YTSEJAM Digest 4189
Today's Topics:
1) New Kid On The Block
by Dushko <>
2) Re: RockOnline chat
by Mark Bredius <>
3) Explorers Club
by "Ville Rassi" <>
4) Re: Fave keyboard moments
by Dushko <>
5) intro/Providence show/boots.
by Dave <>
6) Re: YTSEJAM digest 4186
by Carol Dellinger <>
7) lits intro
by Manuel <>
8) Re: Learning to Live intro - a detailed look
9) Re: Learning to Live intro - a detailed look
by Shai Yallin <>
10) Big Wreck on UBL!
by Shai Yallin <>
11) Re: lits intro
by Carlos Alfaro <>
12) Re: Rush Production (totally no DT content)
by "Mike Patrick" <>
13) attn: George!!!
by "Brendan McCarthy" <>
14) Mike P's Video's
by "Mark Philpot" <>
15) Platyous Released in Europe Today
by "Robert O'Doherty" <>
16) Used CDs
by Dave <>
17) MTV News
by NGA <>
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 09:21:31 +0200
From: Dushko <>
Subject: New Kid On The Block
Message-ID: <>
Hi all!
My name is Dushko, 23, from Balkan country named Macedonia. I study
computer science, 4-th year (1.5 - 2 more to go).
Huge DT fan naturally. :-)
ANYONE bought Magna Carta's Tribute to Yes? How about some comments on
Well, that's all, just a short introduction.
See ya, Dushko
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:29:05 +0200
From: Mark Bredius <>
To: "'Ytsejam'" <>
Subject: Re: RockOnline chat
Message-ID: <>
Christian P Kremo wrote :
> These chats suck! Very poorly organized. Mike & James answered
> maybe 15 questions max in the course of an hour.
Mike and James answered 27 questions in exactly 1:07. :)
For those who missed it, an edited no bullshit version is
available on UACM... If you want the complete transcript,
check out RockOnline's website. Thanks go out to Calvin6S
for providing all the questions and answers. :)
> If you ever see anything cool on RockOnline again, do yourself
> a favor and just ignore it.
D'oh! There will be a Steve Hogarth chat on RockOnline on
August 25th...
Rogerio Brito wrote :
> Unfortunately, of course. It could be much better, if they
> were continuously streaming the HTML page... :-(
Moderated IRC chats is where it's at... Last year we did two
chats with Fish (ex-Marillion) on the #Freaks channel. People
had to submit their names 15-30 minutes before the chat. The
list of names was used to give everyone a turn to ask their
question LIVE, with only the person asking a question being
allowed to talk. It was a hell to organize and coordinate,
but the chats went VERY smooth.
I'm currently talking with Steve Hogarth (Marillion) about
doing a similar chat with him in #Freaks, to promote his
solo album "Ice Cream Genius". :)
Mark Bredius
Under A Cyber Moon - The Official Dream Theater Website E-mail:
The Official H Website --
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 08:05:00 PDT
From: "Ville Rassi" <>
Subject: Explorers Club
Message-ID: <>
After two days of continuous listening, I have to say that, for me,
this is the best album of 98 so far.Like APSoG, this is a one song with
five parts.You´ll have to hear it yourself.Buy it! NOW!
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 15:03:59 +0200
From: Dushko <>
Subject: Re: Fave keyboard moments
Message-ID: <>
> Date: Sat, 15 Aug
> From: (Tony De Laender)
> On last night's episode of the Ytsejam, Christina wrote:
> Hands down, I'm going with the intro to "Lines in the Sand." It's big,
> triumphant and totally DEREK!!!
> I agree. The moment them organs kick in really hit me in the head when I first
> heard it, and then the big-band thing, wow! Other favorites? If I had to list
> them all, it would probably take up two digests, but I'll leave you with a few:
> - the piano part halfway through "Universal Mind" on LTE and "Cartoon Parade"
> (the whole song) on RMP, both by Jordan Rudess, my god :-)
> - the intro of LtL, including KevMo's solo
> - "The Big Blue" Ouverture(very moody stuff) by Eric Serra
> - "Tubular Bells" by Vangelis, Mike Oldfield's version comes second IMHO
> - "Lady of the Lake" by Rick Wakeman on TMaLoKAatKotRT (how's that for
> an acronym?)
