YTSEJAM Digest 4481

Date: Sun Dec 06 1998 - 00:27:16 EST

  • Next message: : "YTSEJAM Digest 4482"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 4481

    Today's Topics:

      1) Chris & Chris
      2) 90's guitarists'n'shit
     by "Jarno Tuomainen" <>
      3) 98 Ytsejam Poll
     by "Neil Gallop" <>
      4) Romeo and my last Vibrato comment
     by "Christopher Ptacek" <>
      5) Re: DT
     by "Mario Charbonnier" <>
      6) King's X/ Galactic Cowboys tour 1999 (NDTC)
     by Dan Temmesfeld <>
      7) Re: Vibrato
      8) Re: King's X/ Galactic Cowboys tour 1999 (NDTC)
     by "Graham Boyle" <>
      9) being nice
     by "Schnipp -" <>
     by Marco Petrini <>
     11) VSP Projekt
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     12) 6 New CDs for $1
     by Jon Kretschmer <>
     13) Re: 6 New CDs for $1
     by "Graham Boyle" <>
     14) Romeo's playing
     by "Chris Herbst" <>
     15) 5 years in a livetime
     by "Raivo Hool" <>


    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 05:27:16 EST
    Subject: Chris & Chris
    Message-ID: <>

    > From: "Christopher Ptacek" <>
    > Subject: Vibrato and whammy and bears oh my
    > That song ("Dirty Pant'loons") is on his Bumblefoot: Hands release. You
    > can only get it directly through him, but you can do just that through
    > There are samples from everything he's done, including a Sega Saturn
    > game.

    "Wild Woody" isn't a Sega Saturn game, it's a Sega CD game. The Sega CD system
    is possibly one of the biggest bombs the home gaming industry has ever seen.
    Finding anything for Sega CD is darn near impossible, and I've been looking
    for Thal's neato soundtrack for a whole stinkin' year with no luck. Supposedly
    the music on a Sega CD game can be played on a regular cd player, and at the
    moment I have no desire to play the actual game. ;)

    > Remember. Every man can whammy. Not every man can truly do vibrato.

    "Where ye goin?"
    "Ta peck a scale!"

    > The only places JP uses whammy are for dive effects and for vibrato on
    > chords (i e PMU). He doesn't really use it for single note vibrato that I
    > real.

    Ahem, in live situations there's a part in the solo to "Voices" where Petrucci
    hits a high harmonic, lets go of the guitar completely with his left hand, and
    levitates the guitar up into the air by pulling up on the bar with his right
    hand until the guitar is level with his chest, nodding as if to say "Yeeaaaah,
    you WISH you had a trem like this." Otherwise, yes, he uses it to make silly
    slinky chords for the opening of "Pull Me Under" which don't come through on
    the album quite as goofily as they do live.

    > Vai only uses the bar for dramatic effects. His vibrato, the real stuff...
    not when
    > he's making a guitar talk like Charlie Brown's teacher, is all in his hands.
    > Watch him play.

    Spock sez: This statement is illogical, captain. Vai's playing *IS* a dramatic

    > The whammy is awesome for flutters (chirps) dive bombs and crazy effects
    > (think "Boys, it's GETTING too LOUD!" from the Audience is listening).
    > Becker did some cool weird ass vibrato on Perpetual burn with a whammy, but
    > he can do anything.

    Heh heh, well when you can do anything there's really nothing you can't do.

    > Steve Lukather once said that vibrato on guitar should be like vibrato
    > on voice. Listen to a trained vocalist sing and see how they use it.
    > Sometimes you jump right in and start shaking, and other times you hold
    > back for a second and then let it go.

    Fast and consistent from the start vibrato = Placido Domingo
    Wide whammy-bar vibrato = Jose Carreras
    Angus Young vibrato = Gwen Stefani
    Vibrato combined with volume knob = Aaron Neville
    Vibrato with a harmonic = Mariah Carey

    > Do you have any idea how much comments like that annoy me? You taking
    > "Bafu Vai's How to Annoy Madsman" lessons?

    Do you have any idea how much comments like that annoy me? You taking
    "Madsman's How to Annoy Bafu Vai" lessons?

