YTSEJAM digest 5164

Date: Tue Nov 02 1999 - 12:18:58 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 5163"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 5164

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: art
     by Amanda Rosenblum <>
      2) Re: Queensryche- Empire
     by Brian Deuel <>
      3) More reincarnation schtuff
     by "Larry Odneal" <>
      4) I figured out the ending to SFAM!!!!!!!!
      5) The new album in Germany
     by "Gallop, Neil" <>
      6) Re:The new album in Germany
     by "Nissinen Tommi"
     by "Vandenabeele, Hein" <>
      8) Re:Queensryche- Empire
     by Bracken MacLeod <>
      9) Re: art
     by Andrew Coutermarsh <>
     by "Vandenabeele, Hein" <>
     11) Re:
     by Brian Hayden <>
     12) Re: ending
     by Raf <>
     14) horny toads
     by "Partha Mukhopadhyay" <>
     15) Queensryche
     by Joe DeAngelo <>
     16) Re: Met 2 FAQ/Lame ending??
     by "Rob Bowen" <>
     17) Re: horny toads
     by Carlos Andres Alfaro <>
     18) The SFaM Conspiracy and Queensryche.
     by "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
     19) what's hot on CDnow
     by "Peter M. Munoz" <>
     20) MP3 FTP Site info - Please read
     by "Pye, Adam" <>


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 00:56:40 -0800
    From: Amanda Rosenblum <>
    To: YtseJam <>
    Subject: Re: art
    Message-ID: <>

    > do you think it's because the album was related to I&W or maybe it's
    > because they're embarassed about the turn out FII and wanted to leave that
    > segment of their career behind them..

    I know that some people do not like FII, but I would not imagine anyone
    going as far as to say that it was an embarassment to the band. I
    listened to it a few days ago for the first time in months, and was
    doing some serious grooving to LitS.

    I think Mike has been sitting here laughing his butt off for the last
    year or so at all the people wanting to start a petition for the old
    logo, since he knew they were going back to it all along. Or maybe it
    has only been a few months. Either way, i'm sure the band got a good
    chuckle out of all of us begging for the old style logo ;)

    BTW, has anyone other than me ever undergone hypnotherapy? Just
    listening to certain parts of the album (which I still do not have)
    gives me the creeps.



    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:12:10 -0500
    From: Brian Deuel <>
    Subject: Re: Queensryche- Empire
    Message-ID: <>

    >I just downloaded ryche's entire 'Empire' album in mp3
    >format (shut up Al) and so far it seems to be okay,
    >but then again I'm only 2:30 into the first song. My
    >question is this-- how does this album compare to
    >other ryche releases? Better? Not so good? The
    >deepest levels of suckdom? At the very least, this
    >band has a pretty good guitarist. Anyway, between
    >buying the new DT CD today plus APSoG as well as
    >downloading Empire, this has turned out to be a rather
    >proggy day. Later y'all. Oh yeah, if it wasn't
    >obvious, I'm first time ryche listener. Laterz.

    Empire was the beginning of Queensryche's downfall as a wonderful, original
    band. Their earlier albums were very influential (most notably, The
    Warning, which launched a million Tate clones) and incredible pieces of
    work. With Empire, they started the decent into radio- friendlyhood (is
    there such a word? friendlydom? :). And although it contains some good
    songs (Della Brown, The Thin Line), for the most part it's commercial
    schlock in the worst degree. Promised Land was a slight rebound from this,
    but Hear In The Now Frontier, to put it VERY mildly, was total and utter
    SHIT. I think it's the only CD I've ever bought, skimmed through, then
    smashed to bits. I guess I hate Empire less these days, but as a 'Ryche fan
    from the beginning, I'm still pissed off at the direction they took.
    *Sigh* Record company pressures, I guess.

    My suggestion? Pick up Rage For Order (a masterpiece), Operation:
    Mindcrime, and The Warning; in that order. Most will argue that Mindcrime
    was their masterpiece (and rightfully so, as awesome as it is), but nothing
    cements the 'Ryche experience for me than Rage For Order. That album is
    *definitive* Queenryche.

