YTSEJAM digest 4019

Date: Sun Jun 28 1998 - 15:14:19 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 4022"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 4019

    Today's Topics:

     by "Alex Smith" <>
      2) Re: Re:
     by "Max Amundo" <>
      3) Misinterpretations & Logical Analyses (Analysises?)
     by Michael Bahr <>
      4) Re: faves off FII; Origins, drums
     by "Younis Hilal" <>
      5) Explorer's Club availability
     by "Mike Patrick" <>
      6) Re: Origins, drums
     by Shai Yallin <>
      7) Re: drums
     by "Mike Patrick" <>
      8) DT at Waldrock, picture of Fanclub Night Gig
     by Richard Karsmakers <>
      9) Jams, my mail, DT-pix..
     by Satu Reunanen <>
     10) Damn The Machine / Power metal
     by Totikus <>
     11) Yes, Do the Dew, Effects, etc.
     by "Andrew Forcier" <>
     12) Ex. Club, Derik Sherinian and ska
     by daus <>
     13) mis lyrics, T-shirt, Hollow years drums
     by "Schnipp" <>
     14) Award, CDnow, Tabs/Site Map
     by Mark Bredius <>
     15) Re: stuff
     by "earthblind, starbound" <>


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 01:59:28 -0700
    From: "Alex Smith" <>
    To: "YTSEJAM" <>
    Message-ID: <01bda273$0e97a580$>

    yep, DT is going to be on on july 15th!

    July 15
    6:30 pm PT
    (1:30 GMT)

    Dream Theater
    Conversation and Cybercast
    As true rock & rollers, these Long Islanders have been carving their own way
    with their progressive rock sound since 1989. Now, the world-renowned Dream
    Theater have made it all the way to, where we'll be
    cybercasting a RealVideo interview we did with the band, featuring special
    one-on-one time with Mike Portnoy, discussing his side project Liquid
    Tension Experiement. The chat will be followed by a RealVideo cybercast of
    their live performance at House of Blues Sunset Strip in Los Angeles this
    past May 17.
    Dream Theater appears courtesy of Elektra Records.



    Alex Smith
    "Sometimes a view from sinless eyes
     Centers our perspective
     And pacifies our cries
     Sometimes the anguish we survive
     And the mysteries we nurture
     Are the fabrics of our lives."
      -Dream Theater
    "So many things I think about
     When I look far away
     Things I know - Things I wonder
     Things I'd like to say
     The more we think we know about
     The greater the unknown
     We suspend our disbelief
     And we are not alone."
    "I will wear your white feather
     I will carry your white flag
     I will swear I have no nation
     But I'm proud to own my heart."
      -Marillion (Fish)


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 02:16:25 PDT
    From: "Max Amundo" <>
    Subject: Re: Re:
    Message-ID: <>

    > ...And once again, will all TANGERINE DREAM listeners please let >
    us know about it? It looks like there it be a problem for me > getting
    the jams from now on!

         OOPS! I just have to clarify that I WILL INDEED be getting getting
    the 'jams without any problems now.

      I am about to subscribe to DT "Voices" (and the TaDream list), and I
    would like to hear from people on Voices... is it worth my time? I mean,
    is it just the same people saying the same stuff as ytsejam, or is it
    actually a whole separate thing, or what?

       The only stuff by Yes that I really like is the 90125 lineup (except
    half of Big Generator is a bunch of wannabe mainstream trash), but only
    3 albums have it. Everything else (Fragile, Tales, Union) were totally
    boring. Now, the "Open Your Eyes" lineup is the same, except they have a
    different keyboardist. So there's a chance it could live up to the
    greatness of 90125 and Talk. Anybody know?
       And do they do anything else that doesn't put people to sleep? I
    constantly hear about how good these guys' other & earlier stuff is
    supposed to be, but so far I just don't hear it. Maybe it's just me...
    And you're right, Genesis is awesome!

         -MAX AMUNDO =^..^=

    Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 02:37:06 -0700
    From: Michael Bahr <>
    Subject: Misinterpretations & Logical Analyses (Analysises?)
    Message-ID: <>


            Apparently I'm doomed to be misinterpreted whenever I speak. Like the
    cursed guy in that fable, or whoever that was. Let me be absolutely
    bluntly clear so certain people get the picture:

    (!=not, &=and, v=or, :=if then) just like in Logic 103.

