YTSEJAM Digest 5368

Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 11:42:34 EST

  • Next message: : "YTSEJAM Digest 5369"

                                YTSEJAM Digest 5368

    Today's Topics:

      1) you off-topic bastards!
     by Joe Bissonnette <>
      2) RE: jected
     by "Herbert, Jason" <>
      3) Poof
     by Jon Parmet <>
      4) What is it with f*#$in' guns?
     by "Brad Watt" <>
      5) Re: america
     by NuGgeTMaN <>
      6) Re: Public Hangings / Parenting?
     by NuGgeTMaN <>
      7) parenting license
     by "Fran Brennan" <>
      8) Ignorance, Guns, etc...
      9) Re: YTSEJAM digest 5363
     by "gaz" <>
     10) one more Atlanta Review
     by Eric Joseph Desobe <>
     11) Is the jam fun or what!!!???
     by NuGgeTMaN <>
     12) RE: Public Hangings / Parenting?
     by "Lisa Marie Palma" <>
     13) guns guns everywhere... (NDTC)
     by "Lisa" <>
     14) parenting
     by Teresa <>
     15) Yet another Atlanta gig post
     by (Robert Denni)
     16) Re: BIG GUNS (mondo part 3)
     by Al Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
     17) Payne's Gray [some ndtc]
     by "Daniel T. Chen" <>
     18) Politically Corrected...
     by "Paul Evans" <>
     19) Felatio opposed to Diplomacy?
     20) > Advocates of gun control, take note! <
     by "Korg Ecksthrey" <>
     21) Re: Nationalist snobbery
     by Andrew Coutermarsh <>
     22) Off to Orlando and Pompano
     by "Wade A. Caudle" <>
     23) Re: YTSEJAM digest 5367
     by (steven larue)
     24) Re: YTSEJAM digest 5367


    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 15:42:34 -0600
    From: Joe Bissonnette <>
    Subject: you off-topic bastards!
    Message-ID: <>

    Let me preface this by stating I do own a gun, and enjoy shooting it. Guns
    can be used safely and can be fun. That said I have 3 points to raise. I
    don't intend this as a knock-down argument against gun ownership, just as a
    response to things you hear gun owners say over and over and over and.....

    1. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns just make it easier.
    It is illogical to want to take guns away from people because they are not
    the source of bad behavior, but a simply a tool. In fact guns reduce
    violence by making criminals scared. Reductio ad absurdum: Nuclear weapons
    don't kill people. People kill people. Nuclear weapons just make it
    easier. We should distribute nukes to people so that criminals will be
    very afraid. (So what if the occasional disgruntled postal worker offs a
    metropolis (DTC) or two.) As long as there are people who want to kill
    people any implement that enhances their ability to do so is a danger to
    society. "Dar... george, but what about a car... couldn't someone kill a
    person wit der car?!" Important difference: cars are useful and
    essential. The only uses for guns are entertainment and to kill things
    (the one is not essential, and the other the source of the problem in the
    first place). Cost/benefit analysis here, it's not that hard.

    2. Bad parenting, or a lack of parenting is almost certainly the primary
    cause of violence among kids. But it is the easy availability of guns that
    makes youth violence so deadly. Saying it's the parents and not the guns
    we should deal with ignores one major fact: We cannot (unfortunately)
    regulate the parenting
    (, but we can
    regulate guns. Something is better than nothing.

    3. So criminals will still have guns. Big fucking deal. Look at the most
    publicized gun violence incidents over the last year or two. Without fail
    the perpetrator is NOT a lifelong criminal. They're fucked up kids and
    washed up wackjobs. Two of the fastest growing segments of the population.
     People who would have a difficult time getting guns if they were illegal.
    And don't even try to tell me that the manufacture, distribution, and sales
    of guns wouldn't be easier for enforcement agencies to target if they were
    all illegal. Hell, just the increase in price due to them having to be
    distributed on the black market would keep them out of a lot of people's

    Firearms are not bad things in and of themselves, but the sheer number of
    them floating around in this country, combined with the ever-decreasing
    amount of judgement and stability shown by the people who use them is a bit
    frightening. The vast majority of gun owners are certainly upstanding,
    trustworthy citizens, but that still leaves an awful lot of people with
    guns who absolutely, positively should not have them. I mean they're fun
    and all, but I'm willing to give up my right to have a gun if it means we
    can take them away from those people, cuz, man, it just ain't worth it.