    Brian Deuel

    In my CD player: Saga- Images At Twilight


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 02:24:29 -0700
    From: "Larry Odneal" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: More reincarnation schtuff
    Message-ID: <>

    James Ahab wrote:

    > Your brain contains your memory

    Interesting - what makes you say that? If the soul lives on, as many people
    believe, don't you think that it retains memory, too? I do . . .

    > and your brain is part of your body; it decays when you die.

    This is true . . .

    > The soul is abstract and lives on.

    OK, you said this before, but what do you mean by "abstract"? Invisible to
    human senses? Yes . . .

    >However, hypnotizing a person (hypnotizing a person's brain, not soul)
    isn't going to conjure up exact memories from the your soul's last body.
    Make sense?

    No, not at all. IMO, your soul (or spirit, or whatever you want to call it)
    retains all memories of ALL your lifetimes. These memories are available to
    you whenever you're NOT in a physical body (i.e., you're "between lives"),
    but they usually are forgotten when you reincarnate. They can reappear in
    dreams or in deja-vu-type experiences, or when you are hypnotized.

    > but you have to remember one thing about this story: we don't know one
    Goddamn thing about reincarnation, much less if it exists.

    Correction: YOU don't know . . . I do.

    >So whose to say that when a person dies, they are reincarnated the next
    day? Maybe they're
    reincarnated the next week, next year, or 20 years later.

    You actually got this right - after death, the spirit usually meets with its
    "friends" or fellow travelers, and reviews the just-ended lifetime to absorb
    the lessons it imparted. It then goes over, and often revises, the master
    plan it had previously made, to decide how best to continue its lessons.
    The spirit may choose to remain "between lives" as long as it wants to,
    whether it's one day or a thousand years, but it is often urged to plunge
    right back into another human body (and usually just at the moment of birth,
    in case you're interested) as soon as the right combination of parents is
    ready. Another piece of info that is relevant to "SFaM" - souls usually
    choose to reincarnate together with the same group of other souls, over and
    over, until a particular lesson is thoroughly learned. Thus, my oldest son
    was once my wife; my youngest son was once my daughter (and yes, the
    daughter of my oldest son/wife!); my ex-wife was once my wife (in
    18th-century France), etc.. hehe - pretty wild shit, huh? But all true!

    Reincarnation is a wonderful thing - throughout your lifetimes you will be
    male and female, rich and poor, gay and straight, athletic and crippled,
    black, white, and every other color. You will experience many, many ways of
    life and eventually become an "old soul", one with much wisdom - gained
    through thousands of years of experience.

    Another note about SFaM - in my experience, it would take many sessions of
    hypnosis to get as many details as Nicholas obtained about Victoria's life,
    perhaps as many as a dozen or so. I've only had three sessions, and only
    obtained brief glimpses of my past lives, but they were coherent and
    immensely meaningful to me.

    Yikes - gotta get to bed. Hope I didn't give anybody a headache . . .



    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 06:00:24 EST
    Subject: I figured out the ending to SFAM!!!!!!!!
    Message-ID: <>

    Okay, not really. But my friend and I came up with this little scenario about
    the ending of FF. See what you think:

    We hear the following sounds in this order:

    Finally Free being played on the car stereo
    Finally Free being turned off from the car stereo
    The car door opens
    The car door closes
    Footsteps on gravel
    Footsteps on wooden stairs
    The unlocking of the door
    The closing of the door
    The sound of the TV
    Footsteps on gravel
    TV louder
    TV off
    Footsteps on gravel
    The pouring of a drink (with strains ofdeath theme of Finally Free in the
    Footsteps on gravel
    The record player
    A creaking sound (which we think is the door)
    Footsteps on wood
    The Hypnotist's voice saying: "Open your eyes Nicholas"
    A scream
    Static (presumably from the needle being knocked off the record)

