YTSEJAM digest 5184

Date: Sat Nov 13 1999 - 03:53:35 EST

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 5183"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 5184

    Today's Topics:

      1) DT European Shows
      2) Stevie Z Rocks the Blues (was Spelling)
      3) The Jammerz CD
      4) Re: JM Sig Bass
      5) Check this out... important...
     by "Jeremy Kube" <>
      6) Re: James on SFAM
     by "Lee Wilson" <>
      7) Re: Is it just me?
     by "Lee Wilson" <>
      8) SFAM storyline
     by "Lee Wilson" <>
      9) Re: Korg has to play "daddy" (WAAAAY off topic)
     by "Adriano F. Giacomini" <>
     10) MP sloppy? and other various musings
     by "Paul Evans" <>
     11) Brussels Show 12/11/99 (SPOILER(S))
     by Peter Geerts <>
     12) U.S. Tour Rumor
     by Adam Perkowsky <>
     13) First post
     14) Re: SFAM: Is it just me?
     by "Josh Calkin" <>
     15) Mahir Cagri for GOD!
     by "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
     16) Pink Floyd
     by Joe DeAngelo <>
     17) Re: YTSEJAM digest 5181
     by "Daniel T. Chen" <>
     18) Burning My Soul/Hell's Kitchen
     19) Re: Burning My Soul/Hell's Kitchen
     20) Man Woman Chemistry (NDTC)
     by shams <>
     21) Devin Townsend Demo?
     by "Dave Peterson" <>
     22) **SPOILED**Now whos gonna save me???
     by shams <>
     by "Dave Peterson" <>


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:25:00 EST
    Subject: DT European Shows
    Message-ID: <>

    >For the people yet to go to the coming shows: Listen to the music that
    >is played over the PA after the encore...
    >Take Care,

    For those of us who cannot get to a show (cos they aren't gracing us with
    their presence in the UK this time around) what is it?


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:24:59 EST
    Subject: Stevie Z Rocks the Blues (was Spelling)
    Message-ID: <>

    >> There's a blues guitarist in the UK called Stevie Z ....... 8-p
    >Uh, oh. I better change my name.
    >Steve C (aka Scary Spice)
    >How's that for a segue? Has anyone seen her new video? That song pretty
    >much rocks for a pop song. Can't say about the haircut, though. I always
    >wondered when she would finally put out a solo album, her being the
    >talented Spice Girl.

    Ugh the Spice Grills (intentional mis-spelling)
    If ANY of them HAD any talent worth mentioning .........


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:25:01 EST
    Subject: The Jammerz CD
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: Matt Johnston <>
    >>What happened to the jammers' CD? 8-)
    >Well now...
    >The Jammers' CD is Dead. Long Live the Jammers' CD.
    >I was ready to go with it -- I got one submission from Nikki Brooks.
    >Everybody ese promised me stuff but never sent it. Such is the way
    >with jammers.

    Now that IS a shame - perhaps they are all mouth and no trousers. Call
    yerselves musicians so get off yer arses and make some music ......

    (Those who can, do ....)

    What was the contribution from Nikki Brooks like?

    >But then, the song I wanted to submit was 20 minutes long, and it would
    >have made some people mad. ^_^

    With envy, delight or boredom?

    >I'd be willing to try it again (still?) but only if I can seize more
    >control of the project. I tend to work with a smile if everything's
    >done my way... ^_^

    But would anyone else actually make an effort this time (apart from that
    Nikki Brooks person of course)?


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:24:55 EST
    Subject: Re: JM Sig Bass
    Message-ID: <>

    >From: Andrew Coutermarsh <>
    >> JM has just begun work on a fretless version with Yamaha - it will be a
    >> before it is seen on the market however.
    >Are the two versions really that different? I never thought that a
    >fretless bass was that different than a fretted one - I suppose I could be
    >wrong, though, since I never really got that into playing electric...

    Mais certainment monsieur. Totally different sound, kind of rich and flowing
    and smooth as opposed to the more percussive fretted version. more jazzy .....

    Think Tony Franklin for example.

    >From: John Parks <>
    >Does anyone know of JM used a fretless on SFaM? There are
    >a couple of place where i think i am hearing a fretless,
    >but i am not sure (i don't play bass).

    Yes, he plays it on 'Through Her Eyes'

    >From: "TheCowGod" <>
    >i think he was talking about construction-wise... i agree, i dont see why,
    >if the fretted version is already in stores, the fretless would take a while
    >to be seen on the market. i assume they have to make a few more changes than
    >simply using a different neck, but still, it can't be THAT big a difference.
    >is it? moo.

