YTSEJAM digest 3999

Date: Sun Jun 21 1998 - 23:48:00 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 4000"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 3999

    Today's Topics:

      1) Music that Kicks Ass -- Emerson Lake and Palmer
     by "earthblind, starbound" <>
      2) BLUE on the web today 330pm
     by "earthblind, starbound" <>
      3) Jones beach concert
      4) august tour dates
     by stan-o- <>
      5) administrivia
     by "Ryan P. Skadberg" <>
      6) Dali's Dilemma Update
     by James Thorpe <>
      7) mp3 sites?
     by Mike Pontrelli <>
      8) Re: administrivia
     by Rogerio Brito <>
      9) Bootleg online suppliers.
     by Stephen Dedalus <>
     10) Re: mp3 sites?
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     11) Re: Bootleg online suppliers.
     by Rogerio Brito <>
     12) Royal Hunt 1996
     by (Graham Boyle HMAS Success)
     13) Re: alternative-progressive
     by "Mike Patrick" <>
     14) Don't F with Gaz right now....
     by Luke Bateup <>
     15) Re: Tempest
     by "Dale R. Newberry" <>
     16) Degarmo
     by Andy <ytsejam@UDel.Edu>


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:13:31 -0400
    From: "earthblind, starbound" <>
    Subject: Music that Kicks Ass -- Emerson Lake and Palmer
    Message-ID: <>

    (an adaptation of Ginastera's 1st Piano Concerto, 2nd Movement)

    (Short rant follows:
    It took over six hours of working on fucking Windows to make it so I
    could upload this, so thank me. I hate Microsoft. I want Bill Gates
    to go bankrupt and turn to a life of crime(not corporate crime, he's
    already in for that--where's Crackers the Corporate Crimefighting
    Chicken when you need him?) smuggling cocaine in his urethra to
    countries with bad water supplies and get arrested and thrown into
    prison and have to take it in the ass three times a day from a man
    named Bald-Headed John. I hate Microsoft.

    So today I'm going to sacrifice myself and sign up for my free month
    of the Microsoft Network, because I NEED to have a 33.6 connection for's playing of Bruford Levin Upper Extremities and
    Charlie Hunter today at 330pm (Pacific, I think). You've got to hear
    this concert. I finally received my copy of BLUE the other day and
    this stuff is great. If you get this post or the digest it is in today,
    check it out.)

    Well DT is soon to be doing some concerts with ELP, so here's my favorite
    ELP song ever.

    Emerson Lake and Palmer are basically Keith Emerson, who is a monster on
    the keyboards and sick, sick, sick. Sure, there's the workmanlike
    drumming of Carl Palmer, and the little used bass playing and the awful
    vocals of Greg Lake (though I guess I like Lake with King Crimson ok),
    but Emerson carries the band.

    ELP started out as classical music to rock drums. Sometimes they would
    credit their sources, sometimes not. By Tarkus and Brain Salad Surgery,
    however, we had a prog rock group on our hands. But my favorite (other
    than the 20 minute long "Tarkus") is this piece, classical music to not
    very rock drums, a piece written by the modern composer Ginastera. It's
    scary, scary, scary (and Carl Palmer's best drumming in my opinion). "Tocatta" is the musical version of the H.R. Giger paintings on the cover
    of this album, Brain Salad Surgery.

    (Anyone ever play the Amiga game "Darkseed?" This song would have been
    the perfect score.)