    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:36:08 -0500
    From: "Herbert, Jason" <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: RE: jected
    Message-ID: <6D70903196D4D11190680008C728A61D026B1E27@HQEXS01>

    >from Zircon the Blue:
    >> THAT country. The problem is that NONE of us should be telling other
    >> countries that our way is better and trying to change them. Europeans,
    >> Asians, Australians, etc. do not and can not understand our culture, and,
    >> therefore have no right to comment on how we do things (within our
    >> Similarly, we Americans have no right to tell them they should do things
    >> way. Personally, I think labor unions in France wield entirely too much
    >I guess it's fair enough for you to hold this position, but consider the
    >situation. If, as you say, other countries "have no right" to involve
    >themselves in the activities taking place within another country's
    >borders, then surely you believe that no country was justified in actively
    >trying to put an end to the Holocaust. Similarly, imagine some country X,
    >who, as per some cultural norm, put out their cigarettes in little
    >orphan's eyes. You might be outraged (unless you're a moral relativist,
    >in which case again, who's to say, right?), but surely we, within OUR
    >borders, have no right to say what's going on within THEIR borders.

    Hmmmm....Good point. I had a whole long response on when it was OK to
    interfere and when it wasn't; then I realized that there's no way to
    generalize all of this. So, I'm just going to let it go here.

    -Zircon the Blue


    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 21:52:24 +0000
    From: Jon Parmet <>
    Subject: Poof
    Message-ID: <>

    > On 22:38 2000/03/01 -0800, you wrote:

    The everpresent 'you'. Personally I think he's the one to blame for
    EVERYTHING! How many EOJs does 'you' have? I'm jealous!

    > > Guns are not, nor have they EVER been the problem..
    > Damn straight!! Guns always get the bad rap.

    mmmmmheheh, he said 'rap' trying to draw that old 'rap causes violence'
    argument back into the jam.

    > But I've recently learned it's actually the bullets that kill people!!
    > HTH,

    More than you realize :) You may onto something there, bro!

    #1 Arm EVERYONE with a gun
    #2 All real bullets are replaced with adorable, soft, semi-sweet
    chocolate pellets.

    You gotta problem with someone? Fire off a few rounds of those joyous
    morsel poofs. Of course, the nano-probes will detect when the target is
    allergic to chocolate and immediately dial up the integrated
    replicator/transporter interface, changing the chocolate into a
    Nutrasweet fake chocolate alternative mid flight.

    Instead of just letting problems bounce off your shoulders, now you can
    lick them off. :P


    Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 07:54:05 +1100
    From: "Brad Watt" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: What is it with f*#$in' guns?
    Message-ID: <>

    I Love shooting, hunting etc, I live in Australia and the gun laws here =
    are so tuff I think I will have to give up the sport. So what is it with =
    fuckin' gun in the US. Why would a 6 year old boy have a fuckin' gun, can =
    someone tell me that. My guns are so heavily locked because of police =
    reg's. I think I'll keep play music fuck the gun's.




    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 17:01:22 -0500
    From: NuGgeTMaN <>
    Subject: Re: america
    Message-ID: <>

    Bafu is a goddamn genius...nuff said. wrote:

    I agree completely. Intentions don't come from human beings, it's those pesky
    inanimate objects.


    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 17:07:40 -0500
    From: NuGgeTMaN <>
    Subject: Re: Public Hangings / Parenting?
    Message-ID: <>

    I have been saying this for YEARS!!! People should have a damn breeding
    permit...idiots should NOT be allowed to breed period! I also say all white
    trash should be shipped off to some third world island so they can kill
    eachother off over a goddamn truck...but maybe that's just a little too

    Andrew Coutermarsh wrote:

    > On another related subject, this discussion also brought forth from my
    > mouth the comment that people should get a license or permit from the
    > government or the state that says that they are allowed to raise kids,
    > having met all the necessary requirements.