    The reason JM gave for his fretted one taking so long to get on the market
    (after he first spoke about it at the end of 1997) was that he wanted to road
    test it thoroughly. He is going to do the same with his fretless sig model
    on the Y2K DT tour and further ....

    PS: There will be a new interview with JM in the UK's Bassist magazine
    (Christmas 1999 or January 2000 issue)


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:29:32 -0600
    From: "Jeremy Kube" <>
    To: "ytsejam Mailing List" <>
    Subject: Check this out... important...
    Message-ID: <001301bf2d55$04d37420$0c1ee2d8@jeremyku>

    Hey all,
        I know that you all hate virus do I. But, I you should
    take this one seriously because it "got" a buddy of mine. It exploits a bug
    in Microsoft Outlook Express, which is the e mail client that most of us
    use. To download the protection from this virus (which take about 35
    seconds) here is the link. Please take this seriously.. so it doesn't wreak
    havoc over the 'jam. Here is the link:
    Just go to download and you will be able to download it... it is a .exe
    patch that only takes a "click" to install.. it does it itself.
    Later, J
    Jeremy Kube
    Oklahoma State University
    Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology Major
    "Sex is Death, Death is Sex. It says it right here on my crucifix!"
    Dream Theater.


    Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:39:19 -0800
    From: "Lee Wilson" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: James on SFAM
    Message-ID: <017f01be3e7c$64f076a0$>

        Wow. I'm honestly shocked that anyone DOESN'T like James. He's gotta be
    the best vocalist I think I've ever heard. The feeling he can put into the
    music is absolutely incredible. His vocal range may be matched by others, if
    not surpassed (though not by many), but his intensity is second to none. Not
    many singers I've heard can nail every note dead-on in so many different styles
    of singing. Not only can he heavy-metal-wail with the best of them, he can do
    ballads, pop, and everything in between with perfect intensity and timing. And
    he sounds just about as good live as he does on the albums (somewhat of a
    rarity, IMO). I guess though, that everyone hears different things in the music
    (nothing wrong with that). Still amazes me though.

    >From: Dave Ware <>

    > Ok, so I've heard a whole bunch "2 cents" from people about SFAM,
    >and there is one critisism I just don't get. "James sucks as usual...".
    >Now I'm sorry but I disagree - James kicks my arse, he has done on all the
    >CDs, and this one is no exception. He really comes over well on SFAM, he
    >nails all the parts, puts across emotion and power when its required, he's
    > I don't want to start a "James Rules/Sucks" flame war, this is just
    >my opinion....but as far as I'm concerned James is da man for DT, and long
    >live this particular line up...!
    > Dave (a UK jammer - rants as usual).


    Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:39:27 -0800
    From: "Lee Wilson" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: Is it just me?
    Message-ID: <018001be3e7c$694a5ae0$>

    >Personally, I think SFAM is DT's 2nd best album. Awake is and always has
    >been my favorite, not just for DT, but it's also my favorite album of all
    >time. SFAM isn't really an album, it's more of a story. It's fantastic, but
    >when you listen to it in just bits and pieces, it's not as satisfying as the
    >whole. Here's my ranking:
    >If I could, I'd put the Hollow Years single somewhere at the top. The Way It
    >Used To Be is one of Dream Theater's greatest songs.

        Interesting. I love Awake, too, but to be honest, it could never hold a
    candle to the overall quality of IAW for me. I love Awake, don't get me wrong,
    and as another person said, they all get 10/10 in my book as well (except maybe
    FII -- bleh. ok, 9/10).
        The thing is, IMHO, that Awake had a number of VERY good songs on it ( I
    LOVE Space-Dye Vest, and Voices ), but overall, the songs weren't as
    consistently good as the songs on IAW. It's SO rare to get an album where you
    love every single song on it. IAW was that album for me. Awake had a number of
    good songs, but I didn't want to listen to ALL of them over and over and over
    and... well, you get the idea.
        ACoS was wonderful, and I still listen to that song a fair bit, but the
    covers were rather ho-hum, especially since I didn't really like the originals
    of most of them that much.
        FII was ok for a bit, but in the end, the only song on there that I REALLY
    like was a Trial of Tears.
        So, for me, not until SFAM has a DT album really been consistently good ALL
    the way through. Every single song on here makes me want to listen to it over
    and over (which I've been doing for the past week or two).
        So, if I had to rate the albums right now, I'd be hard pressed to decide
    which I like more -- SFAM or IAW. So, I guess my list would look something like

