YTSEJAM digest 3440

Date: Sun Jan 11 1998 - 13:43:06 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 3438"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3440

    Today's Topics:

      1) Derek on Wayne's World
     by Alan Estrada Adler <>
      2) FYS ytsejam
     by Brian Larkin <>
      3) FII
     by Uroborosss <>
      4) selling out, xmas CD, question...
     by Eric John Marlett <>
      5) You all kick giant ass!!!
     by Michael Bahr <>
      6) Persuasion tape
     by (Henjo Richter)
      7) DT 1st. Time
     by "Bernardo Pulgar" <>
      8) Popularity!
     by "Bernardo Pulgar" <>
      9) Spelling!
     by "Bernardo Pulgar" <>
     10) It's nice we're having weather today.
     by "TheCowGod" <>
     11) 1997 Ytsejam Album contest results on UACM
     by Mark Bredius <>
     12) Re: Xmas Cd & DT Concert
     by Bruce Duesterhoeft <>
     13) Re: Pot Theater
     by belhai1 <>
     14) Re: FII
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     15) Re: Eckie's Encoded Rant
     by MTeiper <>


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 01:09:04 -0600 (CST)
    From: Alan Estrada Adler <>
    Subject: Derek on Wayne's World
    Message-ID: <>

    Did anybody noticed that Derek Appears on Wayne's World?
    he's on Alice's band and the band answers a question to wayne or something..
    if you want to trade books email me

    Alan Estrada


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 02:11:37 -0500 From: Brian Larkin <> To: Subject: FYS ytsejam Message-ID: <>

    I'm sorry, I lost link to the ytsejam file. That should teach me to delete 10 ytsejams at a time . . . Bogie, or anyone else who has it, could u post it again? Thanx.

    cArPe DiEm, bRiAn


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 03:25:20 EST From: Uroborosss <> To: Subject: FII Message-ID: <>

    Breast Signing: I once saw Clive Barker at a bookstore, doing a reading from his then-new book "The Thief Of Always." He said a woman once asked him to sign her breast, in a circle around the nipple. She then returned the next night at his next book signing to show him his signature - she had gotten it tattooed over, so it was from that moment on a permanent signature. I once thought about asking Steve Vai to bite into the back of my left hand until the skin broke, so that I could then have the bite-mark tattooed over and have the coolest guitar-related tattoo on the planet and...and...well, you get the picture. But who knows, he might be a carrier of the cooties virus...or a descendant of Maharet...

    ]From what I've read here over the last week, it seems that the Paul Cashman Gang and the Steve Z Gang were mere feet from each other the whole night right up near the stage and never knew it. Next time we should bring large flags with the Majesty symbol on them to carry above our heads into the battlefield.

    I received my Xmas cd three weeks ago. What does "DTIFC 002" mean? "Dream Theater International Fan Club, Project #2?"

    Am I the only person who didn't get YJs #3425 or 3428? Where is the archive located at these days? Still

    Anyone in the Montgomery County area or Maryland in general know of any local internet providers which use the PINE mailing system? I miss it. AOL's mailing system has been thus far unsatisfactory.

    "Strike up your best x-rated posture." --James LaBrie

    "I love this flute!!!!"

    Bafu Vai

    p.s. the give-away clue to which song Phish wrote about DT's latest album can be found in my Subject: line.


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 05:06:50 -0500 (EST) From: Eric John Marlett <> To: Subject: selling out, xmas CD, question... Message-ID: <>

    Just a few things I wanted to mention/ask:


    Dale Newberry wrote: > I'm not trying to join this debate or anything, but, expanding on > this statement, I'd say that selling out basically means compromising > your artistic integrity with the intention of catering to a specific > audience with the hope of financial gain.

