Re: Crack the Sky

Date: Sun Sep 10 2000 - 05:37:54 EDT

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    >Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 09:36:52 -0400
    >From: "Dave Neff" <>
    >A friend of mine gave me a tape of a band called
    >"Crack The Sky" and I think they sound almost exactly
    >like Echolyn. Way good stuff! Anybody know about them?

            Crack the Sky is one of my favorite bands. They are from
    the western Pennsylvania area and eventually made Baltimore, Maryland
    their home. They have done a few "reunion" concerts in Baltimore over
    the past few years, but I don't think they plan to make any new albums.
    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!
            Their first albums are from the late 70's and early 80's.
    They have a kind of quirky, but enjoyable style and have some prog
    tendencies in the vein of Rush and Queen (though not really like
    either one). Their lyrics are often fairly amusing (which is what
    makes me think of Queen). They just make cool, fun songs, with
    interesting music (good use of dynamics and great melodies).
            In the early 90's they came out with a 'comeback' album
    called "From the Greenhouse". The title track got some airplay in
    Pittsburgh and maybe a few other places. That album is more Pink Floyd
            If you want to try other albums, I'd recommend their first
    album, which is just called "Crack the Sky". I also like "Safety in
    Numbers" which was the first album I heard of theirs. Animal Notes
    and White Music are also pretty good. I wouldn't recommend any of the
    albums after Safety in Numbers, execpt for "From the Greenhouse" unless
    you already have the others.


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