    IAW ( maybe reversed with SFAM )
    OIAL (I'm not a big fan of live concerts -- especially recorded ones)

        I guess that's why I've become such a fan of MP3's lately. I can grab all
    my favorite songs from all the albums and play just those over and over. :)
    Hard to choose favorites from IAW and SFAM though, so I usually just put the
    whole albums in the playlist :) I guess, though, if I HAD to choose favorites
    from SFAM, I'd choose Finally Free (though I did cut out the last 2 minutes or
    so -- what were they THINKING?? It was interesting the first time, but after
    that - BLEH), Home, Beyond This Life, and One Last Time (in that order

        I'm VERY VERY pleased with Jordan Rudess. It's obvious to me that he adds
    life back to the band when they sorely needed it. I saw Derek when they came to
    Seattle for the FII tour and he seemed pretty good, but the difference, I think,
    is showing up in the songwriting quality. Jordan obviously adds something
    awesome (as did Kevin Moore) to the mix synergy, and perhaps that's what DT


    Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:41:54 -0800
    From: "Lee Wilson" <>
    To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
    Subject: SFAM storyline
    Message-ID: <018201be3e7c$c142cd40$>

        So has anyone really figured out the story totally to SFAM? I thought I
    had, but re-reading the lyrics I think maybe I missed it. I thought at first
    that Victoria's husband (Miracle? Sleeper?) killed her for having an affair with
    his brother, but now I think that the brother may have killed them both in
    revenge for her going back to the original brother and made it look like her
    husband killed them both while he got away clean. Am I mis-reading (wouldn't
    surprise me)?


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:07:15 -0200
    From: "Adriano F. Giacomini" <>
    Subject: Re: Korg has to play "daddy" (WAAAAY off topic)
    Message-ID: <>

    >KorgX3 thinks people who talk about their dogs need to be shot.
    >"Oh, he was just so cute and cuddly. You shou..." *BAM BAM!*

    What do you think we should then do to somebody who spends
    US$ 500 on birthday party for her dog, just like this woman
    in Brazil did?


    "A daily dose of eMpTyV will flush your mind right down the drain"
                     DREAM THEATER
    Dream Theater newsletter -
    Get your own Web-based E-mail Service at


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:39:30 -0800
    From: "Paul Evans" <>
    To: "The Jam" <>
    Subject: MP sloppy? and other various musings
    Message-ID: <003101bf2d77$ef8b38a0$>

    Okay, the only explanation I can think of for someone thinking Mikey is
    sloppy would be the inability to comprehend that there are time signatures
    other than 4/4... From that view, DT would be the least talented chaps out


    I'll add to the consensus that SFaM ranks right beside IaW and Awake, but
    they're all awesome in their own ways... I could never chose an absolute
    favorite between these three...

    Oh, and hey Korgie daddy, at least that guy didn't copy the entire jam in
    his reply!!! :-)

    And whatever did happen to Bafu Vai anyway? and the original ytseBen? I've
    obviously missed a lot in my sabatical...



    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 03:07:39 +0100 (CET)
    From: Peter Geerts <>
    To: YML <>
    Subject: Brussels Show 12/11/99 (SPOILER(S))
    Message-ID: <>

    Hey all, I have been rather quiet in the whole discussion after the
    release of SFAM, but now I can't shut up anymore...

    I just got back from DT's show in Brussels tonight, and GEEEEEEZZZZ! That
    was the best f*cking thing I've seen in years!! Okay just trying to get my
    thoughts a bit under control here, because there were some things I wanted
    to say... First of all: James is better than ever. He really is. On cd
    he's undoubtably outstanding, but I've seen him live before when he really
    had a hard time hitting the high notes and seemed tired after a while.
    At the Graspop festival in Belgium last year, HE seemed blown away by
    the band. Now nothing of that was the case tonight. He was incredibly
    powerful (!), accurate AND a real frontman, I mean with LOADS of stage
    personality... Way to go James!! Teaching all thoug LaBrie-scepticists a
    lesson!! (Like you did on SFAM BTW).

    Second: they where playing INCREDIBLY tight. MP was definitely NOT sloppy,
    JR is GOD, JP cool and accurate as always, and JM even cooler and at least
    as accurate.

