YTSEJAM Digest 4576

Date: Sat Jan 16 1999 - 15:23:07 EST

  • Next message: : "YTSEJAM Digest 4577"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 4576

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: MP3s / DT in the studio
     by "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
      2) Re: MP3s / DT in the studio
     by "Christopher J. Cerminara" <>
      3) guitar action
      4) Re: MP3s / DT in the studio
     by Andrew Coutermarsh <>
      5) "Country" MP3 Available
     by "Neil Evans" <>
      6) beginning of 6:00
     by Matt Johnson <>
      7) philly cancellation
      8) Autographed material
     by Mike Kilun <>
      9) Yes To LTE Video or whatever!
     by "A_Change of_Seasons" <>
     10) Yes To LTE Video or whatever!
     by "A_Change of_Seasons" <>
     11) Re: I pledge allegeance.....
     12) Re: Thanks Ice
     13) Re: Thanks Ice
     by "Trent Thornton" <>
     14) In support of my foot climbing up your ass
     by "Christopher Ptacek" <>
     15) A little meaning in this hopeless world (NDTC)
     by Andrew Coutermarsh <>
     16) Whoops
     17) Original vs. Pirate CDs
     by CyberDuke <>
     18) Yes, the pop band
     by CyberDuke <>
     19) YTSEJAM digest 4575


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 18:23:07 -0700
    From: "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: MP3s / DT in the studio
    Message-ID: <003401be41b9$3ef74420$580d84d0@default>

    >to track down their mp3 stuff on the web will buy the CD, natch. mp3s
    >are the best thing to happen to the music industry in a long time, IMHO.

    Or they can be people like me, who for some reason (boredom, perhaps) sift
    through their whole catalog of CD's (400+) and rip them all to MP3 format.

    Speaking of which, I've gotta order another hard drive soon. :)

    Currently ripping:  All of Joe Satch's CD's.


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 20:50:21 -0500 From: "Christopher J. Cerminara" <> To: Subject: Re: MP3s / DT in the studio Message-ID: <>

    >Or they can be people like me, who for some reason (boredom, perhaps) sift >through their whole catalog of CD's (400+) and rip them all to MP3 format. > >Speaking of which, I've gotta order another hard drive soon. :)

    You do that too? I haven't done as many, but I've ripped many CD's in the past 6 months, maybe 250 or so. Being stuck in a college dorm room, That's the only place I listen to music. Since radio completely sucks anymore, it's great to sit back and shuffle through 300+ songs at one time. It's like having your own personal radio station. I agree with those of you who said MP3s are brilliant. I too have also used them to sample great bands such as Royal Hunt, Vanden Plas, ... If they're used in the appropriate way, I see nothing at all wrong with them.


    NP: My whole prog collection


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 19:56:35 -0600 (CST) From: To: Subject: guitar action Message-ID: <>

    Hi, Ive been having trouble with my guitar's action. I know that shred players have it set very low. I recently brought my guitar in for a setup, and told them to set it like that. Before I had been keeping the action at Ibanez's Standard Action (2.0mm on bass side, 1.5mm on treb). That was lowered even more at this setup. I must admit, it is a lot more comfy, but my strings are buzzing a lot. Is it supposed to be like this? Should I bring the action up a bit? Also, how low do guys like Petrucci, Gilbert, and Vai have their action set? Thanks.


    ===================================================== "A daily dose of eMpTyV "Following our instinct will flush your mind not a trend. Go against right down the drain." the grain until the end." -Dream Theater -Metallica =====================================================


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 21:06:51 -0500 (EST) From: Andrew Coutermarsh <> To: Korg Ecksthrey <> Subject: Re: MP3s / DT in the studio Message-ID: <>

    Are you serious - you actually ripped all of your CDs? I have ripped several songs off of my CDs, but usually only because I didn't have a stereo (big one, at least), and it was easier to rip the songs that I liked than it was to fish out the CD I wanted to listen to one song of. But I only have a 2.1 gig hard drive set asidce for program files, documents, and MP3s (I recently acquired a 515 MB drive from a friend so that I could put my games on that), of which my MP3sx consist about 1.3-1.5 gigs. I need a bigger hard drive, too.

    Do YOU think it's bad that I asked on the jam for people to help me finding that MP3?