    > Consider that maybe you have an inferiority complex. I don't consider
    > to be better than anyone on this list.

    That's because you have an inferiority complex.

    > I can claim to have been playing for 10 years, and I think I'm justified in
    > like my opinions have some substantial basis when discussing guitar
    > I put in the work. I don't just talk shit.

    Yeah! He don't just TALK shit, he PLAY shit!! He play shit 'cause he gots an
    inferiority complex!
    > You can't be as accurate or as expressive with it,

    ??? That's so debatable I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

    > and you WILL come into situations where you need vibrato and won't have
    > access to a whammy or won't be able to use it when you do.

    So? This problem is what forces style to evolve, and don't go saying one's
    personal style has to evolve according to a set of standards. Many of the
    things I CAN do now are a direct result of things I COULDN'T do when I first
    tried. I probably wouldn't be able to use the bar the way I do now if I'd been
    great with left-hand vibrato from Day 1. Sure I can do "real" vibrato now, but
    I've maintained most of the whammy stuff I did early on, only today instead of
    calling them "substitute techniques" I call them "licks." So what if some
    people can't play without a whammy bar? People who can only play with a whammy
    bar can probably do things that people who don't use a whammy bar can't do.
    (Okay that last sentence makes me dizzy just reading it, scratch it out.)

    > There is quite simply no substitute for natural vibrato, from your fingers.
    If you
    > deny that, that's fine, Ace, but you're not going to meet too many people
    > agree with you. Don't turn a simple conversation into an attack... we're
    all just
    > discussing points of view.

    There is simply no substitute for a slow two-octave dive, from the whammy bar.

    And I agree that there is no substitute for vibrato from your fingers. You can
    change the pressure of your fingers against the strings to create all sorts of
    vibrato textures that aren't available if you keep the finger-pressure the
    same and move the bar up and down.

    > From: Eckie <>
    > Subject: Tag, YOU'RE IT!
    > We'll go egg Bafu's house later when the sun is down. It'll be fun!

    You think you can battle a two-fisted roman-candle-wielding mad shredder
    running from rooftop to rooftop? Be my guest. Bring on the eggs. Hope that
    umbrella of yours works against FIREBALLS...

    > ~Eckie jumps in his Wagon O Love and heads to Bafu's garage with his
    > carton of eggs

    Duct tape works great when you need six roman candles bundled together for
    those egg-tossing miscreants...

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 02:46:02 PST
    From: "Jarno Tuomainen" <>
    Subject: 90's guitarists'n'shit
    Message-ID: <>

    ***Warning. Potential flame bait. Don't read if easily tempted***

     Straight to the point: John Petrucci is thee guitar player of the 90's
    (not including the "old timers" from 70's/80's). Naturally having other
    members of Dream Theater around doesn't hurt, but he's one of the few
    players that also has understanding of song structure in addition to a
    great technique. Nowadays new guitar heroes (Shapnel Records!!!) and
    prog(-metal) bands seem to emerge left and right, making finding good
    MUSIC harder than when terms like prog and guitar instrumental were much
    more defined.

     Difficult licks and furious speed ALONE does not a good song make... I
    don't doubt that Joe Stumps licks are hard to play, but the songs (or
    should I say tracks) are very little more than just licks patched up
    together, they don't act as songs at all (not even as instrumentals).
    Yngwie's Rising Force, Jason Becker's Perpetual Burn etc. wipe the floor
    with Joe's work.

     And what comes to thousands of recommendations found here and all over
    the net, I've found them to be mostly worthless; everybody just seems to
    state how "GREAT!!!" and "a must to have" everything is. It would be
    much more helpful to others if the music would be described in context
    with similar artist/styles and avoiding terms like
    good/great/sucks/etc.. Of course, a link to sound samples would be the
    most effective way. BTW Does anyone know where to get samples from

     Finally (after everybody has been pissed off and skipped this message)
    I would like someone with first hand knowledge to tell me (and the list)
    something about Greg Howe's work. I listened the samples of his newest
    at and all I can say is that I'm impressed. The 'Tales
    Told' sounds very interesting in deed (I HAVE to have Vitalij Kuprij's
    solo record(s?)). Is any of Greg's earlier work similar to 'Ascend'?
    There were some samples of 'Five' at cdnow, and it sounded like from a
    different planet...
     And what about Ron Thal, all I've heard from him is 'Chopin Fantasie'
    from Shrapnel sampler cd (Ominous guitarists from the unknown), and
    obviously it doesn't give a very good picture of his overall abilities
    (he can play, yes).