    Now, the setlist:
    Met.1 (completely!)
    Strange Deja Vu
    Just Let Me Breathe
    Lifting Shadows
    Paradigm Shift/Universal Mind (Medley)
    JR solo
    JP semi-acoustic solo
    Hollow Years
    Another Day
    Through My Words/Fatal Tragedy
    Erotomania (part)
    Peruvian Skies

    Pull Me Under
    Under A Glass Moon
    Only A Matter Of Time
    A Fortune In Lies
    Take The Time

    I'm not quite sure these are in the right order, but I think that's pretty
    much it. Hearing OAMOT and AFIL live for the first time was really
    special... Seemed that quite a lot of people didn't know those
    songs:-) Also, Jordan's solo is why I called him God earlier (being a
    keyboardist myself).

    So, all you Americans out there, you know what you can expect when they
    tour the US later this year. Be ready to be blown away.

    Two final remarks, in response to previous posts: I think the problems
    between the 'mike-guy' and the drummer of OFB haven't been solved, seeing
    how he pushed the mike away and gave the guy an angry look. Maybe it' just
    me, but I think it happened several times during the show. And to whom
    it may concern: at the very end, after the encore, the music that's
    playing from the record player inside Nicholas' house can be heard!



    |Peter Geerts ICQ:13122363 (weekend) "...And for an encore, Man |
    | proved that black is white |
    | and got himself killed on |
    |Political Science Student the next zebra crossing..."|
    |Leuven University, Belgium (Douglas Adams) |


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 19:51:40 -0800 (PST)
    From: Adam Perkowsky <>
    Subject: U.S. Tour Rumor
    Message-ID: <>

    Hello everyone,
    I have heard from an unreliable source that the third
    artist on DT's U.S. tour is none other than the
    popular Turkish accordian player (and sex machine)
    Mahir Cagri. For more information on this incredible
    superstar, click on this link:

    Be sure to check out the links section of Mahir's
    site, including his song on and even join the
    very popular Yahoo Fan Club!

    Take care,
    Adam Perkowsky
    NP: Mahir's Greatest Hit! :)

    P.S.-For those who already know about the Mahir
    SOONER!?! :)

    "It's such a fine line between stupid and clever" -- Spinal Tap
    Do You Yahoo!?
    Bid and sell for free at


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:04:08 EST
    Subject: First post
    Message-ID: <>

    This is my first post to this mailing list. I'd just like to say that I am a
    huge Dream Theater fan and think they kick some ass. Years ago I was at a
    local bar (in Binghamton, NY) and saw a poster advertising Dream Theater. It
    was a small bar, and could probably only fit 100 or so people comfortably.
    At that time I knew nothing about Dream Theater and did not attend the show.
    What was I thinking?! If only I had known that they would turn out to be one
    of my favorite bands.

    I have been on the list for the past few months and have enjoyed reading all
    the postings. It's nice to see that some people have good taste in music. I
    think all of DT's CDs are great. Didn't really care for Charlie's singing on
    WDADU. But as for the others, they kick ass! Even FII, which many of you
    don't seem to care for. Is it that you don't like it, or just think it's not
    up to the usual DT standards? I for one really enjoy it compared to the
    other crap that's out there today.

    I was wondering how many of you have heard Ayreon's "Into the Electric
    Castle". I received it in the mail the other day and have really enjoyed it.
     The sound is fantastic, and the vocals are some of the best I've ever heard.
     Especially Sharon Den Adel and Anneke Van Giersbergen. Beautiful!!!

    Thanks for the interesting posts! Looking forward to DT in concert in 2000!!!


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:29:22 -0500
    From: "Josh Calkin" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Re: SFAM: Is it just me?
    Message-ID: <006101bf2d8f$a90df260$>

    It's fantastic, but
    > when you listen to it in just bits and pieces, it's not as satisfying as
    > whole. Here's my ranking:
    > Awake
    > SFAM
    > IAW
    > LATM
    > OIAL
    > ACOS
    > WDADU

    Remember the thread about it seeming to some people as if FII never

    Josh Calkin:
    ICQ: 22473371
    AOL IM: Mortua
    IRC: Mortua


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:41:44 -0700
    From: "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: Mahir Cagri for GOD!
    Message-ID: <001501bf2d91$819fbae0$>

    > Mahir Cagri. For more information on this incredible

    That's incredible! A wonderful example of how the internet works. The
    guy's demo tape went platinum in two days. Wonderful stuff. :) I can never
    hear anyone else play Lady of Spain on the accordian again. What precision!
    What talent! What machismo!