    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 14:05:49 PST
    From: "Fran Brennan" <>
    Subject: parenting license
    Message-ID: <>

    Andy Coutermarsh wrote:I say that it doesn't matter. Good riddance - we
    have enough starving and
    ill-treated children in this country, and we don't need any more, if all
    that's going to happen is that they'll be abused or ignored. We don't
    need that and neither do they. We have a license to operate a car, yet
    anybody who wishes to may raise a child? Bullshit - we need to limit
    this. Why do they feel that it should be allowed to pass on their genes
    even when those genes shouldn't be shared with the rest of the world? I'm
    sure we've all heard the phrase "snuck back into the gene pool when the
    lifeguard wasn't looking," and yet nobody ever acts upon it. People that
    are just plain stupid or who have proven that they can't raise a healthy
    and nurtured family just plain SHOULDN'T be allowed to do it.

    I agree with you, but this sounds an awful lot like Dilbert. Shame on you
    for not giving credit ;^)


    np: Apocolyptica plays Metallica by Four Cellos
    If you've heard of them, it's pop, if you've never heard of them, it's Salsa
                   -Jeff Fuller, on classification of latin music
    Get Your Private, Free Email at


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:05:16 EST
    Subject: Ignorance, Guns, etc...
    Message-ID: <>

    Okay, I have a few thoughts to give....
        I have to agree with the person who said they were sick of all the
    killing, and about the gangs and all willing to kill because of skin color. I
    really am disgusted with it, and to be repetitive and verbose, it makes me
    very, very sick. When I heard about the 6-year-old child killing a fellow
    classmate, I was stunned. I don't even know WHAT to say. There was an add in
    an old Rolling Stone mag that read something like "Bob's father hid his gun
    so well that it took Bob 6 years to find it..." and continues "....The gun
    was in one part of the house, and the bullets in another. How did Bob manage
    to kill himself?" They switched the names and all for the family's sake, but
    in any case, it got to me for a few reasons, one because I was slightly
    depressed, and two it made me think of what that kid could have had later. I
    think that if someone feels the need to have a gun, they keep it in a locked
    place or something, or at least keep the bullets in a locked place. I don't
    think it should necessarily be illegal for people to have guns or anything,
    but there are way too many idiots out there who really don't know how to
    respect the weapon itself, and know what to do with it. Maybe they don't have
    morals, or maybe they're just stupid. Yes, I am being a little ignorant
    there, so I'll rephrase...Maybe they have DIFFERENT morals than I do, but I
    really can't say I know what they are. I personally don't like hurting
    people, even if I don't like the person. I just don't believe that anyone has
    a right to harm someone else if that person didn't do anything to them. Let
    me give you an example: If I killed you, you'd have a right to kill me. You
    can't do that very well, now can you? Why? If you couldn't figure that out
    it's cuz you're DEAD. In the same way, if I punched you, you'd have a right
    to punch me back. But, you see, I didn't have a right to punch you in the
    first place. I believe that people should be punished with the exact same
    thing that they did to the other person. I'll bring up an old issue here....
        The shootings at Columbine...the two kids killed themselves. How cowardly
    is that? They obviously knew what was coming to them, and they couldn't deal
    with it. They couldn't take the punishment in this life that they truly
    deserved. They killed just to kill, in my opinion, and if you didn't like
    what they liked when they asked you, well too bad cuz you're dead. They asked
    a girl (as I would assume you all know) if she believed in God. She answered
    yes. Boom. Dead.
        I personally believe in God. That's just what I believe in. I also
    believe it is really not right to kill. How can someone just go out and kill?
    What, is it FUN? Do they take PLEASURE in seeing people die and bleed to
    death? That truly makes me sick. I see no reason for people to kill. If they
    didn't have guns, would they still kill? Or would they be too afraid to do it
    with their own hands? If you asked every person who killed someone on
    purpose, consciously or subconsciously, I think a good deal of them would say
    something about that person making them angry, or hurting someone that they
    loved/liked, and I know for a fact, one man would have answered you that the
    person took a french fry off his plate. A fucking french fry!!! Honestly, who
    in their right mind would kill for a FRENCH FRY?! Now that, my friends, is
    just really, really messed up. We live in a very fucked up world, and you
    can't deny that. Sure, there are good parts of it, few though they are, but
    please really take a look at this place, and tell me how good it is. There
    are people who say there isn't much you can do to change things, but I say
    that there is really a hell of a lot you can do to help things, and change
    them for the better. One person can make a difference, if they try.

