Age of Impact question...

Date: Mon Jun 29 1998 - 12:06:04 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 4019"

            Thanks to those of you who've been giving reviews of the
    Explorer's Club "Age of Impact" CD. You've really whet my appetite --
    I'm a fan of Magellan so I've been looking forward to this one for
    a while.
            I have two questions for you:

            1) How did you get the CD? Did you get a promo copy or did
            you order it from Magna Carta directly? If the latter, how
            did you order it?

            2) While everyone's been reviewing the prog aspects of the
            music, I've yet to see mention of the vocals. The vocals
            usually end up making or breaking a CD for me. So, what did
            you think of them? Were they powerful? Melodic? Are there
            many harmonies?

            Thanks for any info! :)


    Steve Chew - -
    "Give me ambiguity or give me something else."

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