> Just my 2 uh, franks on the subject
> FiveNgroK
Some of my faves:
- Ytsejam keys solo
That chord strike just before the key solo explodes is simply AWESOME!
And how can someone not love those rock bending notes Kev does here!
The guitar solo right after this is quite weird, but the keys are
straight rockin'.
- Take The Time keys solo
Kev rocks the house again! :-) Most powerful key solo I ever heard in my
- Steve Vai - Bangkok/Fire Garden Suite (piano solo)
Great, great piece! What a playing! And then, I opened the CD booklet
and saw that Vai's playing it!!! Get outta here! :-)
If you don't know the stuff, FIND IT! :-)
- Dream Theater - Intro of Love Lies Bleeding/Funeral...
Very deep, emotional stuff
- Brand X - every single key note ;-)
NP: Eric Clapton - Live Concert
Date: 8/16/1998 12:41
From: Dave <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: intro/Providence show/boots.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hey there,
Someone, Matt I believe, mentioned that DT played the
intro to at the Providence RI show some years
back. This is true as I was there for my first of many DT
shows to come. When they opened with LTL, I nearly took a
heart attack! That song instantly became my favorite at
that time.
It wasn't until I got to the show that I found out that it
was being broadcast on the radio.
Does anyone have a good quality boot of this show?
Possibly on CD? (Bogie?). I'd love to have that show, my
first, on CD. If anyone can help, please contact me.
LTL worked great as an opener, I'd like to see them kick
off a show with that again.
CP: Rocket Scientists- "Brutal Architecture"
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 09:52:19 -0700
From: Carol Dellinger <>
Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 4186
Message-ID: <> shared:
> << First time poster, long time DT fan.... Yadda yadda yadda....
> "What's that?" you say. "A FEMALE Dream Theater fan?" GASP AND SWOON!!
> YES!! A ytsewoman!!! >>
> Hello, I too am a first time poster and a female fan also. Yes, there really
> is a female audience out there. Chicks Rule!
WOO HOO! Add another Lady Jammer to the list. Welcome! Look out
Guys.....we are taking OVER!
--Coldfire ICQ: 4656934 The Official Shadow Gallery Mailing List Gallery of Shadows
"Fly where your dreams go...." - Crystalline Dream, Shadow Gallery
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 19:29:32 +0200 From: Manuel <> To: Subject: lits intro Message-ID: <>
damon: >I hope the Lines in the Sand intro is not frm a tape.
It is.
DRYHEAT ( Houston they say that?)
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 15:44:08 EDT From: To: Cc: Subject: Re: Learning to Live intro - a detailed look Message-ID: <>
Right on dude!!!!!! You nailed it right on the head! It's nice to know that all those headaches I give myself trying to mess with odd times and weird phrasings are actually getting noticed and appreciated!
This is the kind of stuff I talk about at my clinics. You can also find alot of this "fun with numbers" and groove twisting stuff in my drum parts to The Mirror, ACOS, Metropolis, The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun, Lines in the Sand, Scarred & Hell's Kitchen.
Great post and it's nice to see some REAL DT content here. (sorry Derek!) : )
Mike Portnoy
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:11:13 +0300 From: Shai Yallin <> To: Subject: Re: Learning to Live intro - a detailed look Message-ID: <> wrote: > > Right on dude!!!!!! > You nailed it right on the head! > It's nice to know that all those headaches I give myself trying to mess with > odd times and weird phrasings are actually getting noticed and appreciated! > > This is the kind of stuff I talk about at my clinics. > You can also find alot of this "fun with numbers" and groove twisting stuff in > my drum parts to The Mirror, ACOS, Metropolis, The Ones Who Help To Set The > Sun, Lines in the Sand, Scarred & Hell's Kitchen. > > Great post and it's nice to see some REAL DT content here. (sorry Derek!) : > ) > > Mike Portnoy
Although I do believe mister Portnoy overplays sometimes, there are some things that seperate him from ordinary metal drummers:
A. He can build a mood through a song. Listen to the solos in Trial of Tears. This is the kind of drumming I like: he starts with little and ends playing like a spider... or in Paradigm Shift after the first Rudess solo.