    The Katastrophey


    Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 09:13:55 +1100
    From: "gaz" <>
    Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 5363
    Message-ID: <>

    > Gaz wrote smugly:

    Nope I wasn't being smug at all, this whole thread is very sadening
    and leaves me feeling quite hollow when these things happen.
    I merely said that this sort of things (seem to) happen in the USA
    more than any other country....

    > > "only in America."

    Read what I said, it's a commonly used phrase by news readers
    and the media here, I can't recall any 6 year old murdering anyone
    in any other country :)
    > Abject bullshit, Graham. Or have you forgotten that terrible
    > incident where several people were shot and killed in a one-hour
    > killing your own FUCKIN' beloved Australia? (It was
    > within the last two years, too.)

    The last massacre I can remember is the one in Tasmania, while
    I can't remember the exact date, it was a good while back.
    I can count the number of times this sort of thing has happened on
    one hand, it's very rare that something like this happens in our
    'beloved' country.
    Where as in your wonderful country it seems to be happening far
    more frequently, like almost on a weekly basis.

    Your country is better than mine ?
    Apples and oranges Paul.......


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    'If you don't have a sense of humour or are too stupid
    to understand sarcasm don't complain to me, because I don't
    give a shit'


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:14:56 -0500 (EST)
    From: Eric Joseph Desobe <>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: one more Atlanta Review
    Message-ID: <>

    Here, hopefully, are some other things not mentioned about the Atlanta

    1. JP was really damn loud. Normally that is a good thing, but poor
    Jordan was barely audible. Though I asked him about this in an interview
    before the show and he said that is cool with him. He understands the
    keys are probably going to be lower in the mix in any rock band. When
    asked if he thought the album mix didn't put him high enough, he shrugged
    and said that is cool too because even if you can't hear him he wrote so
    many of the riffs that it is basically like him playing anyway.

    2. Steve Morse hit on my girlfriend after the show. Pretty cool

    3. James mistakening my "great show" comment for "hey, great drumming."
    Perhaps he is tired of being a lead singer :)



    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 17:17:57 -0500
    From: NuGgeTMaN <>
    Subject: Is the jam fun or what!!!???
    Message-ID: <>

    With all this talk about guns, and old jammers, and americans versus all other
    nations, and Dr. Mosh being a total BADASS...I don't think I've ever had this
    much fun reading posts to the jam in the 6-7 (yikes) years I've been subbed to
    this list...THIS, ladies and germs, is E-mail entertainment at it's best!! Each
    and every one of you (even the opinionated europeans) is just completely
    fucking awesome in your own wacked...goffy kind of way, I just want to thank
    each and every one of you for helping to occupy my boredom at work...special
    thanks to Mosh, Korg, Bafu, and all the non-Americans that help make this list
    a complete riot! May the ytse-god not interfere (Skadz) with the flaming and
    stuff cause it's just tooo funny!

                                       - needs to lay off the powerbars (tm) and OJ


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 14:22:30 -0800
    From: "Lisa Marie Palma" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: RE: Public Hangings / Parenting?
    Message-ID: <000301bf8495$cc8ed710$>

    Andrew Coutermarsh wrote:
    > That sounds an awful lot like George Carlin, Lisa. Shame on
    > you for not giving credit. ;)

    Hahaha! Actually that was just an idea an old friend and I have been
    kicking around for a few years - I had no idea it was Carlin material.
    Sincere apologies!

    (hoping plagiarism isn't a hangable offense...)