    PS. Reply to the list if you will...

    Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 15:46:52 +0100
    From: "Neil Gallop" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: 98 Ytsejam Poll
    Message-ID: <000701be2127$434aa880$>

    Hi all

    since it seems that nobody else here can be bothered to get their
    thumbs or whammies out of their arse and organise the grand old
    traditional Ytsejam best album poll, I will volunteer to do so myself.

    So, here goes. Send your entries to me personally, not to the list.
    List your top 5 new albums of this year in order, i.e. your absolute
    favourite should be the first on your list, and so on. Please do not
    use abbreviations and acronyms, but rather full band names and
    album titles. Only one entry per subscriber. Only albums that were
    released in 1998 are eligible. I will not be publishing intermediate
    results. Complete results will be available as soon as possible in
    January 1999. Let the fun begin.

    stay safe and happy listening
    Neil Gallop (
    Currently playing: Bill Hicks - Arizona Bay


    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 11:53:59 -0600
    From: "Christopher Ptacek" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Romeo and my last Vibrato comment
    Message-ID: <000901be2141$67bd4280$>

        I've reconsidered some things. I guess I need to make sure it's rather
    clear that everything I've said about vibrato is my opinion, in a debate
    that has 3 sides. I think my opinion is probably the most common among
    guitarists, but that doesn't change the fact that it's just an opinion.
    When I say "whammy can take the soul out of your vibrato" I guess I can only
    say that it does so to my ears. Clearly not everyone agrees. The fact that
    I don't care for Gilmour kind of emphasized this to me, since I know that so
    many people do. Do what thou will, but heed my warning. Opinions not
    withstanding, every guitarist should be able to do a solid vibrato without
    the bar, or he or she is probably in for a rude awakening one day.
        As for the dude who was knocking Romeo, I respect your opinion. That's
    all good. Are you a guitarist? I would be surprised to hear a "yes" in
    response to that. Not unlike GaZ, I too think you have a listening issue.
    Note, you do not have to, for any reason, like Romeo's note choice or
    playing, or sound or whatever. The thing is, you can't name me a player
    like him. Romeo is MUCH smoother than Yngwie, and has a legato comparable
    to Holdsworth. There hasn't been a guitarist yet who has released an album
    with solos like his. If you ARE a guitarist, I challenge you to merely
    transcribe one of his solos, and emulate him. My money says sou can't do
    it, or you'd have albums out yourself. If you can't transcribe his solos
    then you really aren't in a position to knock what you don't understand. I
    can send you a solo or two if you can't do it yourself.
        This isn't a case of "Can you do it? No? Then sit down and shut up!"
    This is a case of "You can't appreciate what he's doing." His lines are so
    utterly fluid, whether picked, tapped or legato, it's just obscene. JP
    doesn't even have Romeo's fluidity (though he's a more well versed composer,
    IMO) I don't know how to explain it other than that I was impressed when I
    heard Romeo, but I was floored when I figured out exactly what he's doing.
    And by the way, last time I listened, I don't recall any 64th notes. I do
    recall a consistent variety of note durations. I suppose you hate
    Erotomania, right? Or is that okay because it's Dream Theater? :)

    - Chris


    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 13:00:17 -0800
    From: "Mario Charbonnier" <>
    To: <>
    Cc: "Mario C" <>
    Subject: Re: DT
    Message-ID: <000c01be215b$702b9ec0$5a92fdcf@e1b2b8>

        Hi all,

        is anybody know how can I get the DT CD live with James Labrie "When
    Dream and day Unit" (Feb 96) Catalog # 22190? It is no more distributed =
    Canada. Is there a f... way to order it or buy it somewhere?

        By the way, is someone from Quebec near Sherbrooke who will go to DT
    show at Irving Plaza in New York on Dec 29? Maybe we can manage

    C=E9line C.


    Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 10:17:40 -0500
    From: Dan Temmesfeld <>
    Subject: King's X/ Galactic Cowboys tour 1999 (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <>

    For more info (like venue, directions, etc) go to...

    Also, if you have any info on some of these venues, please email me.

    01/12 Wichita, KS ------------------Heidelberg
    01/13 Denver, CO------------------Aztian Theatre
    01/14 Albuquerque, NM----------Midnight Rodeo
    01/15 Tucson, AZ------------------Rialto Theatre
    01/16 Yucaipa, CA----------------Crossroad Bar and Grill
    01/17 Porterville, CA------------Porterville Memorial Auditorium
    01/18 ---off---
    01/19 San Diego, CA------------Brick by Brick
    01/20 Redondo Beach, CA------Club Caprice
    01/21 Palo Alto, CA-------------The Edge
    01/22 Ventura, CA--------------Ventura Theater
    01/23 Orange, CA---------------Boardwalk
    01/24 ---off---
    01/25 Vancouver, BC CANADA---Starfish Room
    01/26 ---off---
    01/27 Calgary, Alberta CANADA---The Republik
    01/28 Edmonton, Alberta CANADA--Rev Caberet
    01/29 ---off---
    01/30 Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA--Royal Albert Hall
    01/31 TBA
    02/01 TBA
    02/02 TBA
    02/03 TBA
    02/04 Columbia, MO------------Blue Note
    02/05 Columbus, OH -----------Newport Music Hall
    02/06 Detroit, MI----------------Harpo's
    02/07 Toronto, Ontario CANADA-----El Mocambo
    02/08 TBA
    02/09 Lorain, OH----------------Flying Machine
    02/10 Pittsburg, PA-------------Graffiti
    02/11 Philadelphia, PA---------Trocadero Theatre
    02/12 Hartford, CT--------------Webster Theatre
    02/13 TBA
    02/14 Portland, ME-------------Asylum
    02/15 TBA
    02/16 Clifton Park, NY---------Northern Lights
    02/17 New York, NY-------------Life
    02/18 Manchester, NH----------Chantilly's
    02/19 Sea Bright, NJ-----------Tradewinds
    02/20 Springfield, Va----------Jaxx
    02/21 Riviera Beach, MD-----Daytonas
    02/22 TBA
    02/23 TBA
    02/24 TBA
    02/25 Ft Lauderdale, FL-------Chilli Pepper
    02/26 Lake Buena Vista, FL---House Of Blues
    02/27 TBA
    02/28 TBA
    03/01 TBA
    03/02 Beaumont, TX-----------Pud's Last Resort


    +--- ---+
     Dan Temmesfeld Galactic Cowboys on the Web
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
           "He who laughs last thinks slowest"
    +--- ---+


    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 12:36:57 -0600 (CST)
    Subject: Re: Vibrato
    Message-ID: <>

    <<Bafu's entire post that Im too lazy to copy and paste>>

    Personally, Ive always loved Dave Gilmour's vibrato more than anyone.
    Ive read many articles where he has stated that he "never consiously
    thinks about it, just does what feels right." I never practiced my vibrato
    and I probably never will. I think that something that requres feel more than
    chops you shouldnt practice. You dont practice emotions, they just happen.
    Another thing that Ive read Gilmour state that I think adds tremendously to
    the "vocal" quality of any vibrato technique, is to wait a bit on the note before
    adding vibrato. "bend it, hold it, then shake it a bit" Listening to classicaly
    trained singers and how they use vibrato also helps. Next time you are trying
    different techniques with that vibrato arm, try mimicing LaBrie or any other
    classicaly trained singer (hell, Pavarotti (sp) for that matter). there is no other
    way to try making your vibrato sing than by listening to SINGERS.

    my .02


    "A daily dose of eMpTyV "Following our instinct
    will flush your mind not a trend. Go against
    right down the drain." the grain until the end."
             -Dream Theater -Metallica


    Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 05:42:25 +1100
    From: "Graham Boyle" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: King's X/ Galactic Cowboys tour 1999 (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <002701be2148$33b03360$5a6716cb@graham>


    If they are doing a so called 'world tour', will this include
    a part of 'the world' called Australia :) ?



    Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 11:23:44 PST
    From: "Schnipp -" <>
    Subject: being nice
    Message-ID: <>

    hi all,
            I just felt like saying that the one guy replying to my Shannon Hood
    question really set a standard for communication on the jam, after all
    the trash talk we had lately when he said he didn't want to offend
    anybody who has lost sy to drug overdose.
            Very nice move IMO

    buying tix today

    Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 22:04:48 +0100
    From: Marco Petrini <>
    Message-ID: <>

    Someone can find out

    Lost in the sky ...recorded in milan 1993 ???

    Let me know



    Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 22:12:58 -0200 (EDT)
    From: Rogerio Brito <>
    Subject: VSP Projekt
    Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.02.9812062212190.16807-100000@jaca>

            Hi there.

            Could anybody please let me know about a band called "VSP
    Projekt"? I don't know anything by them, but I've been told that they play
    jazz and that they're quite good at what they do.

            Any information is appreciated.

            Thank you very much, Roger...

    N.P.: Some MP3s I got from the 'Net. :-)

      Rogerio Brito - -
      Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!"
       Bootleg/trade page:


    Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 19:49:13 -0800 From: Jon Kretschmer <> To: Subject: 6 New CDs for $1 Message-ID: <>

    Check out this promotion:

    3 CD's for $1. You have to pick from a set list, but Rush: Different Stages is on there, and it counts for *1* CD. So you can get that and two other titles for only a dollar.

    I got Rush Different Stages (3CDs), Aerosmith A Little South of Sanity (2CDs) and the City of Angels soundtrack for $1. 6 CDs.

    You can also pick up 3 quality movies for $1.

    No shipping, no tax. Go NOW before they go bankrupt.

    Happy holiday shopping.



    Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 17:50:17 +1100 From: "Graham Boyle" <> To: <> Subject: Re: 6 New CDs for $1 Message-ID: <002b01be21ad$daa5a460$466716cb@graham>

    ->3 CD's for $1. You have to pick from a set list, but Rush: Different >Stages is on there, and it counts for *1* CD. So you can get that and two >other titles for only a dollar. > >I got Rush Different Stages (3CDs), Aerosmith A Little South of Sanity >(2CDs) and the City of Angels soundtrack for $1. 6 CDs. > >You can also pick up 3 quality movies for $1. > >No shipping, no tax. Go NOW before they go bankrupt.

    This offer however is only open to residents of the USA and Canada. After I got all excited too, I read the small print, knew it was too good to be true :P



    Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 02:04:09 -0500 From: "Chris Herbst" <> To: <> Subject: Romeo's playing Message-ID: <000401be21af$c99dada0$3c42c7d0@syrinx>

    His playing is full of cliches and is so >cheesey.

    Actually, I think of him as a less cheesy Malmsteen. I think he is one of the most fluid players I've ever heard. The only thing I can't stand about Symphony X is the drumming. I know people who have roadied for them, and are in awe of Rullo, but I wish he'd be more creative. It's almost like Fear Factory, in a bad, predictable way.


    Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 09:42:57 +0200 From: "Raivo Hool" <> To: Nothing To Say <> Subject: 5 years in a livetime Message-ID: <>


    Finally got a copy of "5 Years In A Livetime", watched it and listened to it on a hi fi audio/video system and I must confess that I'm most totally blown away. I wouldn't hesitate going as far as giving it 10 points out of 10, which is a lot coming from me. It basically had everything, plus it was just as long as necessary to prevent the watcher from losing focus and interest. Oh, and that James dude... Whoa! ;-) So, for all of you who like pictorial expressions: the video kicked my asshole between my shoulderblades and it was pretty umcomfortable to sit there and wait for it to settle down. Sadly, as you see, I managed. :-)

    On a slightly - but only slightly - unrelated note: you guys from Macedonia produce some really great wine. (Dus^ko, you can take it personally!) One of your Cabernet Sauvignons really complemented my evening yesterday, whilst I was trying to relieve the tension that watching the Dream Theater video for 2 hours created. :-)

    Raitz, been singing along to Cover My Eyes this whole morning


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 4481 **************************

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