YTSEJAM digest 5986

Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 15:44:17 EDT

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                                YTSEJAM Digest 5986

    Today's Topics:

      1) Re: Brazil and lack of respect
     by "Rob Pociluk" <>
      2) Brazil and lack of respect
     by "Maarten Braakhekke" <>
      3) Re: Brazil and lack of respect
     by "Rob Pociluk" <>


    Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 22:37:18 -0400
    From: "Rob Pociluk" <>
    Subject: Re: Brazil and lack of respect
    Message-ID: <>

    Unless you were at the show, I seriously doubt you have a clue as to the context. Sure they shouldn't do it but why did they do it???
    Typical response from people I see. When was the last time Americans supported a country when it wasn't in OUR interests?
    Please don't try preaching to me on this one. We trained Bin Laden!!! How can you not say this is OUR problem that WE created?
    Unfortunately, we as a nation just want what sounds good rather than the truth of the matter. That's all I'll say on this.


    ---- Begin Original Message ----
     From: "Paul W. Cashman" <>
    Sent: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 12:49:38 -0700 (PDT)
    To: Multiple recipients of list <>
    Subject: Brazil and lack of respect

    > Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 09:36:30 -0400
    > From: "Rob Pociluk" <>
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: his is sad - LONG POST
    > Message-ID: <>
    > The really sad part is that if the tables were turned and the bombing had been in Brazil or elsewhere, and a performer from that
    > country forced their patriotism on us...the response would have been the same.

    I disagree almost completely. If someone had flown two airliners into
    skyscrapers in Rio de Janeiro, with coverage all over CNN, the U.S. and
    the world had outpoured help and assistance (as we would have), and an
    artist from, say, Sweden then paid tribute to Brazil on a U.S. stage, I
    can't imagine an American audience responding in the same way. Cut it
    any way you like, the Brazilians' response to Malmsteen was

    > We cannot expect people from other countries to all
    > just on this global bandwagon. Ultimately, this is our problem...

    Nope. Terrorism is the world's problem. Just ask the Brits, or the
    Israelis, or the Italians, or.....

    > Bin Laden or whoever is our problem.

    I'm sure the Buddhists who watched their ancient idols destroyed in
    Afghanistan by the Taliban regime would disagree. So would the

    > Some countries might be willing
    > to help, some might even be willing to sing the National Anthem.
    > We should not be so egotistical to think that everyone will.

    Of course not, but it's not egotistical to expect a little fuckin'
    respect for 6,000 dead civilians from 80 different countries. There
    were almost certainly some Brazilians killed in the attack, too.

    > It's
    > that typical American behaviour that got us in this position. End of sermon.

    Wrong. It's typical -terrorist- behavior that got us into this
    situation. But that discussion belongs elsewhere.... :)

    +--- Paul W. Cashman,  ICQ 4151223  ----+
    |      Website:         |
    |                     or  :)               |

    ---- End Original Message ----

    Dream Theater : The Official Site - ____________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE Web and POP E-mail Service in 14 languages at


    Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 12:21:20 +0200 From: "Maarten Braakhekke" <> To: <> Subject: Brazil and lack of respect Message-ID: <>

    > > The really sad part is that if the tables were turned and the bombing had been in Brazil or elsewhere, and a performer from that > > country forced their patriotism on us...the response would have been the same. > > I disagree almost completely. If someone had flown two airliners into > skyscrapers in Rio de Janeiro, with coverage all over CNN, the U.S. and > the world had outpoured help and assistance (as we would have), and an > artist from, say, Sweden then paid tribute to Brazil on a U.S. stage,

    I disagree with you on this one. I myself am from the Netherlands and I think the general response to the attacks in my country and also in the rest of the world was VERY hypocrital. Terrible stuff like this, and worse, is happening every day and has been happening for decades if not centuries all over the world. Consider, former Yougoslavia, Cambodja and lots of countries in Africa. If thousands of people die in some far-away third world country where things are bad already you rarely hear about it in the news anymore but when the supposedly untouchable America is attacked, the symbol of our freedom, our prosperity and democracy all of the world starts crying, putting out the flag and having three minutes of silence. Heck, even we have only two minutes of silence for the WW II, and millions of people died then. And what about the thousands of Afgan fugatives in Pakistan who are starving at the moment, because of the American threats? I haven't seen ONE request for donations for that yet while I must have seen 50 for America by now. And these people REALLY need it, because Pakistan is a LOT poorer then America. I'm not saying it's bad that people mourn for what happened but then we should mourn every day, for all the other stuff too. However I do agree with you about what happenen het Yngwie's concert. There NO excuse for what the audience did that day, not the cancelling of opening acts, nor playing the star spangled banner. I personally would have left the stage and not come back and I can really understand Dereks reaction.



    Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 08:28:05 -0400 From: "Rob Pociluk" <> To: Subject: Re: Brazil and lack of respect Message-ID: <>

    Exactly what I was trying to say. Well put.

    ---- Begin Original Message ---- From: "Maarten Braakhekke" <> Sent: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 03:25:30 -0700 (PDT) To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: Brazil and lack of respect

    > > The really sad part is that if the tables were turned and the bombing had been in Brazil or elsewhere, and a performer from that > > country forced their patriotism on us...the response would have been the same. > > I disagree almost completely. If someone had flown two airliners into > skyscrapers in Rio de Janeiro, with coverage all over CNN, the U.S. and > the world had outpoured help and assistance (as we would have), and an > artist from, say, Sweden then paid tribute to Brazil on a U.S. stage,

    I disagree with you on this one. I myself am from the Netherlands and I think the general response to the attacks in my country and also in the rest of the world was VERY hypocrital. Terrible stuff like this, and worse, is happening every day and has been happening for decades if not centuries all over the world. Consider, former Yougoslavia, Cambodja and lots of countries in Africa. If thousands of people die in some far-away third world country where things are bad already you rarely hear about it in the news anymore but when the supposedly untouchable America is attacked, the symbol of our freedom, our prosperity and democracy all of the world starts crying, putting out the flag and having three minutes of silence. Heck, even we have only two minutes of silence for the WW II, and millions of people died then. And what about the thousands of Afgan fugatives in Pakistan who are starving at the moment, because of the American threats? I haven't seen ONE request for donations for that yet while I must have seen 50 for America by now. And these people REALLY need it, because Pakistan is a LOT poorer then America. I'm not saying it's bad that people mourn for what happened but then we should mourn every day, for all the other stuff too. However I do agree with you about what happenen het Yngwie's concert. There NO excuse for what the audience did that day, not the cancelling of opening acts, nor playing the star spangled banner. I personally would have left the stage and not come back and I can really understand Dereks reaction.


    ---- End Original Message ----

    Dream Theater : The Official Site - ____________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE Web and POP E-mail Service in 14 languages at


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