    1. I am still on the Jam. (Given) "A"

    2. #1 is true despite the fact that the Jam is no longer my major
    customer base. A&B

    3. From #1 and #2 we can derive that I must be here for another reason.

    4. Knowing #3, and knowing in my original post that I stated that Dream
    Theater was still my favorite band (Given), it can be concluded that I
    am here in the capacity of a DT fan and not just some huckster.

    5. I have been getting flamed to hell recently (Given).

    6. Pursuant to #5 I always reply to defend myself.
            G, if and only if F.

    7. If #5 was false, I would not need to reply to defend myself.

    8. Since I do not want #5 to happen, it follows that I do not have a
    martyr complex, as one Jammer put it.

    9. #4 and #8 are not mutually exclusive.
            (C&D:E and !F:!G have no common terms)

    10. From #6 and #9 we can conclude that if I were not periodically
    flamed to hell, I would not post on that particular subject.
            if (G if and only if F), then (C&D:E)
            (I took this class nearly 6 years ago so forgive me if this isn't quite
    right, but feel free to put the correct notation in for it)

    11. From #4 and #10 we can conclude that I would rather post about DREAM
    THEATER or related topics.
            if (C&D:E) then (as #10)= Tautology (always true!)
            simplified: if X then (if Y then X). (~t)

            I know of no other way to put it when I am so wildly misinterpreted. I
    don't have the gift of clear expression, so I cover it up by ignoring
    the common social contract and saying what I'm thinking without regard
    to how it's going to sound. Otherwise people inevitably think I'm not
    telling them everything... I like to alleviate that doubt by always
    telling people way more than they want to hear. Therefore I understand
    why my statement about there being a few bad apples was interpreted as
    saying "the hell with the whole lot o' ya" which was NOT the intended
    meaning... the very sentence before it in my original post was that I
    wasn't going to abandon all the people here who HAVE remained cool to me
    (and there are a good number of 'em).

            I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "I don't care." Well, Mike
    Patrick, Graham Boyle, Adam Pye, and others cared enough to flame me, so
    I care enough to defend myself, and I don't buy into that bullshit myth
    that the best way to defend yourself on the internet is to ignore the
    insult. That shit don't fly. Never did. Anything I say in this forum, I
    would gladly say to anyone's face. I sincerely doubt most of what has
    been said to me would be repeated in my presence. If a person cannot
    have at least *that* much integrity, then I question why they think they
    have the right to publicly debase me. Am I wrong? If so, I'd love to
    hear why. And without ad hominem, if possible.

            In any case, you'll all be happy to know that as of the update to be
    posted Monday, prices are going down to 15/30/45 on CDs from Prism,
    effective on that postmark date. (orders right on the very edge may be
    eligible for a credit, depending on circumstances). I say this because
    as of Monday the final 40 or so Stream sets should finally hit the mail,
    as the rest have been going out in batches all week long and longer,
    along with other items. No corners are being cut to bring you all this
    price, nothing like that... I just think the numbers are right for a
    change, and I'm getting a great deal on media now from Matsushita of
    Australia so I can actually afford to trim costs without sacrificing
    product quality. So I figured the slow season (June/July) would be my
    only safe chance to do this.

    - Mike Bahr - Prism Records - remove ANTISPAM in my address to reply
    - Hardcore fan of Dream Theater, King's X, Rush (the band), and more!!!
    - Magic: the Gathering "Duelists' Convocation Level 2 Certified Judge"
    - d u r n i k @ g o o d n e t . c o m -
    - If it's nae Scottish, it's CRAP!


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 02:57:15 +0000 From: "Younis Hilal" <> To: Subject: Re: faves off FII; Origins, drums Message-ID: <>

    > From: "Max Amundo" <> > Are they going to put "Metropolis Pt. 2" on the live 2CD? That would > just be Multi-Frigging-Pass! [for those uf you that don't know, that Whatsa matter? "Doubleplusgood" not good enough for anyone anymore?:)

    > ------------------------------ > From: Chris Oates <> > Drumming: Someone mentioned Kevin from Shadow Gallery. What's so special > about his drumming? I've always foudn the drums on CiS to be rather > lackluster, like he's just keeping a beat, even in odd times. I imagine > him with a sort of bored look on his face, thinking "i'd rather be flossin > gmy cat than playing these drums". If someone can point out some > impressive drumming of his, I'll go relisten, but I just never heard it. You're somewhat right about his playing. It's more, uh, understated during the vocal parts. Try focusing on the instrumental sections in CiS instead. Going on to what I like about his playing, one big thing I've always been into is where the drummer uses a phrasing that matches the guitar(s) note-for-note (either on the cymbals or on the drums themselves). I just happen to like the way Soffera does this. I'm listening to an mp3 I made of Deeper than Life right now, and there's a part in particular that I really dig (starts right around 2:42 or so, at the very beginning of the instrumental section, before the keys and guitar do their tradeoff thing). Actually, hell, you should try listening to the rest of that section too. Other parts on CiS that I'm also thinking of: the instrumental section on Cliffhanger, and that one track in Ghostship, I think it's #13 or #14, it's the one that has that long-ass instrumental section, and starts right after the words "You are fading away" (I don't have the CD in front of me, but I'm pretty sure this is right).



    Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 00:31:04 -0500 From: "Mike Patrick" <> To: "DT" <> Subject: Explorer's Club availability Message-ID: <>

    You may be able to order this now via Magna Carta's site, but I didn't see any way to do so.

    Anyway, if you can wait until the end of July, CDNow is taking preorders for it - letting you take advantage of the June $10 off deal.

    Age of Impact and Conception's 'Flow' for $20.96. Bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mike Patrick Indianapolis, IN


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:50:16 +0300 From: Shai Yallin <> To: Subject: Re: Origins, drums Message-ID: <>

    Chris Oates wrote: > Drumming: Someone mentioned Kevin from Shadow Gallery. What's so special > about his drumming? I've always foudn the drums on CiS to be rather > lackluster, like he's just keeping a beat, even in odd times. I imagine > him with a sort of bored look on his face, thinking "i'd rather be flossin > gmy cat than playing these drums". If someone can point out some > impressive drumming of his, I'll go relisten, but I just never heard it.

    Ya know, that's exactly what I've been thinking when everyone else praised him last time...

    Oh, and: I'm back.

    -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Shai Yallin <> aka Kurush | | | | | | | | Keyboard player | computer programmer | high-school attendee | -----------------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 01:53:04 -0500 From: "Mike Patrick" <> To: "DT" <> Subject: Re: drums Message-ID: <>

    >Drumming: Someone mentioned Kevin from Shadow Gallery. What's so special >about his drumming? I've always foudn the drums on CiS to be rather >lackluster, like he's just keeping a beat, even in odd times. I imagine

    I don't get that impression at all. For one thing, the guy is smooth. Sometimes, it's just an overall impression that someone makes - there may be no outstanding moments, just solid, good choices. Nothing on that album feels forced, drum-wise.

    I just wish Carl Cadden-James would have put his own playing (bass) up in the mix. The man is an impressive player, buy you can't hear him. Let's hope 'Tyranny' is a bassfest. My impression is that SG threw in everything but the kitchen sink this time around.

    Mike Patrick Indianapolis, IN


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 12:40:37 +0200 From: Richard Karsmakers <> To: DT mailing list <> Subject: DT at Waldrock, picture of Fanclub Night Gig Message-ID: <>

    Gosh, I envy all the people that made it to the Paris gig. I think it must have been the definitive DT gig of all time. Anyway, I saw DT play at Waldrock, Burgum, Netherlands, yesterday. Although the set was a mere hour and a quarter, they were nothing short of stunning - tight, tighter, tightest. Man, the way they transform one song into another, or intersperse small teaser cover bits in their songs, it's genuinely amazing. Basically, what they played was a really abridged version of the Paris set :-) However, I do think they played something more here and there...there was the *really* cool tapping intro to Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher", for example. Other than that, it was just a really good DT gig. I've read so often that James tends not to have his voice entirely together every show, but fact is that last Monday on the fan club thing in Rotterdam he sounded Grade A, and last night he sounded Grade A again! No doubt, in Paris he was pretty good too :-) I think they will play exactly the same set later today at Graspop, Belgium (or maybe a bit shorter, as they're not actually headlining like they were at Waldrock - Black Sabbath with Ozzy are headlining Graspop). That's about it.

    And a reminder for those of you who'd like pictures of the DT Fanclub gig last Monday in Rotterdam: I've got eight cool pictures, which can be yours for 10 Dutch guilders of US$ 5 (and that includes postage). See ya! -- Richard Karsmakers & Karin Kessels \===----------- "Ultimate Virus Killer"; "WWW-MMM" -----------===/ | "ST NEWS" Atari disk magazine: | |Atari ST Emulation FAQ:| | GWAR FUQ/FAQ: | /===--- "Twilight World" magazine: ---===\ P.O. Box 67, NL-3500 AB, Utrecht, The Netherlands


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:01:51 +0300 From: Satu Reunanen <> To: Subject: Jams, my mail, DT-pix.. Message-ID: <>

    Hey ! Were there ever jams from 4007 to 4012 ? I didn't ever get them, but I suspect that it's because my friend screwed up with my mail. Please let me know about this ok !