    ------------------------------------------- Andrew Coutermarsh ICQ: 2513441 ------------------------------------------- "In the New Year, hold your right hand out always in friendship, but never in want." -- Irish toast -------------------------------------------


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 18:51:43 -0800 From: "Neil Evans" <> To: <> Subject: "Country" MP3 Available Message-ID: <000f01be41c4$5232a9c0$4107aace@default>

    With all the talk about expanding your listening to new genres, I've put a "country" MP3 on my web page for people to check out. If you think you don't like country music, check it out. The song is "Moe Down", a live performance by the Dixie Dregs (with Steve Morse). I suppose it's not country per se, more like bluegrass/fusion, but it has a distinct country flavor. For you instrument-heads, if you like guitar, violin, piano, bass, or drums, you should find something to like in this short tune.

    Also available is the To Live Forever studio version from the Lie single.


    Oh yeah, Xoom has been flaky lately, so if you get a 404 try again later.



    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 23:17:06 -0500 From: Matt Johnson <> To: Subject: beginning of 6:00 Message-ID: <>

    > >second, since everybody talks about the intro now, someone might be able > >to answer my previous question regarding the grouping of the attacks. I > >suggested(not being a drummer) it is 2-3-3-3-3, but would be delighted > >to leran the truth.(babadadadabababadadadabababa bumbumtschak) > > >You're close, as far as I can tell. They're all sixteenth notes but he does > >divide them into groups of 3. The first grouping of two, however, seems to > >me to be a ruff. A ruff is a small roll added before beat 1 (that's the best > >way I can explain it :P). WHen you do rolls you get rebound with both hands. > >With a ruff you just get the rebound from one hand and hit the down beat > >with the other. It could also be akin to rolling a grace note. >

    Ok, just to clear this little thread up, I think I'm pretty sure I know how Mike does the beginning of 6:00. He does two hits on the bass drum, then does 2 on the high octoban, then 2 on a lower octoban, then 2 on each tom going down which would be 8 hits. Bass-2 | H-octo-2, H-octo-2, H-tom-2, tom-2, tom-2, F-tom-2 There it is so get practicing!!! Matt....


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 23:17:41 EST From: To: Subject: philly cancellation Message-ID: <>

    I just bought my tickets to the Philly LTE show this afternoon, so unless something has changed, its still on.


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1993 21:18:58 -0800 From: Mike Kilun <> To: Subject: Autographed material Message-ID: <>

    Hey people, I would like to know if any of you are selling any autogrphed Dream Theater material. This can be Cd's, promotional photos, posters, etc. I am willing to pay some good money, so anyone in need of cash with some signed DT stuff, please e-mail me privately and we can do some good buisness. Thanks!


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 21:43:29 PST From: "A_Change of_Seasons" <> To: Subject: Yes To LTE Video or whatever! Message-ID: <>

    Hey Jammers....

    Living anywhere besides on the coast sucks!!! So anything that is committed to tape of LTE's tour would be VERY COOL!!

    My 2 cents....

    "POJ" =o) ****************************** "Seize the day!", I heard him say. "Life will not always be this way. Look around. Hear the sounds. Cherish your life, while you're still around!" ****************************** A Change Of Seasons -- By Dream Theater Email me <>

    ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 21:46:13 PST From: "A_Change of_Seasons" <> To: Subject: Yes To LTE Video or whatever! Message-ID: <>

    Hey Jammers....

    Living anywhere besides on the coast sucks!!! So anything that is committed to tape of LTE's tour would be VERY COOL!!

    My 2 cents....

    "POJ" =o) ****************************** "Seize the day!", I heard him say. "Life will not always be this way. Look around. Hear the sounds. Cherish your life, while you're still around!" ****************************** A Change Of Seasons -- By Dream Theater Email me <>

    ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 00:54:23 EST From: To: Subject: Re: I pledge allegeance..... Message-ID: <>

    Man, that was some FUNNY shit!!!

    You GO with your bad self, Wild Bill!!! Hey, my wife may call us jammers "musical fascists", but at least we know good taste when we hear it! :-) (By the way, my wife is a DT fan as well, so don't flame her for the "fascist" comment... I think she's been to something like 8 of the 10 shows I've seen, but she also likes Michael Bolton.... and yes, I've been dragged to see him like 3 times. Oh, the horror. :-) )

    And another thing.... everyone is all upset about LTE coming to your town. Well, I'm not sure if people missed the post or not, but a few jams ago, it was posted that Jordan himself said that they would be recording at least one of the shows. So, fear not fellow jammers, there is a good possibility that some live LTE will be made available for everyone. At least, we can pray.... :-)

    'Nuff said. Later.... Matt T.


