Re: Star Wars music

Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 18:39:54 EDT

  • Next message: "YTSEJAM digest 6209"

    >Since we're a music-related mailing list, I thought I'll point out a few
    >of the musically brilliant things I found out in Eps II:
    >1) First of all, John Williams is simply a genius. No doubt.
    >2) It is well-known that Star Wars has 3 main musical themes: the main
    >theme, the Empire theme (the most known one) and the Jedi theme (more
    >common in Return of the Jedi); throughout Eps II I caught glimpses of
    >those themes. What was really cool to me is that every time Anakin has
    >done something bad that leads him more towards the dark side, a little
    >bit of the Empire theme appears. At first, it was just a few notes, and
    >as the movie developed, the appearances became longer, and in the ending
    >sequence, the whole glory of the Empire theme bursts! I was near

    [SPOILERS for Star Wars Attack of the Clones]

            Yes, the music in Star Wars is fantastic. Williams does a
    great job using the old themes to tie things together. It makes the movie
    much stronger than it would be otherwise. Another theme shows up when
    Anakin is about to go look for his mother and is standing outside the
    huts on Tatooine. They play Luke's theme which directly ties into the
    scene from the original Star Wars movie when Luke stood in nearly the
    same place as the suns set. Also did you notice how Anakin's shadow
    on the hut looks like Darth Vader? And the just after that the music
    breaks into the Duel of the Fates -- one of the best of the Star Wars
    themes. Very cool.
            I've seen it three times now and liked it better each time.
    There are about 4 scenes that are too stiff, cliched or awkward for my
    tastes (the main one being when Anakin and Padme are sitting on that
    sofa), but the rest of the film is fantastic. After Phantom Menace I
    didn't think that Lucas could make a movie which would have me believe
    that Anakin could turn to the dark side, but he did. Plus, the way that
    Palpatine is playing both sides against each other, killing off the Jedi
    in the process is wonderful.


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