    Also if any of you sent me e-mails, send them AGAIN, since I'm missing about 4 days mail..dammit ! And to those who didn't catch my website's add, here goes again: No new pix of DT yet, but later...

    Can you tell me where to find the lyrics to the latest albums from Rhapsody, Moonspell, Paradise Lost ???

    Now go for a swim !



    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 10:12:49 -0400 From: Totikus <> To: Subject: Damn The Machine / Power metal Message-ID: <>

    Can anyone give me their opinion on Damn The Machine? I saw their CD in a used store but I left it there because I didn't really know what to expect. BTW, can someone give me a definition/description of power metal? It seems like just about every band I listen to is described as power metal by someone... Thanks. Totikus ---------------------------------------------------------- | Totikus | | A Fortune In Midis - The Dream Theater Midi Page | | | | "A man must learn to cope, if his obsession's real | | Suppression that he feels must turn to hope." | | Dream Theater, "Take The Time" | ----------------------------------------------------------


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 12:21:15 -0400 From: "Andrew Forcier" <> To: <> Subject: Yes, Do the Dew, Effects, etc. Message-ID: <>

    Hello, I have quite a few Yes albums, and I think people are leaving out the one factor most prominent about Yes. The focus on Talk, Big Generator, and 90125 was jazz-style progressive pop-rock (whew... mouthful) along the lines of 80s Rush. The 70s and current Yes line-up was about classical interpretation in rock. That's why its difficult for many to get into: classical music tends not to have hummable choruses per se...<g> If you like 80s pop-rock (Power Windows, Hold Your Fire, Asia's material), then 90125 and Talk are the way to go. But if you want to sample older yes without committing, Yes is one band where I recommend their greatest hits album, Classic Yes. It has some of the greats: And You and I, Starship Trooper, Wonderous Stories. However you won't be pushed into a 20 mnute opus like Close To The Edge or Gates Of Delirium. If you like Classic Yes, I would suggest Relayer as a next step. That gives you the other side of the band. AND LOOK FOR THE REMASTER LABELS ON OLD ALBUMS!!!! On a whole other note: ever wonder if anyone ever wins those stupid fast food and soft drink sweepstakes? I don't anymore. Yesterday, while driving to Daddy's Junky Music in Hartford, I saw a Hum-vee on the highway. From far away it looked normal enough, but as you got closer, you could see Mountain Dew mudflaps, and the "Do The Dew" slogan painted on the back and sides. Looks like someone opened the right bottle of so-dee. It was kind of humorous to see going 75 mph... I tried out the Intellifex. Why does every company make presets so damn wet! I swear, the only ones worth trying were the pitch shift and harmony. And for the life of me I could not find a flanger setting. They're going to bring in a Midiverb IV for me to look at, and after that, I'll ask for a Replifex. It's beginning to seem as if I should just get a dedicated modulation rackmount, a compressor/gate, and that Whammy pedal I saw. The harmonies didn't track all that well on the Intellifex, as someone mentioned, and I hardly even use reverbs. I also tried an ADA MP-1: crap, IMHO. Every setting with gain or OD was horrifically noisy. I'll stick to DSPs and forget pre-amp modules, for now. They had a brand spankin' new V-twin pedal though. No adapter to try it out...:P

    Andrew (Stodgers took a vacation from frustration)


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 12:34:20 -0400 From: daus <> To: Subject: Ex. Club, Derik Sherinian and ska Message-ID: <>

    Today, I had the priviledage to preview a promo copy of the Exlplorer's Club CD (The Age of Impact). It features Terry Bozzio, James Labrie, Billy Sheenan, and I think Magellan, John Pettrucci, and Derek Sherinian to name a few. The important fact it that this CD is JUST AWESOME. It is just so revolutionary. Kind of sounds like DT meets Vai's Sex and Religion album. James Labrie does an EXCELLENT performance. I never knew he could sound so good! Unlike other CD's I have heard recently that sound like improve jam sessions (I don't mind...kind of getting old) this CD sounds just like it was all carefully laid out. The songs are labeled "Impact #1", "Impact #2", etc.. but I presume the CD is meant to be played entirely without stopping because all the songs blend together. IMO this is a MUST BUY for ANY YTSEJAMMER because it covers just SO many different musical styles. > I also had the priviledge to listen to the "Vital Tech Tones" CD which features Victor Wooten (Bela Fleck and the Flecktones), Steve Smith (Journey) and Scott Henderson (Tribal Tech). The CD is a must for those Fusion fans out there. Sounds like a really heavy Tribal Tech (how much more heavier can you get!!!) with lots of groove and drive. > OK, one more CD.... My brother is really into ska and showed me this "skacore" CD called "Rocket from the Crypt" they are cool and sound great, but I was looking aat the credits and noticed that it was produced by Kevin Shirley!!! That wasn't the shocking part, DERIK SHERINIAN does keyboards on the ska album too!!! > > d a u s s t u d e n b e r g > > "few will try, most will quit" - Tom Ryan