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:08:48 EST From: To: Subject: Re: Thanks Ice Message-ID: <>

    yeah. to all the jammer...yadda yadda yadda im female. big fucking deal. you males need to wake up for once. and whoever the flamer is ( although its half my fault too i admit ) should cut the crap and let the subject die. anyway...much thanks to ice for realizing that females can kick ass on bass. and to any other guy : yes you idiots. there IS a such thing as a female DT fan. try looking harder, and comprehend instead of saying " im thinking " and sitting there like a bump on a log for 15 minutes.

    have a happy day. boy does my life feel boring today.

    later jammoids


    PS> ( i had a long day. dont EVER bother me about this post. wait 3 weeks and ill get back with you )


    Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 22:36:45 PST From: "Trent Thornton" <> To: Subject: Re: Thanks Ice Message-ID: <>

    The story that doesn't seem to be told here is that the music industry has been undergoing a massive rennaisance as far as women are concerned. Since about 1995, there have been some MAJOR female artists cropping up that have made MAJOR impacts on the face of music- Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morissette, Jewel, Sarah McLachlan, Mariah Carey (who burst into BIGGER prominence), Madonna (ditto for bigger prominence), Celine Dion, Gwen Stefani, Shirley Manson, shit the list just goes on. Women are by no means repressed, especially lately. Men couldn't hold women back, even if they wanted to.


    >yeah. to all the jammer...yadda yadda yadda im female. big fucking deal. you >males need to wake up for once. and whoever the flamer is ( although its half >my fault too i admit ) should cut the crap and let the subject die. >anyway...much thanks to ice for realizing that females can kick ass on bass. >and to any other guy : yes you idiots. there IS a such thing as a female DT >fan. try looking harder, and comprehend instead of saying " im thinking " and >sitting there like a bump on a log for 15 minutes. > >have a happy day. boy does my life feel boring today. > >later jammoids > >nic. > >PS> ( i had a long day. dont EVER bother me about this post. wait 3 weeks and >ill get back with you )

    ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:21:12 -0600 From: "Christopher Ptacek" <> To: <> Subject: In support of my foot climbing up your ass Message-ID: <000d01be41e9$f790cd00$>

    > From: > To: > Subject: In Support of Female Musos ......

    No, that subject is not to be taken too seriously. This is, however:

    Playing a gender card only means that gender is an issue to you. It isn't to me, or anyone I know on this list. I'm not sure (but I have a good idea, believe me) why you brought it up... it's non sequitur, since no one has attacked Ayami for her gender. Those who have been driven to comment about her posts tend to do so because of her attitude. I'm not big on sexism or racism, as you might have guessed, based on my attacks on generalizations. If you're responding to the "poochie" tag I aimed in your direction, it was the closest female equivalent I could come up with to "Sparky" or something of the like. If you can't handle that, then perhaps you should abstain from personal attacks. You come at me, and if I'm in the mood, I just might respond in kind. Not the most mature thing to do, but in contrast, you certainly have no room to talk. Reading further into your post, I can't help but wonder why you defend Ayami against the evils of age-ism, when you had no problem throwing that card at me a couple jams ago. I find that fascinating. Do you want to see the logical fallacy (I can think of 2 actually) that such double standards fall under, or would you like to just surf that URL again yourself? Check your ass for excess holes... your credibility seems to be dribbling away somehow.

    - Chris


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 02:50:06 -0500 (EST) From: Andrew Coutermarsh <> To: Subject: A little meaning in this hopeless world (NDTC) Message-ID: <>

    I'm going to plug my web page for a minute. But this isn't your usual shameless plug. I wrote a little Editorial and posted it on my page ( because I didn't know where I could publish it. It's about Martin Luther King day. I was hoping that somebody could read it and let me know what they thought, and since there are so many people on this list, I could get a lot of thoughts. I know that some of you aren't American. I know that it may not mean a lot to you, but it means a lot to me, so please, if you read it and can understand the meaning in it, tell a friend about it. I want to have people read this and at least see some of what I'm trying to say in it. That goes for everybody, btw.