    IMO, I think he's making a good point. Selling out has to do more with motivation than substance. In other words, as Dale said, you're compromising your integrity because you hope to gain something financially. So what I think is that if DT decided on the next album to write music in a style that happened to be very popular and they made a lot of money off of it, that is not necessarily selling out. Changing your musical direction and having commercial success because of it is not selling out, that's just making a lot of money, and there's a difference. The difference lies in why they decided to change their musical direction. If a band changes what they do for the sole purpose of financial gain, then that is selling out. However, if the same band makes the same change, but does it because that's where their creativity takes them, it's what was in their hearts, and they just happen to profit from it, how can that be selling out? You can't be trapped in a certain style simply because it isn't commercial. If a band's creativity takes them down different paths, I think they should be free to go down those paths without the fear that they will be labelled sell-outs. I guess my point is that commercial success does not necessarily equal selling out. It can be a result of selling out, but only a result. True selling out occurs in the minds of the band members, and this is something which we can't really see. I don't think you can label a band a sell out, simply by hearing their music. You can't hear a new album from a band, hear that they've changed their style a bit and it sounds more popular, and automatically say that they've sold out. You can say you hate it, you can think that maybe they sold out, but you can't know whether they did or not because selling out is in the mind. It's your reason for changing, not the change itself. Commercial success as a result of a change is only selling out if the change is done for the purpose of commercial success, and you can only make this judgment if you know the band's motivation. So it's just that, your motivation, not simply the result, that makes you a sell out. In any case, just as a disclaimer, this is all IMHO, and this was not a response to anyone in particular, just my thoughts on the matter.

    Finally, my next point:

    I don't know if anyone already mentioned this, but in my fanclub packet I got a ticket for the one DT that I went to (Birch Hill, 12/29/95). Did everyone else get tickets for shows that they attended? I haven't seen anything like that mentioned, and I was just curious.

    Lastly: > Coming soon :

    > Hollow Years (5 track Japan only maxi CD)

    Does anyone know what that 5th track is? Or a release date? I'd hate to go snag the 4 track version when 5 track is just around the corner......

    Ah well, Eric


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 03:09:42 -0700 From: Michael Bahr <> To: Subject: You all kick giant ass!!! Message-ID: <>

    I'm serious! Every single damn one of you kicks ass. I can't wait til the next chance we all get to party somewhere. It's too bad DT can't play like "one big show" somewhere in the central USA. I'd travel if necessary.

    Why am I so incoherently happy at this moment, you may ask? Well, Saturday was the hugest sales day in the history of my little shin-dig, Prism Records, due in no small part to the Ytsejammers!! And it capped off what was also (not entirely coincidentally) the biggest sales WEEK ever for Prism. And this wasn't because of rich people dropping a load of dough on discs... this was done the honest, old-fashioned way, the way I always envisioned this project would work. Tons of people all did their part, however big or small, and ordered whatever tickled their fancy the most. It's like paradise, I tells ya! 1998 has risen from the ashes like the Phoenix I live in.

    The total tally for the day was just over two thousand in gross revenue. Count off material/utility costs and such, and it's probably around four hundred in take-home, which means that by the time I finish moving to Mesa at the end of the month (don't worry, all mail will be forwarded this time!!) I should have the CD painter and having picture discs from Prism will be standard issue. And yes, those of you who already have their CDs at that point will be able to get them painted as well, probably free, just for sending a SASE with the discs. Yes, as many of you already guessed, I blow about 90% of my disposable income on improvements to the CD business, because I think it's worth it to do so.

    And best of all, this speeds up outgoing shipments by quite a bit. What a day, what a week, what a YEAR!!! I know I'm babbling off in every direction here, but anyone who's been around for the past few months knows what unbelievable joy all this is causing.

    And oh yes, I'm off the medication, my jaw has healed up nicely, and everything's back to normal in that department. Thanks to all you well-wishers who filled my inbox with encouragement!

    The honor for largest order of the day, of around a dozen CDRs, belongs to Mr. Christopher Delp of Tucson, AZ. A number of other multi-disc orders came in, but most of the numbers came from the scads of $20 (single CDR) and $34 (WTTW) orders that were there. It's like that theory that if everyone on earth moved a pebble, collectively we could move a mountain. This is so cool.