    I hope he doesn't overshadow DT and the Dregs with his presence. Wow. Now
    I really can't wait for the "Tour of the New Millenium!"

    Move over Menudo, here comes Mahir!

    KorgX3 has Mahir for his desktop wallpaper.  What a stud.
    NP: Metropolis, Part I, The Accordian and the Saz (I took out all of the
    middle instrumental section and inserted Mahir playing "Lonesome Polka."
    You'd be amazed at how well it fits.)


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:35:42 -0500 From: Joe DeAngelo <> To: Subject: Pink Floyd Message-ID: <>

    Brian Deuel said: > >Man, do I ever agree with you. Even when I WAS a druggie, they put me > >to sleep. They were boring, and will always BE boring.

    Hmmmm.... personally I find them completely entralling, and I'm not even a druggie! :)

    - Joe D.


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:44:47 -0500 From: "Daniel T. Chen" <> To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 5181 Message-ID: <>

    Benjamin Gateno wrote: > > It's REALLY ccol that there are some Cynic fans here (especially one named > Sasha...I have the coolest cat in the world...named Sasha!). People > always rag on them because of the Death vocals. I understand I guess but > that seems to be the only thing people comment on, totally missing out > that they're KILLER musicians (I actually like Sean Reinert WAY more than > Portnoy, but that's my opinion.)

    I love Cynic. It is truly unfortunate that they don't exist as a "unit" any longer, since _Focus_ is one of the best albums ever released on any medium. I actually agree with you on Reinert; MP is awesome, but Reinert just seems to have more "groove" (as a former jazz bassist and drummer-- albeit not very good at either-- that means a *LOT*).

    Ever since I began listening to more diverse genres of metal, I have ceased to really notice the cookie monster growling-- in fact, it seems to add "character," if you know what I mean. ;-)

    I also love Eric Johnson. The bootleg I'm currently listening to is absolutely amazing-- granted, it's not "progressive" or "metal" by any means, but his technique and tone bring tears to my eyes.

    > Aghora is the answer to haters of cookie monster vocals. The female > vocals are THE coolest things I've heard since, well, the new DT. I can't > wait to get my hands on that album.

    I actually have a taped demo of a few Aghora songs, and I agree that they are amazing. Do you listen to Nightmare, Tristania or Within Temptation? What about Nightwish? Theater of Tragedy? (Gee, I could go on forever... ;-)

    > Email me if you want to talk Cynic, as I love Cynic fans. I'll tell you > about when I had dinner with Sean Malone....the greatest moment of my > life!!! Take care everybody!

    Wow, you *MUST* tell me about it! =) Sean is an incredible "groove" bassist-- I think the only other bassists I have heard that quite have that "groove" mentality are Tony Levin and the bassist that virtually always plays with John McLaughlin (his name slips my mind currently...).

    See you 'round on the 'jam!


    -- Daniel T. Chen NP : Eric Johnson - Desert Rose-> Top of the Mountain (Live in Boulder, CO)


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:53:15 EST From: To: Subject: Burning My Soul/Hell's Kitchen Message-ID: <>

    Got a question for everybody. Just wondering, what does everyone think is better: Burning my Soul WITH Hell's Kitchen as a part of it or both of them as 2 seperate songs like heard on FII? I think I prefer them together. Just wondering...Oh, and does anyone know what specific parts of SFAM contain the original version of Metropolis Part 2? -Mike


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 02:29:53 EST From: To: Subject: Re: Burning My Soul/Hell's Kitchen Message-ID: <>

    >< Got a question for everybody. Just wondering, what does everyone think is better: Burning my Soul WITH Hell's Kitchen as a part of it or both of them as 2 seperate songs like heard on FII? I think I prefer them together. Just wondering...Oh, and does anyone know what specific parts of SFAM contain the original version of Metropolis Part 2? ><

    I like Hell's Kitchen and BMS to be separate from each other. Basically, BMS ruins the whole thing. In fact, I'd like Hell's Kitchen to be separate from both BMS and Lines In the Sand (yes, I don't like LITS). Hell's Kitchen stands out on that album, and it would stand out even more if it didn't flow in/out from another song. For me, it ranks as one of DTs best instrumentals along with Eve and Overture 1928.