    Assuming we can all agree on those events in that order, and that in late
    20th century America people do not cover the floors of their home with
    gravel, here is what we have come up with:

    Nicholas is driving home from his last therapy session, during which time he
    reflects on all he has seen (since the hypnotist told him that he would
    "remember all that [he's] learned"). He turns off the car stereo, opens and
    closes his car door, and walks ON GRAVEL to his home. He climbs a series of
    stairs MADE OF WOOD. He unlocks the door and closes it. He either turns on
    the TV or forgot to turn it off when he left. I lean toward the latter since
    he can hear the sound of the TV before he closes the door. Now, CUT TO THE
    OUTSIDE: The hypnotist is outside Nicholas's home and approaches the house
    cautiously, as evidenced by the slower footsteps ON GRAVEL. We then CUT TO
    THE INSIDE: Nicholas is watching the footage of the JFK, Jr. crash. It is
    possible that the hypnotist is watching Nicholas during this time to assess
    his vulnerability. Nicholas turns off the T.V. (by remote control, since we
    don't hear him walk to the TV) and presumably gets up to get a drink. CUT TO
    THE OUTSIDE: The hypnotist, sensing this as a window of opportunity,
    approaches the house ON GRAVEL. CUT TO THE INSIDE: Nicholas pours himself a
    drink. CUT TO THE OUTSIDE: The hypnotist continues his approach ON GRAVEL.
    CUT TO THE INSIDE: Nicholas turns on the record player and presumably begins
    to relax. The sound of the record player drowns out any noise on the outside,
    so if there is a remainder of the hypnotist's approach, Nicholas doesn't hear
    it. The door creaks open and the hypnotist rushes into the house ON WOOD,
    utters the line "Open your eyes Nicholas" (perhaps Nicholas dozed off- a
    stiff drink and some slow orchestral music will do that to you), Nicholas
    screams, and the needle jumps off the record because the player was bumped.

    Listen to the end of FF and see if this narrative is plausible. What do you
    guys think?



    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 12:22:16 +0100
    From: "Gallop, Neil" <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: The new album in Germany
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi all

    just thought you might like to know that "Scenes From A Memory" has
    just entered the German album charts (as determined by World Of
    Music on the basis of current sales) at number 4.

    stay safe and happy listening
    Neil Gallop (
    Currently playing: Fu Manchu - King Of The Road


    Date: 2 Nov 1999 13:38:00 +0300
    From: "Nissinen Tommi"
    Subject: Re:The new album in Germany
    Message-ID: <>


    After the first week SFaM went straight to number 6 at the official album=
    here in Finland. (which was nice...:))

    Tommi Nissinen

    NP:SFaM:Act I/Scene2

    Gallop, Neil (2.11.1999 14:29):
    >Hi all
    >just thought you might like to know that "Scenes From A Memory" has
    >just entered the German album charts (as determined by World Of
    >Music on the basis of current sales) at number 4.
    >stay safe and happy listening
    >Neil Gallop (
    >Currently playing: Fu Manchu - King Of The Road


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 12:41:45 +0100
    From: "Vandenabeele, Hein" <>
    To: "''" <>
    Message-ID: <>

    <Storm Thorgerson, we love you, your covers for FII
    <and OIaL were very Floyd, but they weren't DT.

    First time I hear this, but I agree... mostly for FII.


    Any Belgian Jammers wanting to come along to the Luxemburg concert
    (23/11/1999) ?


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 07:50:19 -0500
    From: Bracken MacLeod <>
    Subject: Re:Queensryche- Empire
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey Trent,

    Empire is one of Qr's least proggy albums. Compared to their recent rele=
    ases, however (Hear in the Now Frontier and Q2K), it a masterpiece. The =
    best Qr album ever was Promised Land. This album had the most in terms o=
    f interesting arrangements, progressive songwriting, and provocative them=
    es. By far my favorite. Most people will say that Operation: Mindcrime =
    is the best they've done. I think it is *one* of their best, but more of=
     a straight forward rock album (don't get me wrong -- I don't only listen=
     to prog - but if you want proggy Qr, which is what I think you were aski=
    ng for - it's PL). A great onee, mind
    you, but missing what made Promised Land exceptional. O:M is a concept a=
    lbum, hence some of the deeper love I would imagine. They're both totall=
    y worth getting. Empire is really Qr's first attempt at a radio friendly=
     album. An interest they've revisited with the last two albums. Since H=
    itNF they've gone completely in the shitter!