    And no Greg Lake singing "Still...You Turn Me On" (blech, worst song on

    Listen to it. It's zipped so Netscape doesn't screw it up. It's 3

       "So you thought that your bolts and your locks would keep me out.
        You should have known better after all this time.
        You're going to pay in blood for all your vicious slander....
        Let the blood flow." -- Fish -O-


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:37:10 -0400
    From: "earthblind, starbound" <>
    Subject: BLUE on the web today 330pm
    Message-ID: <>

    Well Microsoft won't accept my name/address information, so no BLUE for
    my 14.4k self, but you should check it out. Today, Sunday, at 330pm
    (Pacific, I think) at Bruford Levin Upper
    Extremities with Charlie Hunter. Make sure you have RealPlayer

       "So you thought that your bolts and your locks would keep me out.
        You should have known better after all this time.
        You're going to pay in blood for all your vicious slander....
        Let the blood flow." -- Fish -O-


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:50:12 EDT
    Subject: Jones beach concert
    Message-ID: <>


    << I don't understand this reasoning at all. Why not stick around and check
     out ELP and DP? Both of these bands are influences to DT, so why not see
     what they are all about if you don't know anything about them? Even if
     you dont like their studio work, a lot of bands are much much better
     live. Deep Purple are one of the early pioneers of metal and ELP is one
     of the pioneers for progressive music. I would love for the chance to
     see these 3 bands but alas the tour isn't (currently) coming to the DC
     area for some unknown reason. >>

    Well, we might. Then again, we might not. I would be curious, particularly
    about DP, but nothing is carved in stone. The point is that I have never seen
    DT live, having missed all points of their recent East Coast leg of the tour,
    and this is my chance in the near future to do so. This makes seeing them
    more of a priority. We'll probably be spending the day at the beach, and then
    heading over to the concert, and after that there's still an hour ride home.
    How tired I am will play a big part in when we leave.


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:15:59 -0400
    From: stan-o- <>
    Subject: august tour dates
    Message-ID: <>

    > Wed Aug 12th - E Center - Philadelphia, PA
      burns me up sometimes. THE E-CENTRE IS NOT IN PHILLY. It is in
    Camden NJ, on the other side of the bridge.

    sorry for the all caps. But ive been to this place way too many times
    only to hear the artists say, "Heeeeellloooooooo Philadelphia"..
    Mike, James, Derek, John, and John. Please dont make the same mistake.
    You will be in Jersey on that night, not in philly.


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:26:39 -0400 (EDT)
    From: "Ryan P. Skadberg" <>
    Subject: administrivia
    Message-ID: <>

    hi all ...

            first off, let me apologize for the strangeness of the jam
    this past week. It seems as if the listproc server got stuck at some
    point early last week and queued up a ton of mail and was very slow in
    processing it. That's why things were so sporadic for a bit. It
    seems to be happier now, so hopefully no more breakdowns.

            second, i want to repeat this YET AGAIN. if it seems like the
    ytsejam is down, DO NOT MAIL THE JAM and say stuff like "Is the jam
    broken?" Guess what? First of all, noone is gonna see the damn post
    if it is. Second, you are just going to clutter up the jam and the
    processing queue by sending mail to the jam. if you think the jam is
    down, IT PROBABLY IS and I probably know about it. But, if you want
    mail ME <> and I will mail you back if something ISN'T
    wrong. If you mail me and say "is the jam broken?" and it is, you
    probably won't hear back from me, because I probably am working on
    it. If it isn't broken and you send me a mail like this, I will look
    in to it for you as soon as I can. Also, since Itchy and I talk
    enough, check and see if there is any
    info there.

            third, we currently have 1180 subscribers. this is before me
    doing some admin work today, so that will probably drop down a bit,
    but who knows. Since I am on the topic of unsubbing people, let me
    explain a few things about the unusb process. I have a program that I
    run on my ytsemail folder a few times a day that deals with 75% of
    this mail. It makes logs for me and tells me how many times an
    address is bouncing. If an address has bounced too many time (as
    determined by me), i unsubscribe the address. If you get unsubscribed
    and SHOULDN'T have been, just re-sub. If you get removed from the jam
    for a reason other than bounces, you will get a mail from me telling
    you that you are an idiot and that's why you were removed. I hope
    this explains why a couple of people have been randomly unsubbed when
    they shouldn't have been.