    Lisa Marie Palma
    DJ Jessie -


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:14:57 -0600
    From: "Lisa" <>
    To: <>
    Subject: guns guns everywhere... (NDTC)
    Message-ID: <002001bf8495$2f58b740$70a84b0c@lil-dragyn>

    A most interesting thing happened... after reading (read: skimming and
    deleting) about 100 posts, 80% of which were about guns, a trigger-happy
    america and a gun-shy europe/australia, I saw a info-mercial sponcered
    by the NRA.
    They were interviewing Australians who where pissed off because their
    guns had been taken away and now they had to barricade themsleves in
    their houses with super security systems because of a rising crime rate.
    Also they were interviewing South Africans who where trying to get the
    right bear arms, because a number of towns and villages where attacked
    and the citizens were defenceless because the attackers all had guns and
    no one or very few, living there did.
    They probably talked to more places, but I only caught the tail end of
    it. Very weird coincidence. At any rate they then went off on how
    everyone in the US should join the NRA immediately or else they to would
    be living barricaded in their houses for fear of their lives. (The must
    have forgotten those in montana/texas/etc who already do this, and they
    have plenty of guns and bombs and rocket launchers to protect their

    Just thought I would share. BTW, any idea how true this is? Or is it
    just propaganda drummed up by the NRA to scare people into joining up?
    Or maybe it was the silver bullet they get for free that is engraved
    with the signature of Charlton Heston or some such person.

    How about them Dream Theater people! Don't they rock?! :}

    ~Lisa, who prefers to shoot at people with her finger.. *ready, aim,
    YtseDrgn on IRC ~ ICQ# 42437079 ~ YtseDragyn13 on AIM
    "/me does the telekinetic bitchslap dance." ~Christopher W. Ptacek
    "aawwww fuck it!" ~Mike Portnoy "You suck" ~Al - The


    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 17:21:04 -0500
    From: Teresa <>
    Subject: parenting
    Message-ID: <>

    I agree completely! There are a lot of people out there who should not be allowed to have
    kids. If people had to take tests and get a license to be parents then that would stop a
    lot of child abuse, mistreatment, and neglect and it would also stop teenagers from having


    > On another related subject, this discussion also brought forth from my
    > mouth the comment that people should get a license or permit from the
    > government or the state that says that they are allowed to raise kids,
    > having met all the necessary requirements. People disagreed with me,
    > saying that there are a lot of people who wouldn't be allowed to raise
    > children even if they WOULD be good parents.
    > I say that it doesn't matter. Good riddance - we have enough starving and
    > ill-treated children in this country, and we don't need any more, if all
    > that's going to happen is that they'll be abused or ignored. We don't
    > need that and neither do they. We have a license to operate a car, yet
    > anybody who wishes to may raise a child? Bullshit - we need to limit
    > this. Why do they feel that it should be allowed to pass on their genes
    > even when those genes shouldn't be shared with the rest of the world? I'm
    > sure we've all heard the phrase "snuck back into the gene pool when the
    > lifeguard wasn't looking," and yet nobody ever acts upon it. People that
    > are just plain stupid or who have proven that they can't raise a healthy
    > and nurtured family just plain SHOULDN'T be allowed to do it.
    > -------------------------------------------------
    > Andrew Coutermarsh
    > Cloak on IRC
    > ICQ: 2513441
    > -------------------------------------------------
    > Never pet a burning dog.
    > -------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:20:29 -0500 (EST)
    From: (Robert Denni)
    Subject: Yet another Atlanta gig post
    Message-ID: <>

    This is my second ever post on here so be gentle please! March 1st was
    my first DT experience and let me say that it was better than i could
    have imagined. It started with the signing at Mars music, where I got a
    picture and a drum head signed. Even though I am 30 years old, I still
    was a babbling idoit at the table trying my best to compose myself. But
    Rod and Mike were totally cool . So off to the show! Like someone had
    posted earlier, I took the Star People for just entertainment only and
    not to take them seriously. I enjoyed the set, however I must wonder
    how it is worth going through all the trouble of set up and tear down
    for a group that plays only 25 minutes. Anyway shortly after, the
    Dregs. I was hoping that they didn't do encores in other places, that
    way our encore would be that more special. I was also very pressed with
    the "trading 4's " section on cruise control i think it was. Anyway DT
    rocked the place as we all know now. Someone else had mentioned not
    liking the monitors with the images and text. I enjoyed it thinking it
    was done perfectly with the music. Also, I don't mind the mistakes that
    happened (Rods stands falling and PMU). I think of it as a personalized
    show that nobody else got to see!