    > I just downloaded ryche's entire 'Empire' album in mp3
    > format (shut up Al) and so far it seems to be okay,
    > but then again I'm only 2:30 into the first song. My
    > question is this-- how does this album compare to
    > other ryche releases? Better? Not so good? The
    > deepest levels of suckdom? At the very least, this
    > band has a pretty good guitarist. Anyway, between
    > buying the new DT CD today plus APSoG as well as
    > downloading Empire, this has turned out to be a rather
    > proggy day. Later y'all. Oh yeah, if it wasn't
    > obvious, I'm first time ryche listener. Laterz.
    > =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
    > *Trent

    In most states the penalty for an adult who rapes a child is twenty years=
     plus -- UNLESS that adult happens to be related to the child, in which c=
    ase the maximum sentence is PROBATION. There is legislationn now pending =
    in Congress to change all this.  IF YOU CARE, ACT!
    <a href=3D"">>

    =A91999 Bracken N. MacLeod. All Rights Reserved. No part of this message may be copied, reproduced, posted, used, distributed or redistributed in any form or for any purpose other than as a reply to the author without the express written permission of the author. This email message is not offered as and does not constitute legal advice. I do not seek to represent you. The views and opinions expressed herein are my personal views and opinions.


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 08:54:02 -0500 (EST) From: Andrew Coutermarsh <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: art Message-ID: <>

    On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Amanda Rosenblum wrote:

    > I think Mike has been sitting here laughing his butt off for the last > year or so at all the people wanting to start a petition for the old > logo, since he knew they were going back to it all along. Or maybe it > has only been a few months. Either way, i'm sure the band got a good > chuckle out of all of us begging for the old style logo ;)

    What I think is funny is that he actually wrote to the jam saying something like "For those of you who are waiting for the old font to come back, I would get your hopes up." I laughed my ass off when I found out that the old font was back. But I'm happy about it, that's for sure - I think that the old DT font just fits the band better for some reason...

    ------------------------------------------------- Andrew Coutermarsh Cloak on IRC ICQ: 2513441 ------------------------------------------------- "I'm not a vegetarian because I like animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." -- A. Whitney Brown -------------------------------------------------


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 15:01:54 +0100 From: "Vandenabeele, Hein" <> To: "''" <> Message-ID: <>

    <I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I have a great idea. I'm <guessing off of some cues at the end of "Home." I burned a copy of SFaM with <"Metropolis, part 1" mixed in right after "Home." The shaker noise perfectly <synchronizes with Met. 1, so I mixed it in. Also, at the end of Met. 1, the l<ast words are "daaaaaance of eterniteeeeeeeey..." Well, duh. So, I mixed

    <the end of Met. 1 with "Dance of Eternity."

    <It's I can listen to *all* of Metropolis, without breaks, in <order, and hopefully how it was meant to be listened to. What do you folks


    Impossible because 77 Minutes (SFaM) + 13 Minutes (Met 1 ?) is bigger than the longest writable cd's - at least the commercial available... Otherwise, nice idea...



    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 08:14:19 -0600 From: Brian Hayden <> To: <> Subject: Re: Message-ID: <> can burn hours of music onto a cd if you put it on there in compressed format, like mp3.



    Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it.