            fourth, html mail. I have decided that sending mail that
    shows up as both plain text and HTML is now grounds for removal from
    the jam. This is getting RIDICULOUS and I am sick of it. Everyone
    who is using an email program that is "cool" and lets you do HTML
    mail, go in to preferences and TURN IT OFF before sending email to the
    jam. I am sick of seeing post in jams that are literally in there
    twice because of the two different versions. Goes by the normal three
    strikes and your out rule and be prepared to get a e-mail lashing from
    me if you send mail this way.

            fifth, i have seen some people lately sending little one-line
    funnies to the jam. STOP. Every once in a while is fine, but I am
    seeing some names in almost evcery jam and all they are sending is
    little jokes. Lets try and keep this to the purpose of the list. I
    don't mind it here and there, but its getting ridiculous. if you
    contribute to regular threads alot and just HAVE to send a one-liner,
    fine, but don't make it your normal posting.

            sixth, editing. EDIT YOUR DAMN REPLIES PEOPLE. I don't wanna
    see, "I agree" with 100 lines of quoted stuff. Guess what? If
    people are really interested in your reply, THEY PROBABLY READ THE
    FIRST POST, so just keep a line or two so they know what you are
    replying to. I have seen way too much quoted stuff in the jams lately
    (well, not like it every stopped, but i digress) and its a waste of

            seventh, this is not the get in touch with mike bahr and
    publically put him down forum. If you can't get in touch with Mike,
    call him, I know his phone number is somewhere on one of his pages (or
    at least used to be) or email him until he answers. Though, I will
    NEVER buy a CD from Mike again, this is not the place to try and get
    in touch with him. (same goes for anyone else selling merch)

            eigth, bogie. (/me watches nick cringe) I can vouch for this
    kid until I am blue in the face. I know he is late on some shipments
    right now, but all the reasons he is giving people are completely
    true. I know he dissed going out with me (and how could ANYONE not
    want to hang out with me) on a number of occasions because of finals
    and stuff, so don't worry, he isn't stiffing you, he is working on it
    as quickly as he can. If you feel that something is really wrong with
    his service in the future and he isn't responding, email me, I will
    walk down the block and kick his ass for you :)

            ok, i think i have babbled enough about stuff for now. As
    usual, please think before you post to this list. Anything that can
    be taken to private email, SHOULD be. There are almost 1200 people on
    this list and I bet a good percentage of them get a huge amount of
    email and don't have time to wade through alot of crap.

    Ytsejam Moderator


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 13:15:14 -0700
    From: James Thorpe <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Dali's Dilemma Update
    Message-ID: <006501bd9d51$525d4d00$72a4d6d0@multimedia>

        Just wanted to tell everyone that Dali's Dilemma finished
    mastering their CD on Thursday. Kick ass performances by
    everyone and really good production.
    Its looking like it'll be released as
    early as August or possibly September. Wait patiently and buy
    Kevin Moore's CD and 'Age of Impact' on Magna Carta.

        Hey Doc, I might be going to PowerMad now.
    Is everyone going to Baltimore?



    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 16:43:17 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Mike Pontrelli <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: mp3 sites?
    Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.94.980621164203.15348B-100000@thunder>

    I am at work right now and I need to listen to music and forgot to bring
    my CD's. Can anyone tell me some good mp3 sites to listen to? Do any of
    them have a live stream?

    Many thanks for making the evening pass better :)



    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 18:37:10 -0300 (EST)
    From: Rogerio Brito <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: administrivia
    Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Ryan P. Skadberg wrote:

    > hi all ...

            Well, good points, IMO. I've been having the same problems with
    some lists that I maintain and I think that there should perhaps be a
    standard of netiquette that people should receive when they sign some kind
    of a provider, even if it's their University (humm... Perhaps I should
    make such a document to distribute/put on some homepage to some users here
    of the network for which I'm responsible). This way, we avoid those
    Seroussi's. I guess you know what I mean.

            Anyway, I've been getting really sick of posts like "gee, get me
    out of this list" or things like that. I guess that the regulars of the
    list don't need to hear this, since they won't unsubscribe (or, if they
    do, they'll avoid doing fools of themselves), but the other day, I read a
    phrase which I thought funny and, at the same time, profound enough to be
    applied to many things, not just the Internet: "Incredible! People whose
    VCRs are flashing 12:00 are getting computers".