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:18:29 -0500 (EST)
    From: Al Balkiewicz <balkiewi@UMDNJ.EDU>
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Re: BIG GUNS (mondo part 3)
    Message-ID: <>

    On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Jon Parmet wrote:

    > of a high speed train i was on which stopped in Frankfurt, and which
    > people didn't show the least little bit of fucking courtesy and pushed
    > their way on, not letting us get off. at 2:30 am, and then after the
    > train had been there not even 30 seconds, the train type guy on the
    > out here in Boston, we get out outa the friggin' way to let our fellow
    > humans exit the subway train first.

    That's what's wrong with you friggin' Bostonians, you're too nice.
    Reading that story, I thought that you were talking about New York! :)
    Damn Red Sox fans..... :)



    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:25:01 -0500 (EST)
    From: "Daniel T. Chen" <>
    Subject: Payne's Gray [some ndtc]
    Message-ID: <>

    Hi guys and gals,
            I had a tremendous time at the Baltimore show, thanks to OFB and a
    very receptive audience (and I mustn't forget the Dregs, who were
    absolutely amazing)! =)
            Just happened to wander by a music shoppe and picked up a
    *stunning* Payne's Gray album entitled _Kadath Decoded_. Reminds me of
    Pain of Salvation's _One Hour by the Concrete Lake_ but *much* more
    experimental, so to speak. Some nuggets of prog rock/metal in this one,
    guys and gals, so give it a spin if you can!
            Thanks again to the 'jam for introducing me to some superb music.


    Daniel T. Chen


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 14:31:44 -0800 From: "Paul Evans" <> To: "ytsejam" <> Subject: Politically Corrected... Message-ID: <021201bf8497$16e55680$>

    The dreaded Brian Hayden muttered: (that has a nice ring to it...)

    >on 3/2/00 11:11 AM, Paul Evans said way too politely for my taste: >> There've been plenty of posts from the American side, claiming somehow that

    <snip my own polite stuff>

    Jeez Brian, I'm sorry if I offended you... ;-)

    See, I'm trying to be funny here. I think...



    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:38:36 EST From: To: Subject: Felatio opposed to Diplomacy? Message-ID: <>

    In a message dated 3/2/00 4:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    << This from a guy who said that world peace would come about if you took the two leaders of feuding countries, locked them in a small room, and told them that they couldn't come out unless one fellates the other. After that kind of thing happens, whether you give or receive, and regardless of the homosexual nature of it, the two guys (I'm assuming guys even though it's not PC) would be so out of it that hatred would be totally forgotten. >> Can anyone say utterly repulsive and disgusting? I doubt seriously that this theory would translate well into the real world...

    The Spirit Carries On, Brian


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 15:37:59 -0700 From: "Korg Ecksthrey" <> To: <> Subject: > Advocates of gun control, take note! < Message-ID: <002601bf8498$205e2740$>

    So you would like to ban guns?

    An unfortunate side-effect of this issue is (as I've mentioned before) that the sudden removal of guns from the system would cause an extreme social disorder. Remember something called prohibition? The government decides that alcohol makes people irresponsible and decides to ban it. What happened? Crime skyrocketed! People started making their own liquor (moonshine) which was not only illegal, but VERY unhealthy, people drifted in and out of speakeasies and once-responsible people were in deadly competition with each other over selling the illegal booze. Remember, more often than not the authorities would turn a blind eye to these happenings as well simply because they were given the opportunity to "skim off the top" so to speak. You can't say anything to convince me now that these people in authority are any less corrupt now than they were back then.

    So what will happen when you take away guns? Not much to John Q. Public. He'll go about his life. But there will be people who will be manufacturing their own weapons in their basements. You'll have some whino sitting on the street corner peddling bullets for a couple of bucks to feed his drug habit. It's not going to make things better. You'll just have a new dark, seedy facet of society to waste taxpayers' money for the police to deal with.

    And in the end, the people who go whacko and want to go on a killing spree will still do so. If a person is suicidal and wants to take people with him, money is no longer accountable is it? The gun could be 3 times normal costs, but the guy won't have anything left to do with his money but buy some shabbily-constructed, basement-crafted masterpiece and head on over to McDonald's to pop some Big Mac sized holes in people now, would he?

    If you think gang violence is bad now, just wait until they're the only ones with the guns! They'll make sure that no ambulance could show up in time to save your ass as the last thought racing through your head before the bullet does is, "why won't somebody help me?" Because you left them defenseless to, that's why.

