer" theater
    fans didnt know that)esp. mr.portnoy....i was the singer for
    progmetal/technical thrash(we were called so many "alternative" names its not
    funny) band that some of you may have heard of...called WATCHTOWER ,for about
    7 years....i have done quite alot since then and still am,..a very busy
    bee..its all good..i am new to the whole cyber bare with
    me..i have had my pc for a week...some one recently emailed me and said that i
    was being mentioned in here,somewhere..wether i was or not...please feel free
    to email me with?'s and feedback on any topic that you feel i could help out
    with and i will be sure to get back..and if anyone speaks to mike
    portnoy..tell him..jason from texas says hello!(


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 01:58:54 -0800
    From: "Trevor W. Hoit" <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: BFF-Brick
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: (Paul Dyer)
    > Has anyone heard the Ben Folds Five song "Brick"?
    Yep, great song, downer lyrics though.
    I mean, selling your Christmas presents to pay for an abortion?
    I'd love to get the sheet music for it. Anyone seen it around?


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 03:53:06 -0400
    From: "Matt Halloran" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: chick..suck....guitar...
    Message-ID: <>

    > So that's my depressing little story. I'm sure many of you out there
    > with other people all the time, but I hope you have more success. It
    > being a chick who's into heavy and complex music. I doubt I'll ever jam
    > again.... Granted, they were a lot better than I was, but they made NO
    > EFFORT WHATSOEVER to even play together (they were about equal in
    > let alone play with me. It was so fucking dysfunctional. ARGH! I
    > play my guitar until yesterday because of all of that crap. I mean, I'm
    > not a great guitarist--I'm not even good--but jeez...I keep thinking I
    > really want to give up after things like this happen. (But I did just
    > order a new bridge!)
    > APOLOGIES FOR THIS LONG RANT! :( I guess I'll have to take over
    > job for an hour, huh? ;)
    > Life sucks, and mine is worse than average too often....
    > Erica

            Take heart I don't think you being a chick had anything to do with your
    problems (well maybe a little). You see that is the interesting phenomenon
    that occurs when you get more than one guitarist together. If I had a
    ha'penny for every time something similar happened to me I would have
    enough money to eat this weekend. (never mind that ha'penny's are no
    longer in use...or are they...I am really out of touch) But anyway the
    best way to go about it is to try and structure up a jam with these fella's
    first. Lay down some ground rules and if they don't behave Crank the hell
    out of your shite and sit real close to your amp and just go crazy, (i
    recommend some serious 3rd fret g-string harmonics bent all aquiver (is
    that a word?).
     And if they don't like it tell em ta bugger off.


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 12:40:08 +0200 (CEST)
    From: Choon-Kang Walther <>
    Subject: Mike's favorite toy
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi everyone,
    just a quick sideremark:
    Did anyone notice, why there were so many mails by Mike on the jam?

    He is sitting in his hotelroom, reading the jam and replying to e-mails.
    This is called a day-off. :) (Zuerich)


    PS: Check out my 'Neverending Dreams Part 2.2' from Germany (monday) and
    the review about Zuerich.


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 11:50:13 +0100 (BST)
    From: Graham Borland <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: DT posters
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: "Scott Sturdivant" <>
    > Subject: DT posters
    > KICKASS, you get DT posters around town? Where the hell do you live?

    Yup. :-)

    I live in Glasgow, UK. It will be Dream Theater's first gig in Scotland
    since 1993, and I'm hoping it will be at least as entertaining as the last one
    (naked women and silly string).

    > But, Ill give you ten bucks for one! Providing of course thats its not
    > ripped to shreds... Later!

    Plan A is actually to go to the venue and ask if they have any spare ones.
    Plan B will be to surreptitiously sneak around till I find one which isn't
    too tightly attached to its host wall. If I manage to get any, I'll be
    sure to let you know . . .


    Graham Borland                         Email :
                                             WWW :
    Alternative Publishing Ltd               Tel :  0141 418 0881
    30 Clyde Place, Glasgow G5 8AQ           Fax :  0141 418 0889


    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 21:15:41 -0800 From: (Paul Dyer) To: Subject: Re: Ben Folds Five Message-ID: <>

    I quite like BFF...I mean I don't know if I would buy an album but I am happy when they are on the radio....which is unusual...usually I hate the radio :) The opening line just reminded me of OFB....


    Paul D.


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 13:51:43 +0200 (CEST) From: Choon-Kang Walther <> To: Subject: Zuerich, concert review, (April 1st - no joke!!!) :) Message-ID: <>

    Very little is comparable with having my favorite band play my hometown, at the hall where I've seen more than half of the concerts I've ever attended, together with long term friends with whom I also hang out in my sparetime.