            This is one of the worst sins that a list manager has to bear. I
    think that the subscription process to mailing lists should be harder, to
    see if people know how to read and also if they can think.

            Oh, and I FUCKING HATE posts with HTML. In fact, I also hate those
    FUCKING web pages composed by those "canned" programs which only show with
    a decent visual when displayed on graphical browsers. The final test to
    see if a homepage is good enough is to see it thru lynx. If it shows up
    ok, then it probably is well-written. Hummm, but I digress.

            Hehe! And if you didn't notice, I'm back. :-)

            []s, Roger...

      Rogerio Brito - -
      Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!"
       Bootleg/trade page:


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 14:52:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Stephen Dedalus <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Bootleg online suppliers. Message-ID: <>

    Greetings friends, I'm interested in finding online sources from which to buy bootlegs. I know that Terrible Ted's is one such store, though their actual boot list is limmitted. Specificly, I'm looking for very early Van Halen boots. If possible, I'd be very grateful for URL's or just the names of the cites. Thanks very very much. Be well. Matt B

    ============================================================================ ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Guitarist in the Santa Cruz/Monterey area of California seeks innovative, experimental, technical, and fun-loving musicians to create works of art and share them with the public. Enquire if interested. ================================================================================= "That is the truth. Not the hammer and sickle; not the stars and stripes; not the cross; not the sun; not gold; not yin and yang, but the smile... Because they died, we know we still live. Because a star explodes and a thousand worlds like ours die, we know this world is. That is the smile, that what might not be is." (John Fowles, The Magus)


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 18:54:38 -0300 (EST) From: Rogerio Brito <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: mp3 sites? Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Mike Pontrelli wrote:

    > I am at work right now and I need to listen to music and forgot to bring > my CD's. Can anyone tell me some good mp3 sites to listen to? Do any of > them have a live stream?

    Humm... Working on Sundays, pal? :-) Anyways, just fire up your browser and use it to find some MP3s. You'll probably won't find "good" MP3s (it all depends on your taste: one man's garbage is another's treasure), but will, of course, find some interesting things if you look hard enough. Just type some key words on the search engine of your preference, including, of course, mp3 and you'll probably find a bunch of files.

    Regarding live streams, well, I don't know of any place that streams MP3 files (if you know of any, please let us know), but there are plenty of places streaming Real Audio files (which suck big time, BTW). For instance, check out <> or <> or <> or <>. This last place also has some jazz, death metal and black metal. Check it out.

    > Many thanks for making the evening pass better :)

    If you're into a progressive mood, you can check the following URL: <>. You'll find 2 mp3 files there. One of them is Gentle Giant's "On Reflection", from their kick ass album "Free Hand" and another is Kansas's "Carry On Wayward Son", from the album "Leftoverture", whose delicate piano interlude in the beginning was completely destroyed by Yngwie Malmsteen, on his album "Inspiration".

    ObDT: It was also covered, of course, by DT.

    > -Ponte

    Let's the flamewar begin!, Roger...

    N.P.: Katatonia, "Brave Muder Day" (excluding the vocals, it sucks) -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 19:16:04 -0300 (EST) From: Rogerio Brito <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Bootleg online suppliers. Message-ID: <>

    On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Stephen Dedalus wrote:

    > Greetings friends, > I'm interested in finding online sources from which to buy bootlegs. > I know that Terrible Ted's is one such store, though their actual boot > list is limmitted. Specificly, I'm looking for very early Van Halen > boots. If possible, I'd be very grateful for URL's or just the names of > the cites. Thanks very very much. Be well.

    I don't know if they carry early Van Halen bootlegs (of course, R. Whitaker has a lot of Van Halen boots), but you might check the Kiss the Stone records site. The URL is: <>. It's on Singapore now, under a new administration and seems to have faster delivery, from what I hear/read. I haven't ordered anything from them since they got busted during the past year, but I was quite satisfied with their boots.