    > From: "Vandenabeele, Hein" <> > Reply-To: > Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 06:09:38 -0800 (PST) > To: Multiple recipients of list <> > > > <I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I have a great idea. I'm > <guessing off of some cues at the end of "Home." I burned a copy of SFaM > with > <"Metropolis, part 1" mixed in right after "Home." The shaker noise > perfectly > <synchronizes with Met. 1, so I mixed it in. Also, at the end of Met. 1, > the > l<ast words are "daaaaaance of eterniteeeeeeeey..." Well, duh. So, I mixed > > <the end of Met. 1 with "Dance of Eternity." > > <It's I can listen to *all* of Metropolis, without breaks, in > <order, and hopefully how it was meant to be listened to. What do you folks > > <think? > > Impossible because 77 Minutes (SFaM) + 13 Minutes (Met 1 ?) is bigger than > the longest writable cd's - at least the commercial available... > Otherwise, nice idea... > > HeinV > >


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 09:55:48 EST From: To: Subject: Re: ending Message-ID: <>

    In a message dated 99-11-02 03:20:31 EST, you write:

    << CUT TO NICHOLAS, OPENING THE DOOR (you can hear the hinges on the door creaking as he slowly opens it, drawn in by the unexpected sound of the record) As Nicholas enters the room and walks over to the record player, Psychiatrist approaches him from behind and utters the same words which he spoke when he killed Nicholas 70 years ago, "Open your eyes ___". Nicholas, so startled to hear his voice, spins over and knocks record player needle. Hence, static. Psychiatrist then (presumeably) kills Nicholas for revenge, reinforcing the theme of the entire album that Deceit and Death are two things that are eternal.

    >Some flaws: >Why does Nicholas regress again in the car, even though he's not hypnotized? > How does the Psychiatrist both get home first and get into the house? >>

    Where does the rocking chair come in ? You can distinctly hear someone rocking and then other footsteps towards the rocker then the hypno say "open your eyes, Nicholas"


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 07:50:33 -0800 (PST) From: Raf <> To: Subject: SFaM BACkGROUND SOUNDS and ART Message-ID: <>


    Before I get into the stuff about the SFX, I think that the girl on the cover of I&W is supposed to be a young Victoria, and when she is refered to in the beginning of the album, Nicolas is seeing her as a young girl. Now look at the cover art of I&W...and think about James lyrics. "...theres a house that I'm drwan to...there's a room at the top of the stairs...there's a girl in the mirror...YOUNG CHILD won't you tell me why I'm here?...a story never told...somethings tearing at her soul" This girl on the cover is in a room that is at the top level in this house, perhaps the attic. You can see from out of the window that the room is definately a high level in the house. She also looks troubled, like she's hiding something (WHAT IS SHE HOLDING?). This has GOT to be Victoria. I once met Larry Freemantle who did the art direction on this cover of I&W, but we never dicussed the significance of the art in detail. What I took from the conversation is that the art was a medley of events that occur in the lyrics through the album.

    I'd like to hear from you all about this one. ===== In FF, we hear Victoria scream after the gun shots. That scream shound is the same exact scream from the makeshift war scene in "Wag The Dog". Sure it's obviously stock sound fx, but it's cool. ====== Finally, when the casino guy is talking from out of the right channel, I HEAR HIM SAY the following while Victoria is getting pounded. "Who wants more, who want the hard core, who wants more, who wants more, who wants hard core...who wants to come" And THEN, JR rips into his solo. hence, victoria has come....beeeeaauuutifuuuul!

    Later All, -Raf-

    ===== "Oh, we're having a wonderful time, Playing music for our friends!" jordan rudess, Dream Theater __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 08:26:53 PST From: "Partha Mukhopadhyay" <> To: Subject: horny toads Message-ID: <>

    >That horn section in BTL was kind of annoying, but that's it

    i thought those were a nod to Trent Gardner/Magellan....not sure that they entirely fit, but I like 'em....


    ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 11:29:00 -0500 From: Joe DeAngelo <> To: YTSEJAM <> Subject: Queensryche Message-ID: <>

    Trent asked: > I just downloaded ryche's entire 'Empire' album. My > question is this-- how does this album compare to > other ryche releases?

    Well, I only have 3 QR albums currently......

    "Hear in the Now Frontier" - - A few cool tunes, but fairly weak overall.