    The whole started out one day prior, when DT arrived from their break in the US. Quote MP: 'This was the only way, everyone agreed to do a full cover Europe tour. Three four of the band are married and three have family.' Everytime, when I looked at the hoteltower - through the window - I wondered who might be there already. I had friends for dinner, so it wasn't untill 10 PM to start first sushi-preps.

    After work the next day (as usual start at 7:00 AM :///), I got fish and stopped by quickly at the hotel lobby. DT sat there, busy with a meeting, one of their favorite activities (particularly at the onset of a tour-block). Back home, I started cooking, rolling, decorating... Sushi! (Advise: Find out what you're getting yourself into before you ever pepare some yourself :))) ) 3 Plates for band and crew. Besides of JP, all of the band eat at least some kinds, compare to coversleeve of IAW (?), thanks list.

    Cab to the venue, set up food, watch the last bits of the soundcheck (thanks Mike!), go and eat, back to the hall. DT had dinner at the restaurant of the hall (in a corner) and most of the fans in there didn't even seem to notice!! Not even the local promoter could spoil my good mood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick input(Sorry, but I have to!) His surname among local roadies is 'poison-dwarf'. Backflash: About 1991, Gamma Ray (German Metalband of former Helloween guitarplayer Kai Hansen) on their 1st tour, same venue, same promoter. 5 Japanese fans were following them. Kai had given them 2 passes with unlimited validity. When two of the fans tried to use them, the promoter ripped them apart with the remark: 'I said, I don't accept these here.' No comment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zuerich (Volkshaus) ------- Hall: My concerthome :) sold out. A square-shaped hall with a small to mid size stage (the extention was not in use) and a seated balcony along the sides and the back, holding about 1/4th of the people. The capacity : 1800 - 2000 people. Crowd: Good atmospere! Rather peaceful, as a whole, yet some 'jumpers' and 'banger's spots'. :) Singing. Got to the 1st row (during ytsejam, of course) which is rather unusual for a sold out Volkshaus. Sound: Good job! Lights: Changed colors: green and violet lights, beside the blue, red and orange from Germany. Extras: Good show. Regular 1st set. (compare to 'Neverending Dreams' next monay) DT usually start of with the improvising after a week or so of 'warm up shows'. With regular, I mean pretty much according to the records. Though, if I'm not mistaken, the drum solo and the guitar solo has small changes compared to the German dates 2 weeks ago. Good audience drummers, particularly the 2nd one! The 'whouou-uuu' was in again (Derek) and the 'fasten your seatbelts', but no 'One' cover. Derek was in a 'catchy' mood: caught at least 2/3ths of the sticks thrown! I hope this is not decreasing again, as during the 1st European block. :))) Met two (of the about 5) Swiss jammers, Mark and Vito. Enjoyed being accepted for once at unusual places at the Volkshaus: Soundboard, backstage. Aftershow: Another one of these bandmeetings. Count on a two hour wait after the show, if any of the roadies tells you about and you want to meet the guys. But ALL of the band came out and signed everything, including my few (understatement :) ) pictures. Derek was the only one who started : 'Oh, this is cool, I WAN'T a copy of this one. Oh, and this one too, I'LL MARK THEM AT THE BACK SO YOU'LL REMEMBER WHICH ONES'. :P (Just teasing you, Derek, you'll get the copies) Gift: Mike was overwhelmed a little bit for once, his birthday is in a few weeks (e-mail: Portnoy420!) and Matthias, THE German fan gave him a CD. He'd asked Mike about his 10 or so favorite songs (besides of DT) of all times, made up a CD with them, nice gfx, and composed a cover, backside, inside etc. with pictures. Has anyone seen the picture with DT holding a frame with the 'Majesty sign' in an edition of the Dutch fanzine? That was also Matthias' work: Actually a puzzle with pics of DT, their wives, etc. partly several years back. Nice to be home after such a show in 5 minutes. And Back to work the next morning at 7:00.... :/

    Cheers Choon-Kang


    Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 14:04:45 +0200 (CEST) From: Choon-Kang Walther <> To: Subject: Zuerich, how could I forget... Message-ID: <>

    Sorry, I forgot to tell you about the opener!!! The Rudess Morgenstein Project, an absolutely amazing duo. Also mixed by Vinnie, thought there was no soundcheck, or at least not with Vinnie. They received more light, than German operne Vanden Plas. They played for about one hour and received pretty good audience reactions, particularly among the musicians in the crowd. The only thing I missed were vocals. Very sympathic appearance during the statements and apparently very happy about the fact, to open for DT. Cheers Choon-Kang


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3699 **************************

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