    It just bothers me that despite all the efforts of many people on this earth, there is still an overwhelming amoung of bigotry in the world. Please forward the URL to anybody you know who might appreciate a little bit of genuine feeling in this world of cynicism.

    And I'll get down off my soapbox for now. I apologize for the lack of DT content and this semi-shameless plug. Thanks.

    ------------------------------------------- Andrew Coutermarsh ICQ: 2513441 ------------------------------------------- "From every village and hamlet, every state, every city we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children -- black men, white men, Jews, Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants -- will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: free at last, free at last, Great God Almighty, we are free at last!"

    -- Martin Luther King, Jr., in his "I Have A Dream" speech, at the March on Washington -------------------------------------------


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 05:19:54 EST From: To: Subject: Whoops Message-ID: <>

    > From: Syrinx <> > Subject: Re: Xmas CD mp3, CDR copy's > > No, Jan, you're not crazy. > > All we in the DTIFC ask is that you do make copies of the > Christmas Disc(s) for profit.

    What's missing from the above sentence is a little-known technique called "proof-reading."

    I think the only proper thing to do in this situation is print up Mike's error on a big red sheet of paper, then copy the Xmas disc onto a CD-R, then wrap that CD-R in the big red sheet of paper with Mike's quote on it, then mail it to the Dream Theater International Fan Club.

    Bafu Vai


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:01:22 +0100 From: CyberDuke <> To: Subject: Original vs. Pirate CDs Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 14:39:54 -0800 (PST) > From: Brian Hansen <> > > Seriously, I was shocked to actually go into a music store that > really was ALL pirate discs!

    I was shocked to actually go into a music store that really was ALL ORIGINAL discs! In those moments I felt like enlightening while holding ORIGINAL "Fire Garden" CD in my mortal hands!

    > I think our friend the CyberDuke had mentioned > that this occurs in Macedonia (or whatever you want to call it)

    I would keep the name that way, thank you! :)

    YO MAN I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Buddy of mine just called me to inform that .... ready? ..... the Bulgarians "released" OIALT!!!! And it's all over the pirate CDs shops now! :(((( Damn! Damn! Damn! I'm really trying to resist the temptation and I think I'll make it and buy the original one. But how could this happen?

    I might said once the politica of Bulgarian pirates: They make pirate CDs of popular stuff, Take That, Best Queen etc., but by NO WAY you can find there Return To Forever - Romantic Warrior or stuff like that! Because it's not easy money, and they KNOW for sure Take That will sell out! Celine Dion too etc.

    So, this OIALT stuff has bad and good side:

    Bad side: The bootleg itself Good side: Let us ask the question: WHY they copied OIALT??? Does this mean DT are becoming well-known?

    Believe me guys, I know my country and all the crappy situation in music here, so a Bulgarian OAILT really seems very odd!

    CyberDuke, the biggest Macedonian DT fan, moans and groans that he won't be the first to listen OAIL in Macedonia! :(

    -- _______________________________________________________ Home Page E-mail ICQ# 17392722 _______________________________________________________


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 12:43:54 +0100 From: CyberDuke <> To: Subject: Yes, the pop band Message-ID: <>

    > Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 10:03:50 -0700 > From: "Korg Ecksthrey" <> > Subject: Re: Yes recommendations > > I'd say go for Talk first, then 90125.

    > Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 13:05:03 EST > From: > > Get "Union" first, then, if you are interested, > I would go for one of the more modern albums like "90125"

    Good Lord, I would never believe if I didn't see this! Recomending "90125" as a start for Yes????????? Than why not recomending the guy "Eye of the tiger" or, try Boney M., that's closest to Yes brightest moments! Same as you recomend "Coda" to a newbie Zeppelin fan! Huh!

    Yes, by DEFINITION means Close to the Edge, Fragile and so on!

    And as it usually happen, when some poor soul asks recomendations on the jam, he starts drowning in all the threads emerging from his quesion, all the various palletas of all possible albums the band had ... until the day come when he swares that he'll NEVER buy ANY album of the band! --

    CyberDuke _______________________________________________________ Home Page E-mail ICQ# 17392722 _______________________________________________________


    Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 08:33:34 EST From: To: Subject: YTSEJAM digest 4575 Message-ID: <>

    Please change my address from to


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 4576 **************************

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