    Speaking of the latter, I read in an interview and Mike said that the only parts of the original M2 were used in One Last Time and Overture 1928. I may be mistaken about O1928.


    np - neal morse; s/t


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 13:29:22 +0600 From: shams <> To: Subject: Man Woman Chemistry (NDTC) Message-ID: <>

    Sorry guys,

    But have to share this with fellow jammerz


    Element: WOMAN Symbol: Wo Atomic Weight: 120

    Physical Properties: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may freeze anytime. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if not used well.

    Chemical Properties: Very active. Possesses strong affinity to gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. Violent when left alone. Able to absorb great amount of exotic food. Turns slightly green when placed beside a better specimen. Ages rapidly.

    Usage: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for disintegration of wealth. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.

    Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.


    Element: MAN Symbol: XY Atomic Weight: 180 100

    Physical Properties: Solid at room temperature but easily gets bent out of shape. Fairly dense and sometimes flaky. Difficult to find a pure sample. Due to rust, aging samples are unable to conduct electricity as easily as young, fresh samples.

    Chemical Properties: Attempt to bond with Wo any chance it can get. Also, tends to form strong bonds with itself. Becomes explosive when mixed with Kd (element Kid) for prolonged period of time. Pretty basic. Neutralize by saturating with alcohol.

    Usage: None really, except methane production. Good samples are able to produce large quantities on command.

    Caution: In the absence of Wo, this element rapidly decomposes and begins to smell.


    Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:44:39 PST From: "Dave Peterson" <> To: Subject: Devin Townsend Demo? Message-ID: <>

    At, I found a listing for: Christeen + 4 demos (EP): $19.99

    Does anybody have this and if so, what's on it? Is it worth getting?

    - Dr. Teeth

    ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 14:02:48 +0600 From: shams <> To: Subject: **SPOILED**Now whos gonna save me??? Message-ID: <>


    I got THE album last thursday and uptill now that's the only thing I've been listening to all weekend. (We have only one day off -Friday)

    As usual, I was sitting if front of my sterio dumbfolded for the fist five or ten listenings. The most surprising thing is that the kind of influences that DT pulls out in the album. Definitely, a big nod goes to Floyd's Wall also Money (DSOM), Final Cut. But I think one pleasent nod was to Freddy Murcury <SP?> of Queen. specially Labrie's stuff. IMHO

    Musically, What can I say that's not been said already. But, I loved the Ragtime part and the solo after that in DoE. Right after that I can't seem to figure out where the music was going. maybe some more listens will clear it.

    The only reason this album is more accessable to a lot of new ears is because many of the songs are songs rather than just riffs and complex melodies. I guess avg people just like to float with the rhythm and the catchy chorus while doing something else. With DTs music you kinda have to pay attention to whats going on all the time.

    Well, I got what I wanted. Both musically and lyrically stimulating a real diverse album. I know they won't be coming to Dhaka but if you guys are comign around Calcutta, I'll be there, even if means to spend the whole day standing for a visa ;-)




    Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 00:41:24 PST From: "Dave Peterson" <> To: Subject: NEW DEVIN NEW DEVIN NEW DEVIN!!! Message-ID: <>

    Further clarification of my last e-mail. Available for sale right now: Christeen + 4 demos At MuchMusic it's $19.99, but I checked Devin Townsend's website (Do a search on Yahoo for Devin Townsend or HEVYDEVY) and it says that they're selling it for $10.00!!! It's Christeen and the other four songs are NOT on any of his past releases!!!

    Needless to say I immediately ordered it, along with a $20.00 Ocean Machine t-shirt!

    Here's the best part. The ordering process is kinda make-shift (but I'm willing to take that chance for Devin) so I had to fax my Credit Card info into them.

    The fax didn't go through (it's a phone/fax number and it was busy) so I called the number directly and a woman answered.

    I asked if this was HevyDevy records and she said "Yes".

    I then asked if she knew Devin, to which she replied "Yes, he's my husband."

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!

    I gave her my ordering information, (she told me it would be sent out to me on Monday), then asked what he's up to these days.

    She said that he's "in the basement right now" recording his new CD. It's called "Physicist" (or something to that effect). She said it's somewhere between Strapping and Ocean Machine in terms of heaviness. She also said (kiddingly) that it's Strapping-light and (kiddingly) that it's a mix between Strapping Young Lad and The Spice Girls. She says it should be done in February and available at HevyDevy in March. Whenever it gets distributed to CDNow and whatnot is up in the air.


    The phone/fax number I called is 1-604-460-1263. Although I'm sure they'd love to receive orders and talk a little about Devin's stuff, new and old, please respect that it's probably their home phone number. Don't abuse this number!

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