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 18:34:08 +0200 From: "Schnipp" <> To: <> Subject: mis lyrics, T-shirt, Hollow years drums Message-ID: <01bda2b2$92d73e20$LocalHost@schnipp>

    hi, thanks for th=E9 misinterpreted lyrics. Matt, it's well erected is VERY fine, LOL. Max, is there a doctor to fix that?GREAT.

    I haven't received 4016 and 4014, maybe there are more. Can somebody(I kn= ow there is a place but I'm in love right now and too lazy) forward them to = me?

    I own the Touring into Infinity T-shirt. It's black and on the back is a mirror image of the front. Really?? Has anybody else noticed that the yea= rs are not? Why?

    Regarding the drums of Hollow Years (I am no drummer) I have a question. They sound real acoustic, with room. But the click in the beginning. I dunno, to me it sounds like an overdub click, also because MP starts DURI= NG the click-doing(sorry, I'm still trying to learn this language) with the snare. Any comments.??

    Anybody with the transcription for the Platinum Record Ceremony from the video??

    Thank you all, peace s.

    Gather ye rosebuds while ye may +++ old time is still a flying the same flower that smiles today +++ tomorrow will be dying A change of seasons,DT; poem by Robert Herrick


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 20:27:14 +0200 From: Mark Bredius <> To: "'Ytsejam'" <> Subject: Award, CDnow, Tabs/Site Map Message-ID: <>

    Some of you may remember the Webnieuws Site of the Week nomination I posted about weeeeeks ago... Well, after some technical problems (understatement?) they finally announced the winner of week 21-26:

    > Er is wederom massaal gestemd en de winnaar van week 21 t/m 26 > is de site van de Dream Theater geworden. > > Met maar liefst 79% de stemmen bleek dat deze site ingezonden > door de voorkeur te hebben van onze bezoekers.

    Which basically means, "Under A Cyber Moon" won with *79* % of the votes. :)) The runner up got a nifty 12 %.

    A big "thank you" to everyone of you who voted !

    Oh yeah, don't forget to take advantage of CDnow's $10 discount... You can get it by going to their site through UACM, or other sites that have so called "Cosmic Credit Links". Only two more days left to get the discount, btw... I ordered the new Genesis Box and some Sarah McLachlan myself. :)

    Before I forget, the tabs on UACM should now be easier to print... I've also added a "Site Map", to make finding things a bit easier.

    Mark Bredius ____________________________________________________________ Dream Theater - Under A Cyber Moon E-mail: * * Last updated: 06-28-1998


    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:58:05 -0400 From: "earthblind, starbound" <> To: Subject: Re: stuff Message-ID: <>

    Love to hear people mentioning Tangerine Dream. Cause I want to know, what's good? Personally, I liked only the first two tracks of Alpha Centauri, didn't like another early work, but then talking about post-Chris Franke TaDream, I absolutely HATED Rockoon. Cheesy new-age stuff. So I was all ready to write the band off, when I came across Tyrrany of Beauty. This is a great album. And the remade Chris Franke tune, "Stratosfear 1995," is the best of the bunch.

    So I've been avoiding TaDream, even when I had a chance to purchase Tiger, Tiger, but now I'd like to know, what's what in their HUGE catalog?


    >start getting hate mail... I heard "Fragile" and "Union", and I think >they're both really boring. I mean, they have really cool sections in

    How can you mention Union and Fragile in the same sentence, except to say something like "I was listening to Fragile, and I had to take a shit, and when I looked at my work I saw that it had a surprising similarity to Union?"

    Hell, I'm pissed off that I own Anderson Wakeman Bruford Howe. Only like two good songs on that one. There's at least 5 on 90125 that I like.

    Anyway, I love the big songs in Fragile, but Relayer is much better.

    -And now for something completely different... A theater tech with a clawhammer. *THUNK* *splat* (Milluminati Psycho) -O-


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 4019 **************************

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