Re: New band, Winds

Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 02:23:12 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 6190"

    >it out. Winds--Reflections of the I. It is out on The End Records. It
    >is the same company that put out one of my favorite records of the year,
    >Green Carnation -- Light of Day, Day of Darkness. The album is
    >prog-metal. It is a concept album as far as I can tell. All of the
    >instrumentation is top notch. The vocalist doesn't have a huge range
    >but he can sing. One reason I do like the vocals is that they don't
    >sound wimpy/cheese. There are some interesting elements to their sound.
            And of course the obligatory next post: you can find some mp3s


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