    "Empire" - - All around a good disc, IMO.

    "Operation: Mindcrime" - - Very cool concept disc, much more metal than the other two. This is considered to be their masterpiece.

    I haven't heard the other discs, but from what people say...... "Q2K" is supposed to really suck, "Promised Land" is supposedly good, and I also hear good stuff about "Rage for Order" and "The Warning" (which I believe are more metal).

    - Joe D.


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:47:53 -0500 From: "Rob Bowen" <> To: <> Subject: Re: Met 2 FAQ/Lame ending?? Message-ID: <000f01bf2552$064cb6a0$f998accf@rfbow>

    >I wrote up a FAQ concerning anything that has to do with >Metropolis 2: Scenes From A Memory. I went over this FAQ >with Pat Griffin, the official DT FAQ maintainer, to ensure that the >information in this M2-FAQ is very reliable. I think I have covered >every question everyone has had about this album, so if you're >confused about ANYTHING related to Metropolis 2, I recommend >you check it out!

    Although the FAQ contains some good info (a lot of which I agree with) and it does include certain facts that DT (Mike, John, James) have confirmed, I think it should be noted that the FAQ is UNofficial. Unless DT has indeed released an "official" rundown of the plot or actually confirmed the info in there, a lot of that stuff still seems to be up for debate to me. I saw several things in there that I don't particularly agree with (not saying they aren't true, just that I don't agree with them) and several of the answers to the questions were theories that I have seen posted on the Jam by only one individual (not a concensus or anything). Like I said, if the info has actually been confirmed in some way by DT (who of course are the only *truly* reliable source) that's fine, otherwise I think it's sort of hard to put everything in a cut and dry Question and Answer format at this point. If all of that info has been officially confirmed, please let everyone know though, so I can start reading through it again. Otherwise, I think there are a lot of good ideas there, just not necessarily all the right ones.

    >I hate to shoot some people down but the idea that The Hypnotherapist is Ed >reincarnated taking his vengeance once again is really lame. I mean, the >concept of reincarnation doesn't include that one is born with complete >awareness (or is dominated) of one's past life (if any awareness at all). >Taking that route is about as cheesy as another "Bridy of Chucky" movie. >hehehe. I don't think DT would be so lame.

    I don't think it's lame at all. In fact, I think it's very cool. Besides, Mike P. hinted that the ending has to do with a "double reincarnation". Since there are only two people involved at the end of the album (Hypno and Nicholas), one would assume that they are both reincarnations of someone (presumably Hypno=Miracle/Edward and Nicholas=Victoria) And no, Nicholas is NOT Julian and Victoria...this has been refuted by multiple times by Mike as well as John P, and James at one time or another. Also, the only *other* theory I've heard to explain the Hypno's connection to Nicholas is that he IS the Miracle (not just the reincarnation). Well, this doesn't make sense because he would be 90-100 years old in 1999. And yes, the present is 1999 (not 1960 something)---this was also confirmed by Mike when he stated clearly that the JFK, Jr. clip at the end of the album was put on the album to place the time period in the present (1999).


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 12:52:41 -0500 From: Carlos Andres Alfaro <> To: Subject: Re: horny toads Message-ID: <>

    Partha Mukhopadhyay wrote:

    > >That horn section in BTL was kind of annoying, but that's it > > i thought those were a nod to Trent Gardner/Magellan....not sure that they > entirely fit, but I like 'em.... > > partha > > ____________________________

    Yeah i like them too, but i feel they shouldve used real horns instead of the synth sound. ( ive never heard a synth with a good horn sound) They couldve had Gardner guest, or somebody else.


    Without love, without truth, there can be no turning back. Without faith, without hope, there can be no peace of mind. Carlos Alfaro Internet Solutions Inc.


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 09:52:19 -0700 From: "Korg Ecksthrey" <> To: <> Subject: The SFaM Conspiracy and Queensryche. Message-ID: <001801bf2552$c18db9a0$>

    >that the girl on the cover of I&W is supposed to be a >young Victoria, and when she is refered to in the

    Yeah, Edward is a pedophile that makes all the really young girls moan with delight.