B. He never takes the easy way around.
C. He replies to posts on the list.
Way to go Mike,
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Shai Yallin <> aka Kurush | | ICQ #16353527 | | | | | | Keyboard player | computer programmer | high-school attendee | -----------------------------------------------------------------
In an infinite Universe, there's no such thing as "there's no such thing".
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:32:11 +0300 From: Shai Yallin <> To: Ytsejam Mailing List <> Subject: Big Wreck on UBL! Message-ID: <>
Check this out: Big Wreck are the band of the week at UBL!
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Shai Yallin <> aka Kurush | | ICQ #16353527 | | | | | | Keyboard player | computer programmer | high-school attendee | -----------------------------------------------------------------
In an infinite Universe, there's no such thing as "there's no such thing".
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 18:16:31 -0400 From: Carlos Alfaro <> To: Subject: Re: lits intro Message-ID: <>
Manuel wrote:
> damon: > >I hope the Lines in the Sand intro is not frm a tape. > > It is. >
I dont know what show did you watch.. but ive got the Irving plaza nov 22 97 show on video and it is most definately not a tape..
> DRYHEAT ( Houston they say that?)
In the stream of consciousness There is a river crying Living comes much easier Once we admit , We're dying. Dream Theater: Lines in the Sand Tech Support Rep : Caribbean Internet Service Universal Internet Number (ICQ) 1254229
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 14:11:21 -0500 From: "Mike Patrick" <> To: "DT" <> Subject: Re: Rush Production (totally no DT content) Message-ID: <>
>And I can't believe no one has said this yet: Presto album material is >completely absent on the live album. That is ridiculous considering Presto >is the worst produced album of the recent four and could most benefit from >some live treatments.
You are not worthy to wipe Rupert Hine's arse.
Mike Patrick Indianapolis, IN
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 22:03:32 -0700 From: "Brendan McCarthy" <> To: <> Subject: attn: George!!! Message-ID: <01bdc99c$6150ac40$c81e8ed1@brenz>
my friend got 2 angra songs from your web page (speed and paradise). could you please send me your address.
thank you , brendan
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 23:50:06 -0700 From: "Mark Philpot" <> To: <> Subject: Mike P's Video's Message-ID: <000001bdc9ab$44a81a60$8a8c15cf@markphil>
Recently, Mike has mentioned making some instructional videos... I've also heard that JP has one (or more)... Does anyone know where to get these?
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 08:46:58 +0100 From: "Robert O'Doherty" <> To: "'Ytsejam'" <> Subject: Platyous Released in Europe Today Message-ID: <>
Woo Hoo .... Platypus is being released this morning in Europe (according to UACM) ...
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can buy it online ... there's no chance in the world that any store in Ireland would be able to get hold of it.
Rob. ICQ 809343
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 16:49:57 -0400 From: Dave <> To: Subject: Used CDs Message-ID: <>
I went to one of the local new/used CD stores (Manifest disks and tapes) today with my trusty list of "to check out" CDs and scored several really good buys. I picked up Ron Thal "Hermit" for $4, Dio "Holy Diver" for $2.50, Royal Hunt "Paradox" was $5, Rush "Power Windows" for $7, James Murphy "Convergence" for $5, Galactic Cowboys "Space in Your Face" for $3 !! Than they gave me a Ozzfest promo with Soulfly, Coal Chamber, Life of Agony, Fear Factory, Spineshank, any several others for free !! I walked out of there with 7 CDs for the low price of only $27.83. Most of these sound good so far. Just a couple of weeks ago, I found Galactic Cowboys self titled, Lemur Voice "Insights", and Altura "Mercy" all used for about $4 each and they all ROCK!!
Moral: Write down any band you see listed in the JAM and find them in a used store (where you can possibly listen to it first) or look for samples on the net. You'll be surprised to find out how much good music really _IS_ out there !!
Later, Zildjian
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:34:56 +0100 From: NGA <> To: "''" <> Subject: MTV News Message-ID: <>
Hi all
here is some interesting news for those of you who feel compelled to watch MTV (as opposed to just ignoring it, as all sensible people do).
Justa a quickie today (as the bishop said to the actress).
stay safe and happy listening Neil Gallop ( Currently playing: Roy Harper - Flashes From The Archives Of Oblivion
End of YTSEJAM Digest 4189 **************************
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