    Well, thanks for reading all this virtual jumping for joy... hope I didn't interrupt things too much... just wanted to let you know, if there ever were any question marks regarding my future before, I think they just turned into exclamation points. I'm gonna be doing this for a GOOD while now. :) Take care everyone!!!

    -- - Mike Bahr / Prism Records - durnik @ goodnet . com -


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 06:01:28 -0500 From: (Henjo Richter) To: Subject: Persuasion tape Message-ID: <v01530505b0de511022e9@[]>

    >>Last night I made a 'persuasion' tape - a tape full of DT songs, which I'll >>lend to people to try and make them a DT fan. I was wondering what other >>people would put on their tapes (90 min). Here's my song listing:

    I'll buy into this thread - I did make this tape last year, long before FII was recorded, so there was none of that ...and this was a 60 minute tape, not a 90. So here's the list from a vague memory:

    **** SIDE 1 ***** 1. Pull Me Under 2. Another Day 3 Scarred 4. Only a Matter of Time

    ***** SIDE 2 ****** 5. A Mind Beside Itself (all 3 songs) 6. Learning to Live

    But that was last year. If I were to do it again I'd just buy a spare copy of both I&W and Awake (of course get collateral when loaning them out)

    >>Just to clarify . . . I was IN NO WAY dissing Awake, just stating that >>James' vox on the album did not appeal to me right off the bat.

    I'll second that. I thought he put a little grunge into it which I found hard to get used to. Then one day after I hadn't played it 8 months, I put it in for the helluvit, and... well... it didn't come out for six months, and it wasn't even in a changer, It was a one-disc player.


    Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 23:52:22 +1100 From: "Bernardo Pulgar" <> To: "YTSE Jammers" <> Subject: DT 1st. Time Message-ID: <>

    > Hi gang. New Jammer here. I'm curious to hear how / if everyone was > affected the first time you ever heard Dream Theater... Do you remember the > moment?

    As if had been yesterday! I used to get together with a couple of friends at their house, since they had MTV and every Saturday night, we would watch Headbanger's Ball. One of them had watched DT's PMU video several times, and used to come up to us and say 'Watch out for this band. They kick royal ass! Just listen to the guitar player. I don't know who the fook he is, but he's done his homework!' and comments like those. I got usually bored of watching MTV 'cause all they showed was a never ending parade of non-sense crap, so when DT appeared on the screen, I just eluded them. One day I went to their house and one of them had bought the CD. They played it. I didn't expect anything extraordinary, but TTT, Met I and UaGM impressed me so much, that I woke up the next day and went straight to the store. Something funny happened to me with Awake when it came out. I grew so much in me, that I recorded it on tape and listened to it for about 4 months (no joke) without listening to anything else. I was worried. I felt guilty and thought: "My God, will I ever listen to anything else?" I just looked at my collection (which is huge) with disdain! It's over though. Regards, Bernardo Banner? No Banner!


    Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 01:56:13 +1100 From: "Bernardo Pulgar" <> To: "YTSE Jammers" <> Subject: Popularity! Message-ID: <>

    Hi! Speaking about the equation popularity/money, there is something I'd like to say: going commercial to sell a few more records can be disappointing, but if it's necessary to bring DT to faraway places like Australia, then, what are you waiting for? When are you going to record a CD full of Micha= el Jackson, Madonna, and Spice Girls? :) -Just kidding! Really, DT isn't that unpopular either. I am on the Eloy Mailing List, an= d I get a mail once a week with only a letter each time! Now, that's unfair= , 'cause Eloy is one fine band..... Now, let's move on to more controversial ground. Uh, I know that I'll be exposed to venomous pens (or keyboards), but here it goes, and it's about where DT is going: when Awake was just released, I had listened to it about 100 times alread= y and liked it better than Images and Words, when I came upon a copy of a magazine dedicated exclusively to progressive music. This mag contained a review of Awake by 2 people. Please, don't ask me the name of that magazine, it was soooooo long ago.... Anyway, the 2 guys were literally laughing at DT and the fact that they were considered progressive! That w= as disgusting. One of the critics was more acute, enough as to point Awake a= s a commercial effort from DT, since in the album you could find one heavy metal song, one ballad, one pop-oriented song, one classical-oriented son= g, etc. You could find anything for everyone. The CD was only saved by JP's prodigious playing. I disagreed with him, but those words came straight t= o my head after listening to FII. The CD is good, but will not be their bes= t. I suddenly remembered an article with Paul Stanley of KISS, from many yea= rs ago, when they released Asylum. When he was asked about Asylum being a failure when compared to Animalize to Asylum he said something like: "You can't expect an athlete to jump longer each time he tries". I guess that I'll just have to wait for the next CD=85 Regards: Bernardo Banner? No Banner!


    Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 22:34:20 +1100 From: "Bernardo Pulgar" <> To: "YTSE Jammers" <> Subject: Spelling! Message-ID: <>

    >>don't, I don't. Fortunately, I enjoy every Dream >>Theatre song, so I don't have to skip.

    >you can call 'em ray, or you can call 'em jay, but ya >doesnt have ta call 'em Theatre :)

    >Im just being silly man...I don't flip out when people >spell it Theatre instead of Theater, it just amazes me >that there are so many fans that still "slip" on that.


    Sorry, I'm terribly sorry and ashamed! English is not my mother language.= I try hard not to make mistakes, but I =85. Sorry, I don't have an excuse! = I know, I'll do like Bart Simpson and stay after school to write on the boa= rd 500 times: "Dream Theater is spelled Dream Theater!" Regards: Bernardo. Banner? No Banner! PS Read this: >I was under the assumption that the solo that went from the left >to right speakers was all keyboard, can someone clarify this for me? >I have listened to it a lot, to try to figure it out, and came to this=20 >conclusion because I think I can here the guitar playing a chunky power >cord type thing behind the keyboard. =20 I keep reading 'here' instead of 'hear'!!!


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 08:57:23 -0400 From: "TheCowGod" <> To: <> Subject: It's nice we're having weather today. Message-ID: <>

    Hey al, i was on vacation for 2 weeks so i missed whatever this is about FYS, but could someone clue me in? Thanks.

    > From: Devs0432 <> > Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 3436 > > > alright, we've decided his voice is amazing, and he should stick with the > higher range. I also was sort of put off by it when I first started listening

    While I don't mind James singing in the higher range, on this trip i picked up Savatage's Dead Winter Dead and i really like it - one of the first things i noticed was that it's like a progressive metal band with a singer who sings in the normal register. I liked it more. DT is still one of my 2 fave bands, but i definitely prefer singers who don't sing really high. And stuff.


    > From: Chad Mitchell <> > Subject: Progressive... > > >| DREAM THEATER - FATES WARNING - ROYAL HUNT - SHADOW > > To be honest, these bands are "Progressive Metal". If you wanna talk > "Progressive" in general, you gotta include the originators of the genre

    OK, well then, i like progressive metal. I don't really care what it's called, i generally like bands that sound like DT (you know what i mean, not copies), and i generaly don't like bands like Yes or Marillion. I've tried, because i noticed, "Wait a minute, DT is the only progressive band i listen to. I'm gonna get into more progressive bands." so i bought a marillion CD, i borrowed a friend's Yes, i listened to some Genesis, i left the progressive channel on TheDJ on, and basicaly, much of what is called progressive just isn't attractive to me. I much prefer bands like DT, Savatage, and Superior. And stuff.

    Well, that's all from me for now. Moo.


    Dan McCormack (TheCowGod)


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 15:36:06 +0100 From: Mark Bredius <> To: "'Ytsejam'" <> Subject: 1997 Ytsejam Album contest results on UACM Message-ID: <>

    Syrixn wrote :

    > After many an email by everyone, the tallies for the 1997 Ytsejam > Favorite Album contest is officialy over! I want to thank > everyone who took the time to email me your five favorite CD's. > Remember - the TOTAL list will, once again, be on the Under A > Cyber Moon website (located at ) > so check it out!