    It's a give or take situation. I see it as more of a take. -- KorgX3


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:42:10 -0500 (EST) From: Andrew Coutermarsh <> To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Re: Nationalist snobbery Message-ID: <>

    On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Kenn de Mello wrote:

    > > Nicely said. I've always been of the philosophy that the only country > > or culture you have a right to criticize is your own. However, I'm > > constantly surrounded by people here in Texas, who yell at me, > > screaming that I'm a pink traitor and love it or leave it. According > > to them, you should never criticize your own country, but because > > we're so great, it is our patriotic duty to criticize others'. No > > joke. > > > > Personally I think it shows love and respect for a country to want to > > change it. It show s that you at least care about how things are going > > there, and are not blindly accepting everything. > *snip, hack, chop* > > Did you vote? Less than half of americans vote. They (we) don't have > the right to criticize. As for change, HA. I have heard alot of > people say they want to change something, but take no measures to > initiate change.

    Oh, come on, Kenn, you KNOW that voting does absolutely no good. In today's culture, the popular vote means NOTHING, except in the case of a tie at election time. In this case, what good does your vote do? Nothing. In this day and age where our Representatives and Senators don't even listen to the people of the state they're supposed to represent, what good does it do at all? None.

    The only way you can initiate change is to become one of those representatives, and the only way to do that is to become fake. This will destroy your original beliefs to begin with; it's just a vicious cycle.

    ------------------------------------------------- Andrew Coutermarsh Cloak on IRC ICQ: 2513441 ------------------------------------------------- "No one wants to fuck with a crazy person. If someone tries to mug you, The best thing you can do is take out your money, and piss on it while mumbling and ranting. Chances are, they'll get scared and leave you alone. Of course, you'll have to wash your money." - Norman Calkin, on urban survival -------------------------------------------------


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:45:22 -0600 From: "Wade A. Caudle" <> To: <> Subject: Off to Orlando and Pompano Message-ID: <000b01bf8499$057cf040$57450cd1@slash>

    Look for the Ytsebird car at Orlando and Pompano - we'll reward you with a beer if we have any left. The old timer with us is the Notorious B.I.G. S.W.I.F.T.Y., and myself and Joel will be the ones about to pop out of our skin waiting for our first live DT experience (though long time fans).

    Thanks to all of you who have posted your experiences of the shows so far. I don't know of any other band that has such a musically mature fan group ready to excite each other like this. I now know that after this 600 mile drive, there will be a grand prize of DT at their best.

    And for those others, I've already deleted your pitiful whining and I'll have a fucking great time anyway!



    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 15:45:35 -0700 (MST) From: (steven larue) To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 5367 Message-ID: <>

    i am getting too much mail from you and it is clogging my box. please unsubscribe from mailing list.


    Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:47:25 EST From: To: Subject: Re: YTSEJAM digest 5367 Message-ID: <>

    In a message dated 3/2/00 4:33:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    << My mom taught German at a highschool for over 20 years. Her school then decided to start an organized program to get rid of ALL foreign languages in her school, except for Spanish. The official reasoning was "Since we're in Texas, it's the only one that's practical, and everyone should speak English anyway". So the counselors would talk people out of taking her German class until she had only about 10 German I students. THen they told her that if she wanted to keep her program she had to have 20 German II students by the next year. Obviously that's not going to happen. This is an example of what I was talking about. We don't even bother to educate ourselves about other cultures anymore. >> I agree totally. Although I think the lack of schools not giving a complete education is not merely limited to foreign cultures. Has anybody been involved in a music program lately in a public middle or high school in America? When I was a freshmen in highschool, there were 8 active music classes. When I graduated, there was only 3 left (chorus I, music appreciation and chorus II). The state of the current public education system is a god damned tragedy. Apprently, the local governments and state governments that do the budgets for school programs apparently think that only math, english and science are necessary to create a well rounded well functioning member of society. Until something changes, we're going to create a society full of robots who don't comprehend artistic expression, who don't know anything about other cultures and societies around the world.

    The Spirit Carries On, Brian


    End of YTSEJAM Digest 5368 **************************

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