Re: Tool-ish

Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 13:31:30 EDT

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    >Isn't anyone just a little bit disappointed that yet another
    >group is gonna sound "a bit tool-ish" ? I was expecting something
    >different from a line-up like that . As great as Tool is , it seems
    >that everything comes down to tool-tool-tool lately . Oh excuse me .
    >Tool - ish .

            I wouldn't be disappointed if a band could actually pull it off.
    The problem is that while some bands might be able to have Tool-ish
    music they are lacking one thing: Maynard. He makes Tool, IMHO. Without
    him they'd just be a good alternative/prog-metal band. With him they
    are a musical force of nature. Very few bands have a singer who adds
    to the music like Maynard does.


    P.S. Of all the alleged Tool-ish bands, Earshot comes the closest so far
    I think. They have good music and good vocals.

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