    I've just added the full list to "Under A Cyber Moon"... You can find a link to it on the main page (Recent Additions) and on the news page (under "Miscellaneous items").

    Oh yeah... I've been listening to Queensryche's "Hear In The Now Frontier" a lot lately... All I can say is, boy that puppy rox ! Funny how *well* it did on the Ytsejam Album contest, since it's their "sell out" album and all. ;-)

    I just noticed... All I need is a midi of "Learning To Live" for "Under A Cyber Moon" to have a complete midi version of "IAW"... Anyone up for it ?

    Mark ____________________________________________________bredius@globalxs.nl__ I feel shipwrecked, _ _____ ___ _ _ _ _ I might as well be shipwrecked : |:__ __| __\: |_: |: \_ | I'm helpless and alone, drifting out to sea : | : |: (___: _ | :_ / (Genesis - Shipwrecked) :_| :_| :___/:_| :_| :__/ _________________________________________________________________________ Dream Theater online "Under A Cyber Moon" Itchy's H Website


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 11:49:38 -0500 From: Bruce Duesterhoeft <> To: YtseGods <> Subject: Re: Xmas Cd & DT Concert Message-ID: <>

    Well after listening to the Xmas CD, I thought I heard alot of cool stuff that wasn't included in FII. It seems Shirley was rather dominent and wanted what he wanted. Espcecially with any overdubbed stuff.....stirckly speaking from the beginning of the Xmas CD and also from You or Me on the HY single. Just my humble opinion.

    Also regarding DT in Concert and others in concert. I'm wondering how much impact does the record company have on the shows. I mean count how many FII songs were played during the concerts. Think about Rush. They have 5000 albums out, yet this last tour they pass up to play some timeless to play new songs off TFE? Come on - you gotta think 75% of the people at the shows already have or heard stuff from the new album. Now take Yes's current tour - they have a shit little label and they only play 2 songs off their two albums that came out within in a month of each other?

    So I think that the record companies are requiring bands to play either a certain percentage of songs off of new CD's or bands are two lazy to relearn old stuff that people actually want to hear.


    Bruce Duesterhoeft


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 11:57:00 -0500 (EST) From: belhai1 <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Pot Theater Message-ID: <>

    On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Jon Dery wrote:

    > > By the way, James smokes!! I met him once in Amsterdam (the day of the > > MELKWEG concert) in Amsterdam in..... a " cofffeeshop".

    > It doesn't really bother me (as long as it doesn't ruin their live > performances), but I just always expected them to be very straight > individuals.

    Well, Derek is a homo. :)

    [refer to the DT Japanese PPV show for all the people that don't know what I'm talking about]

    Seriously though, if James wants to smoke, who cares? He himself runs the risk of damaging his voice later on in life. Look at Geoff Tate.



    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 16:12:55 -0200 (EDT) From: Rogerio Brito <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: FII Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Uroborosss wrote:

    > Am I the only person who didn't get YJs #3425 or 3428? Where is the archive > located at these days? Still

    Don't know and I'm also interested in retrieving some older 'jams, but it doesn't work to send the commands as listed in the "Welcome" mail).

    > "I love this flute!!!!"

    Wow! I was quoted. Maybe one day I'll be famous.


    []s, Roger...

    -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: "Life is ours, we live it our way (...) / And nothing else matters" James Hetfield (Metallica), Nothing Else Matters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


    Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 13:18:38 EST From: MTeiper <> To: Subject: Re: Eckie's Encoded Rant Message-ID: <>


    > ~Eckie is fargin' SICK of this encoded crap, turn it off or suffer the > consequences you iceholes!!!

    Dude, I'm with you. That crap's really starting to get old, but your post was one of the funniest I've seen in a long time on the Jam! :-) Keep it up!!

    - Matt T.


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3440 **************************

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