    ObDTC: And they even have some Dream Theater bootlegs. Hummm... "Mind Control" (regarded by many as a classic, must-have boot, from the "Awake" tour, a soundboard recording), "Dream Out Loud" (don't have this one) and "Lords of Sound".

    I wish they had some Opeth bootlegs... :-)

    []s, Roger...

    N.P.: Renaissance, "Ashes Are Burning" <-- GET THIS DISC, DAMMIT! -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - - Undergraduate Computer Science Student - "Windows? Linux and X!" Bootleg/trade page: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 10:37:34 +0000 From: (Graham Boyle HMAS Success) To: Subject: Royal Hunt 1996 Message-ID: <>

    ROYAL HUNT 1996: I got this CD & Video a couple of weeks ago, very impressive. The CD is a double live concert recorded in Japan, the sound is very tight and a lot more powerful than there studio albums. Basically a good way to check out the pre 'Paradox' masterial

    I also believe that later this month, RH are releasing a live video/CD from the Paradox tour, which I think is a Japan only release at this stage.



    Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 08:03:47 -0500 From: "Mike Patrick" <> To: "DT" <> Subject: Re: alternative-progressive Message-ID: <>

    >No matter how you twist it, though, "progressive rock" is a noun, a >definite label (usually pertaining to early '70s bands). Not a label for >Foo Fighters.

    You're right. But 'Everlong' is still one of the best songs of this past year, progressive or no. Labels (the corporate type and the 'this is this kind of music' type) be damed!!!!!!!!!!

    Mike Patrick Indianapolis, IN


    Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 11:23:56 +1000 From: Luke Bateup <> To: Ytsejam <> Subject: Don't F with Gaz right now.... Message-ID: <>

    Gaz spied the Jam with his periscope and transmitted these signals:

    > From: (Graham Boyle HMAS Success)

    > Oh my goodness, Alan WTF is all this ? > 6 posts in a row, c'mon, and with the huge signature > AND quoting the original message as well :)

    > Whatever your on send me some c/- the Pacific Ocean.... > 5 more days till we reach land, but who's counting..

    > graham

    Yeah, it's a good idea you yanks don't fuck with Gaz right now - being on a big fucken battleship loaded with nuclear warheads and all. (and you thought he could flame via email....)


    PS. Anyone who is the slightest bit partial to any of Blind Guardian's stuff, MUST get the new one, 'Nightfall In Middle Earth' - superb disc!


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:59:41 +0000 From: "Dale R. Newberry" <> To: Subject: Re: Tempest Message-ID: <>

    > Tempest is a celtic band and most jammers wouldn't get into their type > of music, I would bet. My favorite is Serrated Edge. It's got some > classic celtic set to a rock beat. It's Irish-type music, so expect jigs Oh, I definitely would. I really need to check these guys out. Sounds like some pretty kcikass music. I totally dig Celtic/Irish type music.

    Dale R. Newberry

    "I'm hip about time."


    Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 22:30:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Andy <ytsejam@UDel.Edu> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Degarmo Message-ID: <>

    There is a large group of people (ok maybe not large) who think that Queensryche best material was there newest. Granted, I love Mindcrime just like the rest of 'em, but to me it seemed like there where useing it like a crutch. The last two albums (In my opinion) were way to strong to still be playing 75% of Mindcrime live. Granted I did like what they did with Mindcrime of the Promised Land tour (the two stories went together real well), but they skipped a lot of key songs last tour just to play Mindcrime stuff.

    The label seemed to lose interest shortly after the album came out. All the promotion was payed for by the band, and the as for the tour. The label didn't even do a ticket buy for guests or radio, like they did for the last tour. Degarmo new the plane was going down, and he grabed a parachute.

    These are just my thoughts, as for the vaility of them, I work closely with the Label and many label Rep's, and I know the vibe about Queensryche.


    Andrew Miller ytsejam@Udel.Edu


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 3999 **************************

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