    >like she's hiding something (WHAT IS SHE HOLDING?).

    "...pull breathe from a breeze or call life from a cold metal frame..." Sound familiar? Look at the picture. The girl is holding a picture frame. The scene on the cover of Images and Words pertains to things found in the album, mostly Wait for Sleep. Notice the "sparrow falling" from PMU? The young girl on the cover of I&W is the girl KevMo wrote about in WfS for the most part.

    >the conversation is that the art was a medley of >events that occur in the lyrics through the album.

    Exactly. The same approach was taken for Awake as well. But I better be quiet before you start getting jiggy about the rest of the album covers. "Yes, the statue of the man on Awake is Nicholas, the reflection is Julian, the old man in the heavy coat in the ACoS booklet is Edward, and the little kid with the pail is the Hypnotherapist. Mystery solved."

    >I haven't heard the other discs, but from what people say...... "Q2K" >is supposed to really suck,

    Shit, I really like Q2K. hehehe. I think it's leagues above HitNF, but not quite as good as Promised Land. IMO, the best QR album to start with is "Empire." Fuck the die hard ryche fans from the early 80's who bitch about it. It's a damn solid album. I think Op Mindcrime is overhyped and a half. Rage for Order and Promised Land were much better albums, I think. -- KorgX3


    Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 12:05:00 -0500 From: "Peter M. Munoz" <> To: Subject: what's hot on CDnow Message-ID: <>

    perhaps someone beat me to the punch on this one, but I wanted to let you all know that I signed onto CDnow's website at noon today only to find Dream Theater listed smack dab in the middle of thw "What's Hot" section on the front page! =20

    the caption reads as follows: "The band's first studio release in two years proves to be the epic masterpiece that fans have been expecting."

    -Peter ********************************* Peter M. Mu=F1oz #3623 Clara Dickson Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-2401 (607)253-1410


    Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:09:00 -0600 From: "Pye, Adam" <> To: "''" <> Subject: MP3 FTP Site info - Please read Message-ID: <>

    Hey folks...

    I'm moving on Saturday, so Friday will be the last day for the MP3 server for awhile (a month, probably). So if you're looking to get some live shows in mp3 format, now is the time to do it. Special thanks to all of my repeat users - about half of the shows up right now are from uploads by generous individuals!

    When the site comes back up most of these shows will be gone (so grab them now!) and new shows will have replaced them. I've got a bunch of stuff I want to get distributed, so I'm going to work on getting that put to mp3 during the down time.

    To get connected, FTP anonymously to If that doesn't mean anything to you, goto for more detailed instructions. And please don't email me if you're having trouble connecting with a web browser. This isn't the web - it's an FTP site. Please use a real FTP client. Also remember that only 8 people can get on at a time, so keep trying if it's busy. Thanks!

    Here's a full list of the shows/CDs available on the site. (All live shows are in their entirety.) Enjoy!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam Pye alpine1(-at-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Dream Theater:

    Boston 12/13/97 Den Bosch 12/3/97 Milwaukee 6/29/93 Milan 11/15/93 Philly 5/9/98 "Guitar Talkin'" Instrumental I, Instrumental II, Instrumental III Many misc. mp3s


    Unknown Venue 7/26/74

    Liquid Tension Experiment:

    New York 1/21/99 (First show ever) Philadelphia 1/22/99

    Led Zeppelin:

    Brussels 6/20/80 Los Angeles 6/21/77 Dallas 8/31/69 5/13/73


    Woodstock 99 Holland 2/8/87 "Enter Hell"

    Pink Floyd:

    New York 2/28/80 "Echoes in the Garden" 1975


    Milan 12/6/90 Unplugged 4/27/92 (Full studio session including Anybody Listening?) Milwaukee 4/29/95 Amsterdam 1990


    Seattle 10/25/76


    Osaka 6/23/98


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